
The Strandline

New York State Marine Education Association Newsletter 
March 2014


President's Note

Dear NYSMEAns, 

Photo Credit: American Princess Cruises

We have a lot going on here at NYSMEA!

Thanks to all who attended our Seal Cruise earlier this month.  



We have several events coming up in the next few months: 


Our Annual Share-A-Thon will be held on Sunday, April 27th at Teachers College, Columbia University in Manhattan. Join us for a variety of hands-on activities to use in your classroom or informal education center.  Have a great activity to share? The Call for Presenters is now open, click here to apply to present a hands-on activity. Email Nordica for more information. Presenting is a great way to boost your resume, plus you will earn a discounted registration rate for our October 25th conference.  


Don't forget to save the date for the National Marine Educators Conference in Annapolis from July 21-25th. Registration is now open. Interested in being nominated for a scholarship to attend? Email me to find out more information.  


I hope to see you at one of these events soon! 






Meghan Marrero, Ed.D.
NYSMEA President
Seal Cruise

Our Seal Cruise on March 2nd was a great success! We had a great time aboard American Princess Cruises along with the Gotham Whale organization. We saw a record number of seals -- 48, plus a snowy owl and we did some water quality monitoring. Click here to view the photo album. 

Photo credit: NYSMEA



Long Island Sound Educators Conference: Registration Now Open

SENEMENYSMEA, The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk, Connecticut Sea Grant, and the Long Island Sound Study present the 2014 Long Island Sound Educators Conference, being held on Friday, April 25, 2014 from 8AM to 4PM at the Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk. 
The conference includes an IMAX theater presentation on the "Great White Shark," behind-the-scenes tours at the Maritime Aquarium, a Marine Life Study Cruise opportunity, and a variety of workshop sessions conducted by local educators representing schools, universities, museums, and other organizations leading the way in estuarine education. 
Featuring Keynote Speaker, Dr. Charles Yarish, Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut 

Photo credit: Charles Yarish, UConn

Dr. Yarish has developed an internationally known laboratory for seaweed research and aquaculture at the UCONN Stamford campus. He has published extensively and has received numerous extramural grants and awards. Seaweeds have significant value in US agriculture as organic fertilizers, feeds, as well as functional foods, nutraceuticals, and alternative medicinal products. 


"An Introduction to Seaweed Aquaculture in Long Island Sound and Other Urbanized Estuaries in North America"


The lecture will be an introduction to seaweed aquaculture systems that are relevant to meeting market demands in Northeast America and improving water quality through nutrient bioextraction in US coastal waters. Yarish recently co-edited a new book Long Island Sound: Prospects for the Urban Sea. Two signed books will be raffled off following his talk! 


Register before April 1, 2014 to receive an early bird discount! Registration includes admission to The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk, the IMAX theater presentation, parking, participation in workshop sessions, and a one year membership or renewal in SENEME or NYSMEA.

If you have any questions, please contact Amy O'Neal at (860) 572-5955, ext. 165 or aoneal@searesearch.org



NYSMEA Share-A-Thon

2012 ShareAThon  
April 27, 2014 9:00am-12:00pm
Teachers College
Columbia University
Science Education Classroom
404 Zankel Hall
525 W. 120th Street
New York, NY 
Join the New York State Marine Education Association and New York Sea Grant for a morning of sharing your favorite hands-on marine-science related activities, techniques, and lesson plans with K-12 classroom teachers and community environmental educators.  


If you have any questions, please contact Nordica Holochuck, NY Sea Grant's Hudson Estuary Specialist, at 845-340-3983 or nch8@cornell.edu.

NYSMEA Partner:  
invites high school and college students interested in pursuing a marine career to attend this unique FREE 



FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014, 9AM - 5PM

Holiday Inn (across from the Meadowlands) 

300 Plaza Drive, Secaucus, NJ 07094


Meet exhibitors representing a variety of marine careers. Learn from professionals and gain expert insights from presentations by industry leaders and you participate in hands-on learning experiences. 



Beneath The Sea� is a nationally recognized source of education about the ocean environment and host of the largest consumer oceans exposition and dive travel show in America.



Admission to Marine Careers is FREE, but you must pre-register as space is limited!





NYSMEA meetup at SciCafe 


On the first Wednesday of each month, the American Museum of Natural History hosts a SciCafe with guest speakers! Join NYSMEA members for cocktails, cutting-edge science, and conversation at this popular after-hours series. Get the details about the speakers here and email Lisa for more info.

Strandline (n): the high water mark; the area at the top of a beach where debris is deposited.


Long Island Sound Educators Conference April 25, 2014
NYSMEA Share-A-Thon April 27, 2014
National Marine Educators Association (NMEA) Annual Conference - Annapolis, MD - July 21-25, 2014
NYSMEA Annual Conference - October 25, 2014

Find more events at our Calendar page. 


DID YOU KNOW? NYSMEA Updates its website every month, so be sure to visit the links below for new Web postings!  

Join NYSMEA!  

NYSMEA holds an annual conference, periodic meetings, lectures, workshops, field trips, and boat trips
. Learn a lot, have a great time and meet some talented, energized educators with a passion for water, just like yours!  


Not a member?
Click here and join for only $20 a year.


Expiring March 2014 members can renew now on the NYSMEA website. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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The New York State Marine Education Association (NYSMEA) is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization that exists to promote marine awareness and encourage the growth and exchange of instructional resources.