New York State Marine Education

Association Announcement 




Annual Holiday Party and Lecture
Saturday, December 7th
Meeting 4PM, Dinner and Lecture 6:30PM


Please join us for our annual holiday gathering, with
Keynote Speaker Dr. Chris Gobler of SOMAS

Dr. Gobler's extensive publications in top journals are testament to his expertise in the areas of plankton ecology and the ecological functioning and trophic status of estuaries. He examines the factors that promote plankton growth, including both natural and anthropogenic factors and how plankton influence large-scale phenomena such as carbon and nitrogen cycling and global climate change.

This event is free to current NYSMEA and Long Island Marine Association members. Guests/nonmembers - $10. All are welcome. Need to join NYSMEA or renew your membership?  Click here.

Dinner will be a combination of heroes, provided by the Treasury, and potluck appetizers, side dishes, and desserts provided by attendees.  When you RSVP
, please indicate what you will bring.  Please note that because the event will be held on federal property, alcoholic beverages will not be permitted this year. Please RSVP as soon as possible!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family from NYSMEA!
Questions about the event or need more information? 
Email Meghan Marrero, NYSMEA President 
c/o NY Sea Grant
146 Suffolk Hall
Stony Brook, NY 11794
Questions? Call or email us!