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See You at the Fair!
Ignore those "Back To School" advertisements a little longer and squeeze the very best out of this last month of summer!  It's time for the Clark County Fair!  The 2015 Clark County Fair promises to be the "best ever" providing you and your family with endless entertainment and excitement.  Don't miss the featured exhibits and the Carnival Midway! Visit the Comcast Kids Park and Westfield Vancouver Mall Kids Stage for kids' contests, local entertainment acts and pony rides. Keep an eye out for the Riverviwe Community Bank Clark County Fair Court that will be on grounds, and check out 4-H Events and the Junior Livestock Auction. There is amazing free grandstand entertainment and concerts  for plenty of family fun.  We hope to see you at the fair!


August is just beginning, but summer in the Pacific Northwest is well underway, and the heat is on!  Hopefully you've been enjoying the warm weather and the beautiful sunshine, knowing that in this neck of the woods, it won't last forever.  We hope that business has been hot as well and that you've had a busy and successful summer season. 
And speaking of hot, if all the data reports on recent home sales have left you feeling a bit jumbled and confused, you may be wondering if the housing market is still hot.  Click here for a helpful article on making sense of the latest home sales data.
If you've been out house-hunting with your clients during this longer-than-normal heat wave, you may be desperate to find ways to stay cool and make that part of your job more bearable for everyone.  This Hot Weather House-Hunting Survival Guide may be just the help you've been looking for. 
While you are out working or playing, we hope you'll stop in to visit with us, (and maybe enjoy a bit of air-conditioning!)  We are standing by, ready to answer any questions or assist you with all of your business transactions. Stay cool!



Your Friends at Clark County Title 


TRID Goes Into Effect October 3!
It's official!  The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced their decision to move the implementation date back for the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure rule to October 3rd.  This change bodes well not only for the lenders providing loans and looking to adhere to the new guideline, but also for consumers. The extension provides an opportunity for everyone to better prepare for the transition. Clark County Title is ready and waiting to help ease you through this transition and assist you in all your business transactions.
Generate Business Buzz
In the world of real estate and small business ownership, marketing is key.  With greater numbers of people getting their real estate licenses and an increasing number of websites claiming to provide buyers and sellers with all the information they need, creating "buzz" is key to really getting your business off the ground.  Click here to read an article with some quick tips that will help you create positive buzz around your business and gain traction in your target market. 

Using Social Media to Quickly Expand Your Client Base



Looking to take advantage of the booming popularity of social media in your business?  Are you frustrated or intimidated by the process and the idea of making it work for you?  Click here to read an article with some helpful ideas on expanding your client base in just five minutes and creating strategic posts that will help build your sales using social media.



Contact Us

1400 Washington St., Ste 100 · Vancouver, WA 98660

(360) 694-4722 · Toll Free (877) 501-9635  · Fax (360) 694-4734