Need a Quick Seller Net Sheet? Have Multiple Offers?
If you've answered "yes" to either one of these questions, Cowlitz County Title has a solution for you with our new Seller Net Sheet tool which can easily be accessed from our website.
With just a few input fields, the Seller Net Sheet instantly calculates a seller's net proceeds! And the best part about our Seller Net Sheet is that it uses actual rates, and not averages, therefore giving the user the ability to create and compare up to three different transaction scenarios and view them side by side. The User Profile Management tool also enables users to set specific default settings that appear on all client-provided net sheets, such as contact information and commission values. Through this tool, users also can define and set costs for any real estate service category, such as home inspection, home warranty, or any other customer category chosen.
For more information on how to access this valuable tool on our soon to be mobile website, contact me at