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Keep Your Resolutions in Front of You!     

Surveys show that the resolutions we make in the New Year usually don't last past the end of the month of January. 
Why not invest in a little fun decor for your home that will also serve as a reminder of your goals?  Click here to shop for some fun and colorful home decor sure to motivate and inspire!



Or maybe it's the dark and dreary season  that's stifling your motivation.  Read here for 6 inspired ways to beat the "winter blahs".


It's a brand new year, and we know you have big goals and a plan for  achievement.  Our goal at Clark County Title is to continue to provide you with speedy, accurate title and escrow service from a team of experts with a wealth of knowledge.  And we're celebrating a little extra this year because Clark County Title was once again named "Best in Business" by the Vancouver Business Journal!

Let us know how we can partner with you in 2015 and help you to build momentum as you launch into a new year and a fresh start!  May 2015 be your best year yet!


Your Friends at Clark County Title
Drink This! Vancouver
January 22, 2015 at Downtown Vancouver, USA, Vancouver, WA from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. 

This Vancouver USA favorite promotes craft beverage makers (beer, wine, coffee, tea, soda, cider, spirits...) by inviting the public in for a special walking event to each business. Special beverages, tastings, and an opportunity to meet and chat with the actual producer of the beverage. 
Click here for more information on this popular event!

2014's Most Viewed Listings

If you're going to dream, dream big!


A look back at 2014's most viewed listings shows that not only do we like to dream, we like to take a peek into other people's dreams (and dream homes!)  Enjoy this look at the top 15 most-viewed home listings from 2014.

Contact Us

1400 Washington St., Ste 100 · Vancouver, WA 98660

(360) 694-4722 · Toll Free (877) 501-9635  · Fax (360) 694-4734