
In This Issue
Meet Johnna!
Food & Children's Clothing Drive
Planning for a Great Thanksgiving
Cascade on Facebook
Cascade Title:  Consistent, Courteous and Complete Title & Escrow Services

Scott Hogan
Manager/Vice President

Business Development

Escrow Officer/LPO

Escrow Officer/LPO

Escrow Officer/LPO

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Meet Johnna

Meet Johnna Johnson, Cascade Title's new Director of Business Development. Johnna was born and raised here in Clark County. Over the years she has been amazed at all of the great changes in Clark County, but also has a desire to share the county's wonderful history.

"I used to catch the school bus at the corner of Bella Vista Road and Hwy 14. On a good day we would count as many as six cars go by. Imagine a bus stopping there now!  I encourage everyone to visit every Museum and historical site that we have here. There are some great things to learn about the area. The small town has grown, but the small town feel is the same, and that is a great thing. So proud to be a native of Vancouver."


Food & Children's Clothing Drive! 
Cascade Title is a proud supporter of the Share program!  Join us in  our efforts to collect children's clothing and food for the Share Backpack program

These donations benefit some of the 31,700+ children in Clark County who receive free and reduced-meals at our schools during the week, but are unsure whether they will have a meal on the weekends.  For further details and a list of the most-needed items,  please click here.

Donations may be dropped off at the Cascade Title office at 404 E. 15th St. Suite 12, Vancouver 98663 or contact Johnna Johnson at 360.695-1301/360-567-9105 (cell)

Planning for a Great Thanksgiving


The kitchen i
thanksgiving-dinner.jpgs said to be the heart of the home.  Especially during the holidays, it becomes a pivotal gathering place and a major thoroughfare.  The average cook will spend close to 18 hours in the kitchen preparing a Thanksgiving feast.  With that in mind, one of the greatest challenges in holiday cooking is clearing out the traffic so you have room to finish your preparations.  Redirect the foot traffic with this inspired idea.  For an added treat, check out this list of Top 10 Thanksgiving Cocktails and enjoy a selection of delectable and warming beverages for your guests and the chef!
And as with so many other things, a little planning ahead can eliminate a lot of chaos.  Read these simple tips that will help you keep your kitchen organized on Thanksgiving. 

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404 E. 15th St., Suite 12, Vancouver, WA 98663
Office  (360) 695-1301
Toll Free (877) 695-1301
Fax (360) 695-2358
