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Cooking Up a Great Holiday!     

They say the average cook spends 18 hours in the kitchen preparing a Thanksgiving feast.  If that's true, any device that makes food preparation easier is much to be desired.  With that in mind, click here to view 9 awesome gadgets that may streamline your work in the kitchen this year.


Then again, maybe the traditional Thanksgiving celebration at home isn't your cup of tea.  Perhaps you're looking to break the "traditional holiday mold" a little this year.  For some fun ideas for an unusual Thanksgiving adventure, check out this article!




"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend."

                    - Melody Beattie


The skies may be darkening, the weather cold and blustery, the days growing shorter, but there is nothing like a thankful heart to help us weather any storm.  We are so thankful for each and every one of you and are wishing you and yours a holiday filled with friends, family, good will and warmth.


Your Friends at Clark County Title
Clark County Holiday Gift Fair
With a variety of festive activities planned and thousands of gift ideas, the annual Holiday Gift Fair is sure to become a favorite family tradition! The fair takes place Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 18-20, 2011 at the Clark County Event Center. Click here for more information.

Put Video to Work for You!

Did you know that the #2 search engine behind Google is Youtube?  Video is an increasingly powerful means of communication and a potentially untapped resource in the world of real estate. The possibilities go far beyond simple "video home tours".


Click here to read up on some cutting edge ideas for putting the world of internet video to work for you and your business.

Contact Us

1400 Washington St., Ste 100 · Vancouver, WA 98660

(360) 694-4722 · Toll Free (877) 501-9635  · Fax (360) 694-4734