
In This Issue
The Mud is Coming!
Cascade Title Celebrates 15 Years!
An Apple a Day
Cascade on Facebook
Cascade Title:  Consistent, Courteous and Complete Title & Escrow Services

Scott Hogan
Manager/Vice President

Business Development

Escrow Officer/LPO

Escrow Officer/LPO

Escrow Officer/LPO

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The Mud is Coming!

We have a plan to keep mud out of your listings!  As the record-breaking Summer and Fall give way to the inevitable rain and mud of Winter, Cascade Title is pleased to announce that we have "bootie boxes" available!  The boxes come with several pairs of booties for people visiting your listings to wear, so they don't need to remove their shoes. 


Realtors can also print a "Please remove your shoes" sign from our website, by clicking here.  While you're at, check out our Staff page, GFE Quote Calculator and other ways Cascade Title can help you in your real estate business.  We're here to help!

One more year and we'll be able to drive!  Cascade Title Celebrates 15 Year Anniversary!
Cascade Title turns 15 years old this year!
Cascade entered the Clark County real estate market in 1999.  Since then, we've enjoyed the loyalty of many of the best Realtors and lenders in the area.  We're excited to participate in the growing real estate market of 2014, and hope to have a chance to work with you soon! 
If you're worried about teenagers behind the wheel, please know that we're part of a safety-conscious family of title and escrow professionals that have been in the title business since 1909!  Now, that's a history of excellent service!

An Apple a Day...


Summer may be winding down and the harvest all but over, but autumn in Washington state is the height of apple season! Not only are apples delicious and versatile, but they are also incredibly healthy, known for reducing cholesterol and lowering the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. Click here to learn more about the amazing health benefits of this "superfruit".


Jane Austen once said, "Good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness." Perhaps this is overstating things a bit, but there's no denying the sense of well-being that accompanies the sweet smell of baking apples.  Click here to view enough comfort-laden apple recipes to ensure culinary bliss, if not domestic bliss.

We're back on Facebook!

Join Us On Facebook! Like us on Facebook! Check out our Facebook page and give us a big thumbs up!


404 E. 15th St., Suite 12, Vancouver, WA 98663
Office  (360) 695-1301
Toll Free (877) 695-1301
Fax (360) 695-2358
