It's already time to start planning your costumes and getting ready for the Halloween fun! (Check out the articles, at left, for some great ideas -- then come by the office and show us how you look!)
As you move into the fall season, we'll be here to make sure your transactions close smoothly -- all treats and no tricks!
Your Friends at Clark County Title
Haunted History Walking Tours in Clark County!
Join the Clark County Historical Museum on Fridays and Saturdays through October on their "Haunted" walking tours of downtown Vancouver. Start a great family tradition -- and learn some fascinating history in the process! For more information, go to the Clark County Historical Museum website.
Managing Expectations
One of the hardest parts of working in real estate is being able to manage the expectations of your clients and deliver on variables that are often outside of your control. Learning to predict and manage the expectations of the people you're working for can make all the difference in gaining a referral -- or a lifelong detractor. Click here to learn more about managing expectations.
Contact Us
1400 Washington St., Ste 100 · Vancouver, WA 98660
(360) 694-4722 · Toll Free (877) 501-9635 · Fax (360) 694-4734