What's the hottest video craze sweeping the far east? It's "Woody's Golf Yoga," featuring our own Terry Woodruff showing his amazing putt-measuring yoga poses. Sure to thrill and delight, you can order your video online today. (Not suitable for children under 16 or those with a strong aversion to the sound of arthritic crackling.)
Pam McCormick -- Art gone wild...
 While many of us are secretly jealous of Office Manager Pam McCormick's beautiful log home, and her ability to turn trash into amazing works of art, the reality is that our own Mrs. McCormick has been sidelining as a guest star on "hoarders." Turns out she's got a secret second home where she cozies up to her recycle bin. "I can breathe easy here," she says. "I can wash and reuse all the ziplocs wasted at work. I'm currently spinning them into crystalline yarn and knitting sweaters for Melinda's dogs."
Forget Wimbledon: It's the US "Grunt" Open

It's a little-known fact that CCT's own Bianca Lemmons, while not a tennis pro, is in fact the world champion of "Court Grunting," as seen in competition photos above. Maria Sharapova, from whom Bianca stole the world title last year, may have a hearty slam-grunt, but Lemmons is known for the surprising depth and vibrance of her effort-induced grunt. She is currently seeking sponsorship for next year's tournament from area real estate agencies.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, April 9th, Noon - CEDC Annual Meeting, Cowlitz Expo Center. Keynote Speaker, Don Cardon, CEO of Cardon Development will be sharing his vision for downtown Longview. Don't miss it!
Saturday, April 13th - CASA "Through the Looking Glass to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party" dinner and auction. Contact Jon Trussell at (360) 703-4141 or Alison Peters at (360) 749-2524 for more information.
Wednesday, April 17th - Building Bridges - A Regional Business Showcase. 1:00-7:00pm. Anybody who owns or manages a business is invited to attend this showcase. For more information on reserving a table/booth, sponsorships or attendance, please visit the

What happens in Austin, stays in Austin...
 Some of you may have noticed that Theresa Campbell recently had a nice vacation to Austin, Texas. What you may not have heard about was her quickie wedding to crooning country superstar Lyle Lovett. Her current husband is still confused and wandering the empty venues of the SXSW shows. Theresa has been seen humming "Don't Touch My Hat" and teasing the crown of her hair to challenging heights.
 With all of the spiritual presence of a neon-glowing Pabst Blue Ribbon sign, Jason Hanson has developed a weekend sideline as the "Guru of Beer" for Cowlitz County. He provides beer guidance for thousands of Cowlitz County followers via his blog,
"www.letsgetdrunkandachieveahigherlevelof consciousness.com"
MBA Statistics Rates and Trends
The Mortgage Bankers Association application statistics can be an interesting picture of what's going on in the real estate market. Click here to read more on the most recent mortgage application survey. |
Recent Building Permits
Click here to view the Building Permit records for our area. |
Cowlitz County Title Is Now On Facebook Join Us Today!
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Happy Birthday To You!
April 2: Pam McCormick, CCT April 2: Ann Furman, RE/MAX Premier April 6: Kim Caskey, C-21 RE Lund April 9: Ashley Hartsoch, Twin City Bank April 10: Sue Lantz, Windermere April 10: Mike Lemmons, Republic Mortgage April 12: Barara Brusco, Cascade Pacific Home Loans April 12: Dennis Bird, Cascade Title April 14: Jason Hanson, CCT April 14: Don Rodman, Rodman Realty April 16: Matt Peters, RE/MAX Premier April 17: Sara Brunelle, Life Mortgage April 20: Billie Scroggins April 20: Sandra Irvin, C-21 RE Lund April 24: Duanna Coalman, Red Canoe CU April 25: Donna Hammond, Windermere April 27: Jeanette Almos, Windermere April 29: Dennis LaVoie, CBBain April 29: Chris Frye, Columbia River Properties April 29: Vicki Rigdon, Pacific NW Realty
Have we missed your birthday? Please contact the office of Cowlitz Title at 423-5330 to get you added to our birthday list.