
In This Issue
Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too!
Cascade Title Real Estate School
Cascade Title's Business Development Dept.

2011 Scott

Scott Hogan
Manager/Vice President

2011 Tamara

Tamara Linder
Sales Representative
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Cascade Title Manager explains: You CAN have your cake and eat it, too   

2011 Scott
Scott Hogan
Born and raised in Vancouver, I'm a strong "buy local" advocate. Cascade Title is local, too. Founded 13 years ago by a family with 100 years experience in the title insurance business, we're as strong as our Fortune 500 competitors! How? Our insurance policies are backed by the largest title insurance companies in the country. Just like buying car insurance from an agent, it's not the agent who writes a check if you get into an accident -- it's the big company who issued the policy. Local people who care, with national financial strength. You really CAN have your cake and eat it, too!



statisticsThe median price per s.f. for regular, arms-length sales in May was $91.17. For short sales, the median was $75.51/s.f. For bank-owned sales, $72.87/s.f.


There were 133 Notices of Trustee's Sale recorded, 47 bank-owned sales, and 16 properties purchased at Trustee's Sales.


If you want more statistics, we got 'em! Just call Eric Zilm in Customer Service at (360) 695-1301!

Did You Know . . .


classpic. . . Cascade Title has a real estate school? Our school presents Clock Hour Continuing Education Credit classes to Realtors. Most recently, we worked with a lender so they could offer clock hour credit for their sponsored appearance of a national, touring speaker. Do you need credits? Would you like to offer your agents more advanced education? Email!

404 E. 15th St., Suite 12, Vancouver, WA 98663
Office  (360) 695-1301
Toll Free (877) 695-1301
Fax (360) 695-2358
