March 10, 2015
A weekly newsletter to keep you connected.


Please click the button above to see the schedule for West District Missional Office locations. It is our hope that when you notice where we are planning our "office for the day" you will join us for conversation and share what exciting events are taking place in your places of worship and ministry. This office time is open to both laity and clergy. 


Blessings and Prayers,

The West District Staff




The schedule for 2015 charge conferences has been set! The format for meetings this year will be different than in years before. Instead of having one meeting for each cluster, we will have four regional charge conference meetings. Each church needs to choose which meeting to attend. Reports will be due to the district center no less than two weeks prior to the meeting chosen.


Because of limited space at each location, we will be limiting the number of churches that will be able to attend each date. Please contact Katie Swisher at the district office by email or telephone as soon as possible to reserve your church's chosen date and location.


Below is the schedule of charge conference meetings in the West District: 


Sunday, October 25th2:00 PMCrawfordsville First UMC
Sunday, October 25th6:00 PMMemorial UMC
Sunday, November 1st2:00 PMLinton First UMC
Sunday, November 1st6:00 PMBrazil First UMC
In an effort to keep this newsletter as concise as possible, we are listing local church events only on the district web site.  To view these events, simply CLICK HERE, and you will be directed to it.  If your church has an event you would like featured on this calendar, please e-mail the details to Katie Swisher at

Legislative/Social Advocacy Day
Thursday, March 12, 2015
9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
North UMC, 3808 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis


The purpose of the legislative day is to provide a forum of education on justice issues, create a context for how the issues intersect with faith, and prompt ways that the faith community can respond in advocacy. 

Click here for more details!

United Methodist Women of Indiana - Spring Retreat
April 17-18, 2015
Don Hall's Guesthouse
Fort Wayne, IN


Mark your calendars now!


Join your sisters in Christ and Pastor Corinne Boruff-Stucker as we "Shake Our Sillies Out" and listen to what God has for us!




West District United Methodist Women Spring Celebration
Saturday, April 25, 2015  at 10:00 a.m.
Fillmore UMC, 221 South Main Street, Fillmore

Please make plans to attend the West District UMW Spring Celebration on Saturday, April 25th at Fillmore UMC. Anne Bunch will be presenting a program entitled "Be Just. Be Green." 


Please RSVP by Saturday, April 18th. Child care is available for those who request when they RSVP. 


Click here to view the detailed flyer for this event! 


NEW Groves
NEW Davis
NEW Swisher
Rev. John Groves
Rev. John Davis
Associate Superintendent
(office) 765-276-4797 
Katie Swisher
District Assistant
(office) 765-276-4797
Preferred Telephone Hours:
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.