The Classical Association of the Middle West and South 
In This Issue
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Message from Antony Augoustakis, CAMWS President

Dear Colleagues, 

First of all, I would like to wish everyone a healthy and happy new year! Our annual meeting in Williamsburg promises to be one of the biggest in the history of CAMWS, and I am looking forward to seeing all of you in a month and a half! The program committee and myself faced the happy task of working through many proposals for panels, workshops, and individual abstracts this past autumn, and I hope that the variety, depth, and breadth of the program will be gratifying ( In addition to the many scholarly activities planned, you will also see that there is room for entertainment as well: I single out the screening of Antony and Cleopatra on Wednesday night and the presentation on Roman hairstyling on Thursday night. As always there will be plenty of food for the body and the soul at the banquet on Friday night, and this year, we are hosting a fundraising gala as part of the Campaign for CAMWS on Saturday night, with presentation of awards and a talk on archaeology and ancient texts!

As I mentioned in the Fall Newsletter, a number of new initiatives are now in place, such as the complimentary subscription to the Loeb on-line that comes with a CAMWS membership; in addition, we have allocated more money for the CPL awards and the School Group Travel grants, we have added a third Excavation and Field School Award and a second Fist Book Award, as well as opening the Manson Stewart Travel awards to contingent faculty. Starting in the fall of 2016, a new research grant for teachers will be available. Remember to apply for these awards and grants or encourage others to apply! And finally, I take this opportunity to invite you to contribute to the Campaign for CAMWS: no matter how small your contribution may be, it is money well spent! And do not forget of course to sign up for the gala of March 19!

There are many people I would like to thank for making all this possible, many of whom I will have a chance to recognize officially at the convention too: the heads of the local committee, Lily Panoussi and Georgia Irby; the many committees that have been working tirelessly on awards and grants; Peter Knox, who has proficiently led the Campaign for CAMWS; the student assistants at Monmouth College, who have been preparing a special mystery trinket as a souvenir; Tom Sienkewicz and Jevanie Gillen of the CAMWS office, who have been assisting me non-stop, even during the holidays, to ensure that everything is in good order for the upcoming meeting; and finally all of you, who in these difficult and financially tight times have made the commitment to come and present papers, lead workshops, or chair a session at the annual meeting.

I would like to wish everyone safe journeys this winter and in March as you travel to Virginia. At long last, the mystery of the presidential trinket will be solved in Williamsburg! 

Antony Augoustakis,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
President, CAMWS


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Report from Secretary-Treasurer, Tom Sienkewicz

Dear fellow members of CAMWS:


The 2016 meeting in Williamsburg is now just around the corner and promises to be one of CAMWS' richest in terms of programming and largest in terms of attendance. If you have not yet done so, I encourage you to read about the meeting at It is not too late to register for the meeting and take advantage of the many activities planned by President Antony Augoustakis and our colleagues at the College of William and Mary. Lily Panoussi and Georgia Irby, the co-chairs of the Local Committee, deserve special praise for all the effort that they have put into preparations for our visit to their campus and to Colonial Williamsburg. I, myself, still vividly remember the last CAMWS meeting in Williamsburg, in 1984, as one of the best I have attended, and fully expect that the 2016 meeting will surpass even that one in terms of scholarship, collegiality and good times.


Presenters are encouraged to upload handouts, PowerPoints, and other materials onto the CAMWS website at so that this information can be accessed on laptops, smartphones and tablets by attendees and even by those who are unable to attend the conference. Please note that these uploads will remain accessible indefinitely on this webpage, which, I hope, will serve as an important pedagogical resource and historical record of the meeting. Materials uploaded at the 2015 meeting are still accessible at If you would like to upload your material for the 2016 meeting (and save the worry about printing enough handouts for your audience), please contact me at [email protected] and I will give you instructions.


Please note two important business items for this meeting. First of all the minutes of the 2015 Business Meeting in Boulder are posted here: files/2015Busmtminutes.pdf. These minutes will be submitted to the membership for approval at the 2016 Business Meeting, which will take place 8:00-9:15 in Virginia D of the Williamsburg Lodge. Please take time to read these minutes in advance. Also at this business meeting, the membership will also be asked by the Membership Committee to vote on a motion to revise the membership categories for retirees. The text of this motion is printed in this newsletter and is also posted on the 2016 meeting page. Currently, retirees have only one membership option ($30 for full CAMWS benefits in CAMWS. This motion would create two retiree categories: retired active, with full benefits at the current rate of $30 per annum, and retired associate, with emails from CAMWS and the newsletter but no CJ or other benefits at no charge. The purpose of this change is to encourage our retired colleagues to maintain their contact with CAMWS even if they no longer wish to subscribe to CJ.


You might be interested to know that CAMWS has received an invitation from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, to host the 2020 meeting, and from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, to host the 2021 meeting. The Executive Committee will be reviewing these bids in the upcoming weeks and we hope to provide more definite information about these meetings in Williamsburg.


I would be remiss if I failed to acknowledge the invaluable work of Jevanie Gillen, who is the glue which keeps the CAMWS office firmly focused on its tasks. She and her student assistants have been very busy preparing for this meeting. In particular, they have been designing and manufacturing a very special souvenir for the 2016 CAMWS meeting. (It is a secret, but I assure you that it is worth coming all the way to Williamsburg to get one.)


Jevanie and I hope to see you at the 2016 meeting, where you will hear many outstanding papers, chat with friends both old and new, and enjoy the special ambience of Colonial Williamsburg. Please come.


Tom Sienkewicz,

Monmouth College,

CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer

[email protected]  


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2016: Campaign for CAMWS
Update from the Campaign Chair

Dear Colleague,

I am writing to remind you of upcoming deadlines for our 2016 Campaign for CAMWS, which will benefit our recently established Excavation and Field School Awards. To date many of you have contributed generously to this effort, earning our most sincere appreciation.

Important though it is to raise as much money as possible for this award, it is even more important that we raise awareness among our membership of the recurring need to support our Association. Toward that end we hope to achieve a participation rate among current and former officers of close to 100%. A gift received by early February will be acknowledged in the Program of the Annual Meeting, if you choose.

So if you have already made a gift, again we thank you. And if you are in the fortunate position of being able to add to your previous gift or pledge, we thank you again. If you have not yet been able to send a gift, please consider visiting the CAMWS website (, where you will find more information about the campaign and the different ways you can contribute.

And there is one other way that you can make a contribution. We encourage you to register for the gala dinner on Saturday, March 19 at the Williamsburg Lodge. All proceeds from the dinner will go to support the Excavation and Field School Award. The dinner has been substantially underwritten by members of the campaign committee, so your participation at the dinner will make a meaningful contribution. And it will be fun! In addition to good food, fine wine, and collegial companionship, you will enjoy Professor Jodi Magness' presentation on "The Huqoq Synagogue Mosaics: Archaeology and Ancient Texts." Jodi is the Kenan Distinguished Professor for Teaching Excellence in Early Judaism at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Since 2011 she has directed the excavations of a monumental, late Roman synagogue at Huqoq in Israel's Galilee ( In her brief presentation she will share with us some of the highlights of the stunning discoveries made there and their significance for understanding the history of the region in late antiquity. Please join us for a unique opportunity!

Thank you for all you do for CAMWS.

Peter E. Knox,
Chair, 2016: Campaign for CAMWS
112th Annual Meeting of CAMWS

at the invitation of
William and Mary Logo

March 16-19, 2016
Colonial Williamsburg Resort
Williamsburg, VA
Welcome from the Local Committee

"Come to Williamsburg" Video

Continuing Education Credits

Teachers who would like to earn Continuing Education Units (CEU's) for attending the meeting do not have to do anything in advance. When they arrive, they should simply ask at the CAMWS registration desk for a CEU application/evaluation form. Before leaving the meeting, they should return the completed form to the CAMWS registration desk. These CEUs will be provided free of charge by Monmouth College.

GSIC-Sponsored Events

The Graduate Student Issues Committee (GSIC) will once again sponsor both a panel and a workshop specifically designed to address the interest of graduate students. The panel, "Assembling a Teaching Portfolio for the Job Market" will take place on Thursday, March 17. The workshop, "Grad to Grad: Support for Current and Future Teaching Assistants" will take place on March 18. There will also be a special Social Hour on Thursday eventing from 9:45-11:00 pm (TBA, off-site). 

Ascanius Workshop

In conjunction with the CAMWS meeting, Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute is sponsoring a workshop entitled "Let's Learn Latin". This engaging workshop is intended for elementary and middle school teachers who do not currently teach Latin but who would like to begin to incorporate Latin into their classroom curriculum. This workshop will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 18, 2016 at the Williamsburg Lodge. This workshop is funded by CAMWS. Participation is free but pre-registration is required (before March 1st). A brochure is also available the Ascanius website.

Meeting Highlights

A free reception, hosted by the former presidents of CAMWS, will open the meeting, 8:00-10:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 16, in the Williamsburg Lodge. Between Thursday morning and Saturday afternoon there will be seven pedagogical workshops, fifteen panels, twelve paper sessions on a wide variety of pedagogical and scholarly topics, and ten roundtable discussions at noon on either Thursday or Saturday on a variety of topics including a Tabula Latina, the National Latin Exam, the CAMWS Translation Exam and "Teaching Classics in the First Year." The National Committee for Latin and Greek will sponsor a workshop entitled "Supporting and Mentoring New Teachers: A Tirones Project." The Committee for the Promotion of Latin will sponsor a workshop entitled "Strangers in a Strange Land: Successful Latin in Urban Schools" and a panel entitled "New Trends, New Challenges: Teaching Latin in Secondary School upon Earning an M.A. or Ph.D." There will also be a CPL-sponsored happy hour for K-12 teachers, breakfasts sponsored by Women's Classical Caucus and the Vergilian Society, and a lunch hosted by the Classical Association of Virginia.

On Wednesday evening there will be a special showing of the epic silent film Antony and Cleopatra with performance of the original musical score by James Doering of Randolph Macon College. Released in the fall of 1913, the epic silent film, Antony and Cleopatra (Cines, 1913) was conceived on a grand scale. Directed by painter-turned-filmmaker Enrico Guazzoni, it featured a cast of thousands, elaborate sets, stunning photography, and a purported eye toward historical accuracy. It was the follow-up to Guazzoni's Quo Vadis?, which had taken audiences by storm earlier that year. Antony and Cleopatra caught the attention of American film promoter George Kleine, who quickly bought the U.S. distribution rights and developed a strategy for marketing the film to more sophisticated audiences. Part of his plan included music, and in 1914, Kleine commissioned an original score for the film, a cutting edge move for the time. Chicago composer, George Colburn, was hired for the job, and his music drew a brief burst of attention when it accompanied the film's Chicago run in January 1914. Colburn created an elaborate original score, based on eighteen, cleverly designed, recurring themes. His music marks one of the earliest American examples of thematic scoring for a feature film. In 2008, musicologist James Doering reconstructed Colburn's music from sources in the Library of Congress. That same year, he performed the score with the film at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. as part of the Rome to Ruins exhibit. Subsequent performances have included the Richmond Italian Food and Film Festival, the Winona Centennial Celebration, and the Virginia Latin Academy. Doering is Professor of Music and Chair of the Department of the Arts at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, VA.

On Thursday evening there will be a plenary session on Ancient Roman Hairstyling by Janet Stephens at the Colonial Williamsburg Resort. Ms. Stephens is the author of "Ancient Roman Hairdressing: On (hair) pins and needles" in the Journal of Roman Archaeology, 21 (2008): 111-132. Her video Julia Domna: Forensic Hairdressing ( was presented at the Archaeological Institute of America's annual meeting in Philadelphia in 2012.

Friday afternoon's sessions will be held on the campus of the College of William and Mary. The university is hosting on their historic campus a complimentary lunch for attendees (pre-registration necessary). Friday evening's banquet will be held in the Virginia ballroom at the Colonial Williamsburg Resort and will feature President Antony Augoustakis' address entitled "Visualizing Epic" and the ovationes for 2015-2016, presented in Latin by the CAMWS orator Jim May. More awards will be announced at the annual business meeting on Saturday, 8:15-9:25 a.m.; if you show up, you may win a book from one of our exhibitors.

On Saturday evening there will be a special fund-raising cocktail hour and dinner open to CAMWS members and members of the larger community of Classics friends, with special programming, presentations and entertainment. Attendees of the black-tie event entitled "Campaign for CAMWS: A Gala Dinner Event" will be acknowledged as contributors to the 2016 Campaign for CAMWS. In addition to good food, fine wine, and collegial companionship, you will enjoy Professor Jodi Magness' presentation on "The Huqoq Synagogue Mosaics: Archaeology and Ancient Texts." Prof. Magness is the Kenan Distinguished Professor for Teaching Excellence in Early Judaism at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Since 2011 she has directed the excavations of a monumental, late Roman synagogue at Huqoq in Israel's Galilee ( In her brief presentation she will share with us some of the highlights of the stunning discoveries made there and their significance for understanding the history of the region in late antiquity. Please join us for a unique opportunity!


2015 Business Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the 2015 Business Meeting are available at default/files/2015Busmtminutes.pdf. Note: These minutes must be approved by the membership at the 2016 Business Meeting.

New Business

At this business meeting, the membership will also be asked, pursuant to Article IV, Section 2 of the CAMWS Constitution, to vote on the following motion from the Membership Committee (and endorsed by the Executive Committee):

that retirees can either continue their membership in CAMWS with full benefits at the current rate of $30 per annum (This status to be designated as retired active.) or that they can at no cost be designated retired associate members who would receive emails from CAMWS and the newsletter but not CJ and other benefits. This status would have to be renewed annually. Retired active status would be necessary to submit an abstract or attend the annual meeting.
Important Lodging Update

At this point neither of the conference hotels (Williamsburg Lodge and the Woodlands Hotel and Suites) have any availability, but the Williamsburg Foundation has several other properties with rooms available (e.g., the Williamsburg Inn, Colonial Houses, and Providence Hall). Please call this toll-free number 800-261-9530 to make reservations at one of these facilities. The conference reservations office is open Monday-Friday, 8:30-5:00. Please use the Booking ID 25629 when calling.
CAMWS Publications

New in The Classical Journal

Forthcoming in 
CJ 111.3:
Luca Grillo, "Caesarian Intertextualities: Cotta and Sabinus in BG 5.26-37"
  • Abstract: While scholars have acknowledged intratextual relationships to another episode in the BG, Caesar's account of his defeat at Atuatuca is embedded in a more complex field of textual references. The locus of two generals dangerously disagreeing is found in Greek literature and historiography; Caesar's vocabulary especially connects Atuatuca to a famous episode by Polybius. These references help to situate Caesar in Greek and Roman literary tradition and demonstrate that the dynamics of imitation, competition and appropriation typical of poetry from the Augustan age were well established in prose authors of the late Republic.
Thomas Biggs, "Contesting Cunctatio: Livy 22.14, Fabius Maximus, and the Problem of Pastoral"
  • Abstract: At Livy 22.14, M. Minucius Rufus' speech against Q. Fabius Maximus exhibits differing interpretations of Latin pastoral's effects. While the Livian narrator highlights the presence of war in Campania, a region of otium, Minucius focuses on Fabius' idyllic, pastoral retreat from martial duties. The emphasis placed on otium and amoenitas throughout the passage gestures to a fictional world that ultimately remains unrealized. Attempts by Minucius to cast Fabius as a pastoral figure at odds with his legacy in Latin epic and historiography fall short. In the end, pastoral poetic features actually undermine Minucius' understanding of Fabian delay (cunctatio).
Ayelet Haimson Lushkov, "Cadmea Proles: Identity and Intertext in Seneca's Hercules Furens"
  • Abstract: This article explores the phrase Cadmea proles, a Latin hapax, in Seneca's Hercules Furens 268. Through attention to philological intertexts and the dramaturgy of the passage, I pursue two separate but related lines of inquiry: the first is to argue that Cadmea proles alludes to, among other things, the myth of Oedipus, specifically in its dramatic staging by Sophocles and by Seneca himself. The second is to suggest that the Oedipal intertext, hardly surprising in a Theban play, introduces, on a microscopic level, some of the broader themes of the Hercules Furens, especially its concern with legitimacy, identity, and referential instability.
Andrew Gallia, "'Some of my Best Friends..:' Reading Prejudice in Juvenal's Third Satire"*
  • Abstract: Long regarded as the locus classicus for Roman antipathy toward contemporary Greeks, Juvenal's third Satire articulates the views of the narrator's "friend" Umbricius, who wishes to escape the flood of immigrants he sees as transforming Rome into a "Greek city." This article attempts to unpack the relationship between the graecophobia ascribed to Umbricius' persona and the realities of ethnic prejudice in imperial Rome. The inconsistency of his argument is approached from various angles, highlighting the difficulty of situating this elusive and intractable text within the social realities that existed beyond its margins.
*The genesis of this article dates back longer than I care to admit. I am indebted to the many teachers and friends who have helped me to clarify my ideas over the years. Thanks especially to Chris Nappa, Laurel Fulkerson, and the anonymous readers whose expert feedback on recent drafts greatly improved the present version.

And from The Classical Journal Forum:

Jessie Craft, "Rebuilding an Empire with Minecraft: Bringing the Classics into the Digital Space"
  • Abstract: This article presents an innovative manner to supplement history and foreign language classes with a 3D modeling of ancient Rome by the widely played video game Minecraft. Assuming the persona of an ancient architect, students select a building, research it in primary and secondary sources and recreate it in its original Roman location. Here I discuss the benefits of using 3D software as a learning tool and the theory and methodology behind the implementation used with my Latin I-IV students, ages 13-18. I also analyze the data resulting from two iterations and offer further suggestions for implementation.
The following articles appeared in CJ 111.2

R. Drew Griffith, "Cannibal Demeter (Pind. Ol. 1.52) and the Themophoria Pigs"
  • Abstract: At the Thesmophoria women drew up from chasms the rotten remains of pigs, which, when mixed with seed, were supposed to ensure a good crop. Greeks said this honored the swineherd Eubuleus, swallowed up when Pluto abducted Persephone, but modern scholars seek a better explanation. I offer two: first the pigs symbolize Demeter's genitals. Second, in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, when a man dies, his tribesmen invite women to eat the dead man's flesh along with pork. Demeter herself once ate human flesh, which is metaphorically a kind of pork. I suggest, therefore, that the story about Pelops is a charter-myth for the Thesmophoria pigs.
Charles Goldberg, "Decimation in the Roman Republic"
  • Abstract: Decimatio, or executing a portion, usually a tenth, of a Roman legionary unit, is regarded as a quintessential example of old-fashioned military discipline. It is nonetheless poorly attested in the earlier Republic, though in the first century we find more instances. This paper examines its literary manifestations and scrutinizes its historicity. By considering soldiers' access to provocatio, cultural and legal prescripts on subjecting citizens to corporal punishment, military demography, and civil war crises, it argues that decimatio went into disuse in the wake of legislation de provocatione by the 130s BCE, and was used again in the Late Republic. 
Caroline Bishop, "How to Make a Roman Demosthenes: Self-Fashioning in Cicero's Brutus and Orator"
  • Abstract: This article argues that Cicero's use of Demosthenes in his Brutus and Orator should be read in light of Caesar's dictatorship. An examination of Demosthenes' Hellenistic reception reveals that his significance in the Greek world centered on his rhetorical prowess and his (failed) opposition, as the last orator of democratic Athens, to the tyranny of Philip. Cicero, who now saw himself as the last orator of republican Rome, wanted to be remembered in the same way. For this reason he drew deliberate parallels between his career and Demosthenes' in these two works, laying the groundwork for the associations he drew on in the Philippics and establishing a comparison that persists to this day.
Jennifer Gerrish, "Monstruosa Species: Scylla, Spartacus, Sextus Pompeius and Civil War in Sallust's Histories"
  • Through the figure of Scylla, Sallust evokes Sextus Pompeius as part of his critique of contemporary politics. Although the Histories narrate the years following Sulla's death, they are an allegorical critique of Sallust's own world. Scylla appears in an excursus on Sicily in Sallust's account of the Spartacus War. Although the Spartacus War taxed Rome for three years, the state downplayed the threat posed to the security of the republic. Likewise, the triumvirs downplayed Sextus' threat by portraying him as a mere pirate. Sallust evokes Sextus in the context of the Spartacus War to suggest that, despite the triumvirs' dissimulation, Sextus was a threat, and that the state was as unstable during the triumviral years as it was during those turbulent years after Sulla's death.
New in Teaching Classical Languages

Forthcoming Articles
  • Christine Albright, "Enhancing Latin and Greek Classes through a Convivium"
  • Ryan Sellers, "Oil for the Wheels in Teaching Caesar: Yesterday and Today"
  • Maxwell Teitel Paule, "Companions of Aeneas: Gamifying Intermediate Latin"
  • Antonia Syson, "Close Readings in a Latin Dictionary"
  • Special Section: "Perspectives on Mentoring Latin Teachers," with perspectives by Mary Pendergraft, Alison Orlebeke, Daniel Leon, Ben Burtzos, Katie Robinson and Kathryn Chew

To read the articles, go to and click on Current Issue.


Teaching Classical Languages welcomes articles offering innovative practice and methods, advocating new theoretical approaches, or reporting on empirical research in teaching and learning Latin and Greek. Contact John Gruber-Miller, Editor, Teaching Classical Languages, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA 52314, [email protected].


CAMWS News and Announcements
Motion by the Membership Committee

to Revise Membership Categories for Retired Members 

At the Business Meeting scheduled for 8:00-9:15 A.M. on Saturday, March 19, 2016, in Virginia D of the Williamsburg Lodge,the membership will also be asked, pursuant to Article IV, Section 2 of the CAMWS Constitution, to vote on the following motion from the Membership Committee (and endorsed by the Executive Committee):
that retirees can either continue their membership in CAMWS with full benefits at the current rate of $30 per annum (This status to be designated as retired active.) or that they can at no cost be designated retired associate members who would receive emails from CAMWS and the newsletter but not CJ and other benefits. This status would have to be renewed annually. Retired active status would be necessary to submit an abstract or attend the annual meeting.
News from the

Committee for the Promotion of Latin

Recent Recipients of CPL Funding
  • Cynthia White (University of Arizona) received a BIG for hosting a Classics Day
  • Kelly MacFarlane (University of Alberta, Edmonton) received a BIG for sponsoring a Taste of Classics event at the University of Alberta Open House
  • The Dacula Latin Club (Patrick Yaggy, Gwinett High School, Gwinett GA) received a BIG for hosting the Latinitas Awards Ceremony on May 11, 2016.
  • Amanda Wall (Georgia Southern University) received a BIG for sponsoring the Exploratory Latin Club at the local elementary school in Statesboro (GA) -- now in its second year.
  • Sherri Madden (Masters Academy, Matthews NC) received a BIG for MACC Mission, a series of outreach events organized and hosted by her students. Sherri also received a Caristia Grant for each of the four student groups that she is teaching this year.
  • Jonathan Fenno (University of Mississippi) was successful in securing a BIG on behalf of Monica Granderson (Jackson State University) for inviting Prof. Michele Ronnick to discuss her scholarship on William Sanders at the annual READ-IN event. 
CPL Funding in Action:
A Taste of Classics at the University of Alberta

The University of Alberta's annual Open House, where the general public, prospective students and their families visit our campus and get information about the various departments, schools, and majors, attracts approx. 7500 visitors every year.

Every year, our Department has a booth in the Butterdome, the large athletic complex, where visitors can stop, pick up some promotional brochures, and move on. It's a great way to attract a large segment of the population, but it can be difficult to compete for attention with all the other departments. Therefore, last year (2014), we decide to do something extra in a quieter venue to enhance the profile of Classics. We held a "Taste of Classics" outside our museum (WG Hardy Classics Museum) where we offered samples of ancient Greek and Roman delicacies (courtesy of our faculty members). Our event was well received, and inspired us to do something even better this year and attract even more visitors and potential students.

Thanks to CAMWS's BIG grant, we were able to create two large eye-catching banners to anchor our event and offer an immediate visual answer to two of the most popular questions "What is Classics?" and "What do you study in Classics?" We had approximately 50 guests, who sampled the delicacies (the placenta was a big hit!), toured the Museum, chatted with our volunteers about Classics and course offerings, and left with promotional cards featuring an ancient recipe along with a list of our first-year classes. Having our extra event outside of the main venue made it possible to actually discuss Classics at length with our guests, in a normal conversational voice and a relaxed atmosphere.

Plans are already underway for an even bigger and better and more interactive activity for next year, where the promotional banners will again shine.

Future CAMWS Meetings

112th Annual Meeting
March 16-19, 2016 in Williamsburg, VA

at the invitation of the

113th Annual Meeting

April 5-8, 2017 in Kitchener, ON, Canada

at the invitation of the

114th Annual Meeting

April 11-14, 2018 in Albuquerque, NM

Hotel Albuquerque

at the invitation of the

University of New Mexico

115th Annual Meeting

April 3-6, 2019 in Lincoln, Nebraska

The Cornhusker Marriott

at the invitation of the

University of Nebraska

CAMWS Members in the News

CAMWS congratulates our President, Antony Augoustakis, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, who received the 2016 SCS award for Excellence in Teaching at the College Level.
CAMWS congratulates John McCluskey of Fenwick High School in Chicago, Illinois, as the recipient of a 2015 Grant Award to attend the Summer School at the American Academy in Rome.
CAMWS congratulates Cynthia Swanson of Frederica Academy in Simons Island, Georgia, as the recipient of a 2015 Semple Award to attend the Summer School at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens.
CAMWS congratulates Philip Cortese of John Paul the Great Academy in Lafayette, Louisana, as one of the first recipients of a CAMWS Student Group Travel Grant. With CAMWS support, Philip traveled with his students to Rome, Italy, in October, 2015.

CAMWS recognizes Julia Mebane of the University of Chicago as the winner of the 2015 Presidential Award for the Outstanding Graduate Student Paper at the 2015 Annual meeting for a paper entitled "Fighting over Rome's Corpus: Competing Metaphors of the Body Politic in the Catilinarian Conspiracy".

Insert Your Name Here!
CAMWS would like to recognize the recent accomplishments of its members, but we need your help. Share your individual and departmental news with us so that we may spread the word. The deadline for the Spring Newsletter is March 15, 2016.

From our Institutional Members

Living Latin in New York 

February 13-14, 2016

The Paideia Institute extends a special invitation to Classicists teaching at the college level to its fourth annual Living Latin in New York City conference, an international gathering of Latinists and Hellenists focusing on the active, spoken use of Latin and ancient Greek in the classroom.

Over the past decade, speaking Latin and ancient Greek in the classroom has increasingly been recognized as an effective technique for teaching the classical languages. Speaking the ancient languages not only makes the language classroom more dynamic, it also brings methodologies grounded in second language acquisition research to bear on classical language pedagogy.

The Living Latin in New York City conference is a forum for exploration of teaching Latin and Greek actively at every level. One of the largest active Latin and Greek gatherings in the world, this conference is designed to allow participants to learn more about active Latin and Greek in a welcoming and comfortable setting. Hosted in Fordham University's beautiful Lincoln Center Campus in the heart of Manhattan, the program includes lectures in English on various aspects of active Latin and Greek pedagogy as well as workshops in which participants can practice and observe spoken Latin and Greek techniques themselves. Daily coffee hours and one optional group dinner allow for informal contact and exchange with other participants and free Latin and Greek conversation.

More information is available on the conference's website.


2016 Summer Programs in Classics

2016 Summer Programs in Living Latin and Greek
The Paideia Institute is proud to announce its summer programming in classics for 2016. Paideia Institute programs provide intimate experiences of Latin and Ancient Greek language and literature among the most beautiful and inspiring sites of the classical world. Paideia's Living Latin and Greek programs feature the active use of Latin and Greek as spoken languages. Undergraduate and graduate credits are available. Alumni of Paideia Programs are eligible for the Paideia Rome Fellowship, a fully funded, year-long post graduate fellowship in Rome. For more information, or to request an application, visit our website

Living Latin in Rome

June 4 - July 10, 2016

Read great works of Latin literature while visiting Rome's monuments and learning to speak Latin as an active, living language.

Living Greek in Greece
July 30 - August 14, 2016

Converse in Attic Greek in a lush garden in the Peloponnese and sail the Ionian Sea in search of Homeric Ithaca.

Living Latin in Rome | High School

June 26 - July 12, 2016

Paideia's Living Latin experience specifically designed for high school students.

Caesar in Gaul

July 16 - July 30, 2016

A seminar for Latin teachers to visit Roman sites in the south of France while reading Caesar's Gallic Wars. AP teachers especially welcome.

Other Announcements
Society for Classical Studies Funding

for the Professional Development of Classics Teachers
The Society for Classical Studies (SCS) wants teachers of classics to be aware of the following programs that are intended to contribute to their professional development and the success of their students. Click on the relevant URL below to see a full description of each program and detailed instructions for submitting applications. The Coffin Fellowship is funded by an endowment established by former students of David D. and Rosemary H. Coffin. The Pedagogy and Zeph Stewart Latin Teacher Training Awards are supported by income from the Society's Gateway Endowment for Classics Research and Teaching.

David D. and Rosemary H. Coffin Fellowship
for Travel in Classical Lands


The Fellowship is intended to give secondary-school teachers of Greek or Latin in North America the opportunity to enrich their teaching and their lives through direct acquaintance with the classical world. It will support study in classical lands (not limited to Greece and Italy). Membership in the SCS is not a requirement. The amount of the award for 2016 will be $2,750. Application materials must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on Friday, February 19, 2016.

Pedagogy Awards

These awards are open to both collegiate and precollegiate teachers of classics. SCS membership is not required. The amount of funding available ranges from $500 to $2,500. Possible projects include, but are not limited to, the following: attendance at a professional conference, purchase of teaching materials, study abroad. Projects that received funding in 2013 through 2015 are described briefly at the URL above. Deadline: March 4, 2016.

Zeph Stewart Latin Teacher Training Awards

These awards are open to those preparing for Latin teacher certification. SCS membership is not required. Up to $1,500 is available for each recipient. Deadline: March 2, 2016.
Financial Contributors to CAMWS for 2015-2016

Awards and Scholarships

Daniel H. Abosso

Aileen Ajootian

Thomas Biggs

Joel P. Christensen

Jane W. Crawford

Sean Daly

Rachel Fernandez

John J. Fraser

G. Edward Gaffney

Elizabeth G. Harvey

Barbara A. Hill

Sharon L. James

Catherine C. Keane

Caroline S. Kelly

Eleanor W. Leach

Brian M. Mumper

Carole E. Newlands

Joshua P. Nudell

Jacqueline K. Ortoleva

Christina M. Vester

Jeremy M. Walker

Teresa C. Yates


Bolchazy Pedagogy Book Prize

Marianthe Colakis

William S. Duffy

Francis M. Dunn

Elizabeth G. Harvey

Stanley A. Iverson

Eddie R. Lowry, Jr.

Stephen Pilewski

Donald E. Sprague

Campaign for CAMWS 2016

Antonios C. Augoustakis

Kevin Batton

Deborah Beck

Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.

David F. Bright

Christopher P. Craig

Juana C. Djelal

Elizabeth A. Fisher

G. Edward Gaffney

Katherine A. Geffcken

Dorothy S. Gibbs

John C. Gruber-Miller

Elizabeth G. Harvey

Julia D. Hejduk

James G. Keenan

Peter E. Knox and Sandra K. Blakely

Daniel B. Levine

Eddie R. Lowry, Jr.

Laura K. McClure

William E. McCulloh

S. Douglas Olson

Christine G. Perkell

James S. Ruebel

Thomas J. Sienkewicz

Marilyn B. Skinner

Niall W. Slater

Tyler Jo Smith

Brian M. Tibbets and Megan Scott

Robert W. Ulery

Heather Vincent

Matthijs H. Wibier

Patrick W. Winterrowd


Wisconsin Latin Teachers Association

Excavation / Field School Prize

Cicek Beeby

Nathaniel F. Durant

Shannon M. Ells

Laura Gawlinski

Elizabeth G. Harvey

Rebecca F. Kennedy

William H. Ramundt

Christopher Ratt�

Nicholas E. Rupert

Eric Thienes

Susan J. Wise

Melanie Zelikovsky

General Fund

James Aglio

John P. Aldrup-MacDonald

Andrew T. Alwine

Justin Arft

Geoffrey W. Bakewell

Christopher M. Brunelle

Diana Burton

Mark Edward Clark

Christina A. Clark

Jenny S. Clay

David Crane

Monessa F. Cummins

Teresa M. Danze

James H. Dee

Eric K. Dugdale

John E. Esposito

Nanette S. Goldman

Nicolas P. Gross

David E. Hahm

Rebecca R. Harrison

Elizabeth G. Harvey

Liane Houghtalin

William E. Hutton

Dennis P. Kehoe

Samuel Killian

Lawrence Y. Kim

Joshua L. Langseth

Scott A. Lepisto

Paul J. Lotz

Susann S. Lusnia

Kyle W. Mahoney

Stanley Marlin

Robert Matera

Stephanie A. McCarter and Daniel S. Holmes

Marny S. Menkes Lemmel

Jon D. Mikalson

John F. Miller

Sophie Mills

Daniel W. Moore

K. Sara Myers

Patrick J. Myers

Michael D. Nerdahl

Ann Ostrom

Christine G. Perkell

Richard G. Peterson

Cynthia K. Phillips

Stephanie M. Pope

John R. Porter

William H. Race

Ann R. Raia Colaneri

Clare K. Rasmussen

Kenneth J. Reckford

James S. Ruebel

John S. Rundin

Christina A. Salowey

James P. Sandrock

Matthew S. Semanoff

Michael H. Shaw

Janice F. Siegel

David W. Tandy

Theodore A. Tarkow

Daniel P. Tompkins

Margaret M. Toscano

Christina M. Vester

Ann E. Werner

William C. West, III

Tedd A. Wimperis

Patrick R. Yaggy

Total Donation Amount: $18,129.00

Individual Membership in CAMWS

Individual membership in CAMWS for the fiscal year July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, may be purchased for $55 ($30 for student, retiree, first-time teacher, or new CAMWS member). Joint spouse/partner membership is available for $80, retired spouse/partner membership for $50. A life membership costs $1000 for an individual and $1400 for joint spouse/partner. 

A membership includes a one-year subscription to The Classical Journal. Please indicate on the membership form whether you would prefer to receive CJ electronically (via JSTOR) or in print. For an extra $5 you may receive the journal in both formats. Please note that membership in CAMWS provides electronic subscription only to the current volume of CJ. CAMWS members wishing to have access to back issues of the journal can do so at a special rate through JStor. Please contact Tom Sienkewicz at [email protected] for additional information.

The CAMWS Newsletter is sent electronically to all members with e-mail addresses. If you would like to receive a print version in addition, you may indicate that on the membership form.

As part of your CAMWS membership, you are automatically subscribed to Classical Journal On-Line from which you will receive frequent reviews of new books in the classical field, unless you indicate on the membership form that you opt out of this subscription.

Please note: Individual memberships or subscriptions to CJ sent to an address outside the United States or Canada are subject to a $20 postage surcharge. Individual subscriptions automatically include membership in CAMWS.

You may use the CAMWS membership form to join ACL or SALVI, subscribe to any of eight other scholarly journals, order a copy of Herbert Benario's CAMWS: A History of the First Eighty Years, purchase various CAMWS merchandise (including 6-inch 'Roman' rulers, a CAMWS YoYo, shot glasses or koozies) and/or make a tax-deductible contribution to CAMWS.

If you are already a CAMWS member and wish to order CAMWS memorabilia or subscribe to other journals, please use this Miscellaneous Order Form

How to Join or Renew Your Membership

Payment by credit card is possible through the CAMWS web site:

A $3 processing fee will be added to each credit-card transaction.

You many also pay your CAMWS membership by using this Membership Form and sending a check or money order drawn on a U.S. bank or a bank that uses U.S. routing codes to:

Monmouth College
700 E. Broadway
Monmouth, IL 61462

Institutional Membership in CAMWS

If your educational institution becomes a member of CAMWS, it receives the following benefits:
  • One CAMWS award for an outstanding student to be chosen by your institution. The student receives a congratulatory certificate stating that your school has designated the student as a recipient of a CAMWS Award for Outstanding Accomplishment in Classical Studies for the current academic year, plus a free membership in CAMWS for the following academic year. To designate your student honoree(s), please complete the on-line award designation form and submit it no later than May 1st for each academic year.
  • The option to choose up to two additional student award recipients ($30 each). Payment required by May 1st of each academic year.
  • A certificate stating your institution's support of CAMWS.
  • Eligibility for your students to compete in the CAMWS Sight Translation Contests.
  • Publication of institutional announcements free of charge in the CAMWS Newsletter and on the CAMWS website.
  • For K-12 Institutional Members, one complimentary registration at the CAMWS Annual Meeting (not including the banquet).
  • Inclusion on the list of CAMWS Member Institutions, which will be
    • printed in the program of the CAMWS Annual Meeting (if membership is received prior to the printing of the meeting program)
    • printed in the CAMWS Newsletter (if membership is received by May 1st)
    • posted on the CAMWS Website (with hotlinks to the websites of institutional members)

Institutional membership also supports CAMWS awards and scholarships and efforts to promotion Classics in the CAMWS region.


To become an institutional member, go here: How To Become An Institutional Member.


For further information, please contact [email protected].

Classics in the News

In November, The Telegraph ran an article on the excavation of a Neopythagorean basilica in Rome: "Secret pagan basilica in Rome emerges from the shadows after 2,000 years".

In December, Bolchazy-Carducci released Ubi Fera Sunt, Dr. Richard LaFleur's translation of Where The Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak.

In January, The Atlantic featured an interview with Teller (of Penn & Teller) about his years as a Latin teacher prior to his magical career: "Teaching: Just Like Performing Magic".

For many more Classics-related stories, like our Facebook page:

Obitus Recentes

We are thankful to report that there are no known additions to the Abierunt ad Maiores list since the fall newsletter. Go to Necrology of CAMWS Members for a complete list of deceased members. You may also visit the CAMWS Necrologies blog to leave comments, anecdotes, and other loving remembrances of these CAMWS members. Abierunt Ad Maiores.

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The CAMWS Newsletter is published three times per year, in the fall, winter, and spring/summer. The deadline for the winter edition is March 15, 2016. 

Send submissions by email: [email protected] or [email protected].

Send submissions by regular mail to:

Timothy Heckenlively
CAMWS Newsletter Editor
Department of Classics
Baylor University
One Bear Place #97352
Waco, TX 76798

If you have questions, email or call 254-710-6218.

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CAMWS | Monmouth College | 700 E. Broadway | Monmouth | IL | 61462