CAMWS Newsletter

The Classical Association of the Middle West and South 
In This Issue
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Report from Secretary-Treasurer Tom Sienkewicz

This has been a good year for CAMWS. Thanks to a strong financial year and a growing endowment, CAMWS has been able to increase the size and number of awards it offers. The value of the Grant, Semple and Benario awards was significantly increased and the first Bolchazy Pedgagogy Book Prize was awarded to Beth Severy-Hoven (Macalester College) for The Satyrica of Petronius: An Intermediate Reader with Commentary and Guided Review (Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture Series, 2014). This year the CAMWS translation exam was significantly expanded to include an intermediate as well as advanced exam for high school students and intermediate and advanced exams at the college level. In this year's advanced high school competition, 465 examinations were administered by 52 schools. In the intermediate competition, 271 examinations were administered by 37 schools. At both high school levels, schools from 19 states and the District of Columbia took the exams. In the collegiate competitions, 137 advanced and 113 intermediate examinations were administered by 30 colleges in 19 states. This is an impressive showing for the very first year and we hope to see even more participation next year.


Another exciting initiative being planned by the CAMWS Executive Committee is a High School Group Travel Award designed to support class or school trips to museums, performances and other events dealing with the ancient world. These grants can be used for both domestic and international travel and can even support archaeological fieldwork for high school students. Watch the CAMWS website for further information.


These new outreach efforts would not be possible without the financial support of CAMWS members, especially those of you who made donations this year to CAMWS, and, in particular, to various funds for grants and scholarships. Thank you for your generosity.


We had our largest meeting ever in Boulder, Colorado, at the invitation of the University of Colorado, with 582 registrations. Many thanks are due to the members of the Local Committee, and, especially to co-chairs John Gibert and Barbara Hill, who worked so diligently to make the meeting a success. A very rich program, organized expertly by president Ruth Scodel, included eight panels on topics like "Feminist Approaches and Perspectives in Undergraduate Classics Courses" and "Facing Sickness: Medical Topics in Greco-Roman Literature." There were four workshops, including "Latin at the Middle School Level," sponsored by CPL, and "Reverse-engineering a Syllabus," sponsored by GSIC. New this year were twelve lunch-time roundtable discussions on the National Latin Exam, the CAMWS Translation Exams and a variety of other topics. I was especially pleased that the program included a workshop run by Ascanius for individuals interested in teaching Latin to young children. This workshop, supported by the Committee for the Promotion of Latin, was well attended and we hope that it will become a regular feature at future meetings.


View from the Stadium Club
View from the Stadium Club
On Friday afternoon participants strolled along a pleasant wooded path from the hotel to the campus of University of Colorado, first for lunch generously provided by the university in the Stadium Club with a spectacular view of the Rockies, followed by two sessions of papers. Many thanks also to Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, the National Latin Exam, the University of Michigan Press, the Department of Classics at the University of Colorado and the Department of Classics at Macalaster College for sponsoring various session breaks.


The plenary banquet, attended by 280 members, included Jim May's Ciceronian ovationes, including a Latin version of "Rocky Mountain High", and Ruth Scodel's presidential talk entitled "Lacrimae Rerum," in honor of which the banquet tables were festively decorated with tear-shaped balloons. Audio recordings of both the ovationes and the presidential address are posted on the website at


I would like to express my gratitude to Ruth Scodel for all she did for CAMWS as President this year. I especially appreciate all the help and support she provided me during the year. My thanks also to Jevanie Gillen, the CAMWS administrative assistant, who keeps the office running efficiently and is always ready to go the extra mile for CAMWS.


I would also like to thank Stephanie McCarter of Sewanee: The University of the South for her six years of service as editor of the CAMWS newsletter. It has been a delight to work with Stephanie, who was always cheerful as she reminded me to send her various items for an upcoming issue. I hope you will agree that the newsletter has been an excellent resource under Stephanie's editorship and I would encourage you to thank her personally by sending her an email at before July 1, 2015, when that email will transfer, along with the newsletter editorship, to Tim Heckenlively of Baylor University.  


The transition to the new CAMWS website, powered by an open source content management platform called Drupal, seems to have been made smoothly and, I hope you will agree, has resulted in a much more user-friendly and visually-appealing site. There were much fewer problems with on-line registration and applications for awards than there were last year, and it is now possible for most website problems to be resolved in the CAMWS office rather than outsourcing them to an expert. My thanks to the CAMWS Media Director and Webmaster, Bartolo Natoli of Randolph Macon College, who has provided me with web management help when I needed it.


One new addition to the website is the Featured CAMWS Member which provides an opportunity for the organization to celebrate the accomplishments of its members. So don't be shy. If you or a colleague have received an award or other recognition, please send the news to me at so it can be posted on the website and shared with other CAMWS members. Also, please feel free to send me any suggestions you have for improving the website.


In late June, you will receive in your email and groundmail boxes information about renewing your membership for 2015-2016 and the call for papers, panels and workshops for the 112th meeting of CAMWS, March 16-19, 2016, in Williamsburg, Virginia, at the invitation of The College of William and Mary. The conference hotel, the Colonial Williamsburg Resort, provides its guests with complimentary passes to Colonial Williamsburg, so consider combining CAMWS with a family vacation. "Next Year in Williamsburg."


-Tom Sienkewicz, Monmouth College, CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer  


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Message from Ruth Scodel, CAMWS President

Boulder seems like a long time ago. I'm still nominally the president of CAMWS, but Antony is now the one who has real work, and I'm just voting on occasional motions-then it will be time for the nominating committee to get cracking, and there will be real work again. That was our biggest meeting ever, and I think it proved that the excellence of the organization lies in our intellectual engagement with each other. Having to cram that immense program into the space made me worried that the Saturday afternoon papers wouldn't have good attendance, but at the sessions I attended and the one I chaired there were great questions. People were being critical and helpful, just as we hope they will be. So along with my thanks to Tom and Jevanie, the hard-working members of the CAMWS Program Committee and the EC, I thank all of you who attended.   It was personally very gratifying that I seem to have gotten away with talking about Vergil in a banquet hall full of people who know much more about Vergil than I do, and it was a delight to witness the ovationes and the Special Service Awards. I'm spending my summer deep in Hesiod's Works and Days, growing asphodel to test what it tastes like (I can buy mallow at the Middle Eastern market) and worrying about how unpleasant it would be to harvest barley naked. May we all have delightful summers with our favorite texts.


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Audio from the CAMWS Meeting in Boulder

For audio recordings from the banquet in Boulder, visit the CAMWS website at  These recordings include:
  • Welcome Address by Russell Moore, Provost and Executive Vice President of the University of Colorado at Boulder
  • Response by CAMWS President-Elect Antony Augoustakis
  • The ovationes, delivered in Latin by Jim May
  • Ruth Scodel's Presidential Address, "Sunt Lacrimae Rerum"
  • Presentation of the Special Service Awards

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Photo Highlights from Boulder

Andromache Karanika and Mike Lippman at the reception on Thursday night

President Ruth Scodel addresses the attendees at Thursday night's reception

Marie and Allan Bolchazy enjoy Thursday night's reception
Marie and Allan Bolchazy enjoy Thursday night's reception

Student guides point the way during Friday's sessions on the campus of the University of Colorado at Boulder

Chairs of the Local Committee, John Gibert and Barbara Hill

Tom Sienkewicz and Jevanie Gillen at the Stadium Club on Friday afternoon

Christine Perkell and Albert Watanabe at Friday night's banquet

John Miller presides at Friday night's banquet

Robert White encourages attendees of the Business Meeting to participate in the Latin Translation Contest

Kristin Lord presents the Resolutions at the Business Meeting

President Ruth Scodel passes the gavel to President-Elect Antony Augoustakis at the Business Meeting

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2014-2015 CAMWS Award Winners 

The following members of CAMWS were honored with ovationes, delivered in Latin by CAMWS orator Jim May, at the banquet in Boulder:

Joy K. King (The University of Colorado)
Roger Macfarlane (Brigham Young University)
Amy C. Sommer (Cherry Creek High School)


Ovatio recipients Amy C. Sommer, Joy King, and Roger Macfarlane


To listen to the ovationes, go to A print version will appear, as is customary, in an upcoming edition of the Classical Journal.

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Awards for Special Service

This award formally acknowledges exceptional promotion of Classics and/or accomplishments for the profession in CAMWS territory.  The award is given pro re nata.  Two special service awards were given this year:

Adam Blistein (Society for Classical Studies)


The Fates are inexorable, but occasionally they are benevolent indeed.  In 1998 the APA, now the SCS, was searching for its second, full time executive director and hoped to find a person who not only was experienced and adept at running a large non-profit, but who also had a Classics background.   The Fates presented us with Adam Blistein.


Adam was awarded his PhD from Yale in 1980.  Due to a number of factors, not the least of which was a horrible job market, he entered the world of administration for non-profit organizations, rising to the prestigious position of Director of Administration for the American Association for Cancer Research.  


Adam thus brought badly needed professional skills to the SCS, but he also brought along a fervent belief in cooperation in our field. Since the day he arrived, Adam has worked to bring down historical barriers that had largely kept the APA aloof from groups like CAMWS and ACL.


Ask Adam what he does and he will say that he is only an "enabler" and that others do the real heavy lifting.  Those who have worked with him in his many endeavors know that this is modesty talking. It is fair to state that, without doubt, the following initiatives never would have come to fruition without his "enabling" them.  


Adam moved APA pedagogical sessions to Saturdays and Sundays to make it easier for pre-collegiate teachers to attend and encouraged granting standing panel status to Eta Sigma Phi so that it could offer panels at every SCS meeting. He has been tireless in bringing an information table to meetings of regional organizations (CAMWS, CAAS, CANE, etc.) and ACL to forge alliances nationwide. He "enabled" the rewriting of Careers for Classicists and Standards for Latin Teacher Preparation. He helped found the APA Pedagogy Prize.  


Most recently he helped organize the APA's "Gatekeeper to Gateway Campaign," which raised over $2,600,000.  Its goals specifically included outreach and support programs for pre-collegiate Latin and Greek teachers, an unheard of thing not so long ago.


There is more to list than there is space for.  But the picture is clear. In 1999 the Fates wove their tapestry to present us with a man who would change the landscape of Classics.  He could have stayed at his previous position and flourished.  Or, once in place at APA, he could simply have administered the day to day activities of the APA/SCS.  Instead, he set about to make the entire field of Classics better.  Such service to the field, outside the usual academic setting, is exactly what CAMWS envisioned when it created this award. His vision of a field united across all levels has profoundly changed the landscape for Classics in America.  We are in his debt.



Rickie Crown (Baker Demonstration School, Wilmette, Illinois)

CAMWS is pleased to present an award for Special Service to a teacher and scholar who has made and continues to make significant, long-lasting contributions, especially in the areas about which she is passionate: middle school Latin, support for all Latin teachers, and the preparation of future Latin teachers.

As a newly minted Ph.D. in Classics from the University of Michigan, our award winner returned to her home state of Illinois, secured a teaching job, and soon launched into the mission that, in addition to her excellence in the classroom, defined her career.   In 1990 she became co-chair of Committee on the Status of Teaching of Latin in Illinois for the Illinois Classical Conference (ICC), and she soon recognized her fellow teachers' needs for communication, enhanced materials, and more effective teaching techniques.  Thus the ICC/National Louis University Latin Pedagogy Workshop was conceived.  Our winner organized, presided over, and presented at ICC/NLU workshops between the present.  The several three-day sessions attracted teachers from across the nation, provided continuing education credits and exposed teachers, new and veteran alike, to such innovative concepts as reading theory, multiple intelligences, materials and practices to meet the needs of students of all ability levels, puppetry, and mask making.   More recently,  one-day in-service pedagogical workshops assist Latin teachers, primarily from the Chicago area.

In 1995, our awardee became co-chair of the Middle School Committee for the American Classical League, and to this day, 20 years later, she continues to work tirelessly on middle school issues, every year planning a popular annual workshop at the annual ACL Institute entitled "Meeting Them in the Middle".

Every spring, moreover, she teaches a Classical Language Methods Class at National-Louis University for college graduates preparing to teach Latin at the secondary level.  She expertly assesses the strengths and needs of each of the individuals, who enters the class, and is amazingly proficient in giving them the skills they need to manage classes on their own.  She doesn't, however, say good-bye when the course ends.  She further assists in attaining teaching positions, and she continues to nurture through the years.

Tirelessly, she devotes her time, energy, and expertise to helping students and teachers of all backgrounds to find greater success in our field.  Individuals whose lives have been touched by our winner can be found across the country.

Adam Blistein, Ruth Scodel, and Rickie Crown

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Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching

The CAMWS Subcommittee on Teaching Awards is pleased to award the Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary Teaching to Mr. Brian Tibbets of Monmouth-Roseville High School.  Magister Tibbets has rejuvenated this Latin program by increasing enrollment and becoming involved with Illinois Junior Classical League.  He brings students to the state convention and has led trips to Italy so that his students can experience the classical world.  His focus remains on both the students in his classroom and the material.  One student wrote, "I have never met another teaching or professor who is as dedicated, professional or influential as he is on a daily basis."  Magister Tibbets' dedication has saved his Latin program from extinction and inspired countless students.  He regularly goes out of his way for his students.  We are pleased to award the Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary Teaching to Brian Tibbets.


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CAMWS Award for Excellence in College Teaching

The CAMWS Subcommittee on Teaching Awards is pleased to award the Excellence in College Teaching Award to Dr. Karen Rosenbecker of Loyola University - New Orleans.  Dr. Rosenbecker has been teaching at Loyola since 2007 and has taught a variety of courses during her tenure.  In her classroom, she fosters an atmosphere of "kindness, respect, and inclusion."  By laying this groundwork, she is hopeful that students can engage with the academic material and fall in love with classics.  She strives to differentiate for the diverse student body which she teaches.  She developed an online platform in which to teach Greek to students who are digital-age natives which has effectively combined the ancient and modern worlds.  Her students and colleagues alike appreciate her dedication and intellectualism.  We are pleased to award the CAMWS Excellence in College Teaching Award to Dr. Karen Rosenbecker.


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Ladislaus J. Bolchazy Pedagogy Book Award

Congratulations to Beth Severy-Hoven of Macalester College, winner of the 2015 award for her book The Satyrica of Petronius: An Intermediate Reader with Commentary and Guided Review (Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture, 2014).

This year's winner fills a void for an intermediate-level textbook of Petronius with unadapted Latin for undergraduates. The book contains an excellent introduction to the Latin text; contextualizes the historical and political period when the work was written; and provides information about the genre, assistance with difficult grammatical constructions and unusual vocabulary, a guided grammatical review for each chapter, and a dictionary.  Many illustrations accompany this text in order to help the student visualize parts of its content (e.g., a Roman dining room). In short, this language textbook is outstanding.


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CAMWS First Book Award

The recipient of the 2015 First Book Prize is Jackie Elliott of University of Colorado for Ennius and the Architecture of the Annales (Cambridge University Press, 2013).

Committee members evaluated Elliott's book as follows: Ennius and the Architecture of the Annales is "impressive in the depth of its scholarship and scale, and the potential it has for altering an orthodoxy."  It "is a meticulous study of the fragments" and "the methodology used in their study" -- "very learned and thorough."  The author "provides an overwhelming amount of information about the complex and fluid situation of the a piece of scholarship it is really quite remarkable."  Her "very thorough study of the fragments and her contextualization of the fragments' reception enhance our understanding of the content and structure of what survives."  "Elliott offers a sustained yet cautious interpretation of the historical stance of Ennius' fragmentary work and its place within the Roman epic and historiographic traditions that followed."  Her book will have an important impact on the study of Roman epic and historiography.

Andrew Faulkner presents the First Book Award to
Jackie Elliott

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Semple, Grant, and Benario Awards

These three awards offer graduate students and teachers of Classics (Greek, Latin, Classical Art & Archaeology and Ancient History) at the pre-collegiate (primary, secondary, or high school) level the opportunity to advance research and/or pedagogical interests abroad in Athens, Rome, or other appropriate ancient site.

Semple Award, to attend the American School of Classical Studies at Athens: 
  • Cynthia Swanson (Frederica Academy in Simons Island, Georgia)
Mary A. Grant Award, to attend the American Academy in Rome:
  • John McCluskey (Fenwick High Schook in Chicago, Illinois) 
Janice and Herbert Benario Award, to attend the Vergilian Society Tour entitled "Tunisia: Journey to a Magical Land":
  • Stacy Kenkeremath (Hayfield Secondary School, Alexandria, Virginia)


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CAMWS Excavation/Field School Award

The Classical Association of the Middle West and South annually awards two $2000.00 scholarships for participation in summer excavation or fieldschool at an archaeological site in the Greco-Roman world.  Generally, one award will be made to a graduate student and another to an undergraduate, but teachers are also eligible for this award.

Congratulations to our 2014-2015 recipients:
  • Graduate Award: Victor Republicano (University of Arizona), to attend the Field School of Egyptian Archaeology in Luxor
  • Undergraduate Award: Joseph Burkhard (St. Olaf College), to attend the Archaeological Field School at Antiochia, in Gazipasa, Antalya, Turkey

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Presidential Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Paper

The winners of the 2015 Presidential Award for the Outstanding Graduate Student Paper at the Annual Meeting were:

  • First Place: Julia Mebane (University of Chicago), "Fighting over Rome's Corpus: Competing Metaphors of the Body Politic in the Catilinarian Conspiracy"
  • Honorable Mention:  Jenna R. Rice (University of Missouri), "Why Was Alexander's Indian Campaign So Bloody?"
Julia Mebane and Ruth Scodel


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Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards

The Teacher Training Award is designed to provide financial assistance to those who wish to obtain certification to teach Latin at the primary through the secondary level.  This year's recipients are:
  • Ashley Allgood (Brookwood High School)
  • Devyn Haynes Keller (Hollins University)
  • Megan Rebman (Millsaps College)
The Travel Awards are designed primarily to assist K-12 teachers with cash awards to offset the costs of attending CAMWS meetings. Graduate students are also eligible for these award as well as undergraduates preparing for a teaching career.

This year's recipients to attend CAMWS-SS 2014 in Fredericksburg, VA:
  • Laura Hatmaker (The McClean School)
  • Emily Master (Princeton University)
  • Laura Brooke Rich (University of Texas at Austin)
This year's recipients to attend the CAMWS 2015 meeting in Boulder:
  • Andrew Carroll (Regis Jesuit High School) 
  • Giustina Monti (Florida State University)
  • Brian Mumper (Rutgers University)
  • Lindsay Pappas (Indiana University)
  • Daniel Poochigian (Camelot Academy of Arts, Science and Technology)
  • Wesley Joseph Wood (Miami University)
Brian Mumper, Wesley Joseph Wood,
Lindsay Pappas, and Andrew Carroll

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Manson A. Stewart Undergraduate Awards 

Every year CAMWS makes $1,000.00 awards to a limited number of undergraduate students majoring in Classics at the sophomore or junior level at a CAMWS college or university.  Congratulations to the recipients of the 2014-2015 awards, listed here in alphabetical order:
  • Alexandra Andre (University of Michigan)
  • Allison Ditmore (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
  • Elizabeth Ridgeway (University of Georgia)
  • Edwin Robert (The University of Texas, Austin)
  • Jake Rohde (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
  • Daniel Schlather (Kenyon College)
  • Emma Vanderpool (Monmouth College)
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The Committee for the Promotion of Latin Awards

The CPL Award For Outstanding Promotional Activity
Two awards for Outstanding Promotional Activity in the Schools were presented in Boulder:
  • Mark Keith (Riverbend High School) was recognized for his Ursus Summer Latin Program, a four-day camp for elementary school students in grades 2-5
Ursus Summer Latin Program participants
  • Robert Holshuh-Simmons (Monmouth College) was recognized for organizing a large-scale Classics Day, which includes Greek and Roman military drills, interactive Olympic events, archaeology-inspired activities, gladiatorial combat, a chariot race, and much, much  more.
Robert Holshuh-Simmons receives the Promotional Activity Award 

CPL Awards for Outstanding Regional & State/Provincial Vice-Presidents

The CPL recognized the following individuals for their dedicated work for CAMWS with this year's Outstanding Regional Vice-President Award and Outstanding State/Provincial Vice-President Award at the annual meeting in Boulder: 
  • Outstanding Regional Vice-President: Lorenzo F. Garcia (University of New Mexico)
  • Outstanding State/Provincial Vice-President: Jared Copeland (Scottsdale Preparatory Academy, Arizona)
Lorenzo Garcia
Jared Copeland


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School Awards: Latin Translation Contest

This year there were 113 intermediate and 137 advanced exams administered at the college level and 271 intermediate and 465 advanced exams administered at the high school level.

College Intermediate Translation Contest

Cash Award Winners (alphabetically, with school and instructor)
  • Mary Billion, University of St. Thomas (Dr. Lorina Quartarone)
  • Samantha Elmendorf, Baylor University (Dr. Blanche McCune)
  • Daniel Martin, Washington University in St. Louis (Dr. Catherine Keane)
  • Michael Sloman, University of Georgia (Dr. Erika Hermanowicz)
  • Morgan Spivey, Davidson College (Dr. Britta Ager)        

Book Prize Winners (alphabetically, with school and instructor)

  • Kathleen Brown, Monmouth College (Dr. Robert Simmons)
  • Bryan Butts, Wayne State University (Dr. Jennifer Sheridan Moss)
  • Madeleine Fish, Washington University in St. Louis (Dr. Catherine Keane)
  • Max Handler, Washington University in St. Louis (Dr. Catherine Keane)
  • Madeline Johnson, Hillsdale College (Dr. Eric Hutchinson)
  • Matthew Koppinger, University of St. Thomas (Dr. Lorina Quartarone)
  • Alexander Mason, Washington University in St. Louis (Dr. Catherine Keane)
  • Stephen Michael, Haverford College (Dr. Deborah Roberts)
  • Stephen Pacheco, Davidson College (Dr. Britta Ager)
  • Jordan Pueblo, Brigham Young University (Dr. Cecilia Peek)

Letters of Commendation (alphabetically, with school and instructor)

  • Cassandra Ball, Brigham Young University (Dr. Cecilia Peek)
  • David Carter Delbar, Brigham Young University (Dr. Cecilia Peek)
  • Felicity Fedoryko, Christendom College (Dr. Marcello Lippiello)
  • John Hayes, University of St. Thomas (Dr. Lorina Quartarone)
  • Emma Hoggan, Brigham Young University (Dr. Cecilia Peek)
  • Jacob Hornecker, University of St. Thomas (Dr. Lorina Quartarone)
  • Yanxin Li, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana (Dr. Kostas Arampopslis)
  • John Lu, Washington University in St. Louis (Dr. Catherine Keane)
  • Megan Michaelis, Hillsdale College (Dr. Eric Hutchinson)
  • Kasey McMullin, Brigham Young University (Dr. Karen MacFarlane)
  • Sara Myers, Brigham Young University (Dr. Cecilia Peek)
  • Alex Palinsi, Davidson College (Dr. Britta Ager)
  • Kevin Quain, Wayne State University (Dr. Jennifer Sheridan Moss)
  • Coral Roper, Brigham Young University (Dr. Karen MacFarlane)
  • Zoe Rydzewski, Davidson College (Dr. Britta Ager)
  • Audrey Saxton, Brigham Young University (Dr. Cecilia Peek)
  • Kelsie Storm Stewart, Brigham Young University (Dr. Karen MacFarlane)
  • Davis Temple, Davidson College (Dr. Britta Ager)
  • Michael Trotter, Brigham Young University (Dr. Cecilia Peek)
  • Michelle Vencil, Davidson College (Dr. Britta Ager)
  • Sara Van Tuyl, Brigham Young University (Dr. Karen MacFarlane)
  • Ryan Warwick, Bard College (Dr. Lauren Curtis)


College Advanced Translation Contest

Cash Award Winners (alphabetically, with school and instructor)
  • Nathan Huber, John Carroll University (Dr. Kristen Ehrhardt)
  • Mary Carolyn Manion, Christendom College (Dr. Andrew Beer)
  • Michelle Martinez, University of Cincinnati (Dr. Lauren Ginsberg)
  • Daniel Washelesky, Washington University in St. Louis (Dr. Catherine Keane)
  • Winston Wu, University of Texas Austin (Dr. Karl Galinsky)                                   

Book Prize Winners (alphabetically, with school and instructor)

  • Joshua Benjamins, Hillsdale College (Dr. David Jones)
  • Sarah Eisenlohr, Kenyon College (Dr. Evelyn Adkins)
  • Sage Farha, Bryn Mawr College (Dr. Bret Mulligan)
  • Robert Johnson, Christendom College (Dr. Andrew Beer)
  • Megan Kawasaki, Washington University in St. Louis (Dr. George Pepe)
  • Timothy Morris, Monmouth College (Dr. Thomas Sienkewicz)
  • Katherine Needham, Washington University in St. Louis (Dr. George Pepe)
  • Kathryn Van de Loo, Ave Maria University (Dr. Andrew Dinan)
  • Lien Van Geel, Mississippi State University (Dr. Salvador Bartera)
  • Eric Joseph Wilson, Christendom College (Dr. Andrew Beer)

Letters of Commendation (alphabetically, with school and instructor)

  • Megan Bandel, Austin Peay State University (Dr. Steve Kershner)
  • Anne Begin, Hillsdale College (Dr. Gavin Weaire)
  • Michael Block, University of St. Thomas (Dr. Lorina Quartarone)
  • Jacob Bowe, Washington and Lee University (Dr. Rebecca Benefiel)
  • Katharine Bradshaw, The George Washington University (Dr. Elizabeth Fisher)
  • Catherine Dawn, Brigham Young University (Dr. Seth Jeppesen)
  • Jeana LaRae Ferguson, Hillsdale College (Dr. Gavin Weaire)
  • Andy Giese, Xavier University (Dr. Thomas Strunk)
  • Matthew Goldammer, University of St. Thomas (Dr. Lorina Quartarone)
  • Melissa Greer, University of Georgia (Dr. DeMaris Corrigan)
  • Eddie Hoffman, Xavier University (Dr. Thomas Strunk)
  • Benjamin Houde, Ave Maria University (Dr. JosephYarbrough)
  • Casey Hughes, Baylor University (Dr. Julia Hejduk)
  • Hyounsuk (Andrew) Kim, University of Waterloo (Dr. Altay Coskun)
  • Thomas Kocjan, Brock University (Dr. Sarah Parker)
  • Clint Lasson, Brigham Young University (Dr. Seth Jeppesen)
  • Michelle Lee, Washington University in St. Louis (Dr. George Pepe)
  • Elizabeth Low, University of Oklahoma (Dr. Charles Watson)
  • Emily Marcus, The George Washington University (Dr. Elizabeth Fisher)
  • Rebekah Maddack, Purdue University (Dr. Antonia Syson)
  • Scott McMickle, Baylor University (Dr. Julia Hejduk and Dr. Daniel Nodes)
  • Jackson Perry, Baylor University (Dr. Daniel Nodes)
  • Daniel Politte, Washington University in St. Louis (Dr. George Pepe)
  • Sarah Pritchard, Washington University in St. Louis (Dr. George Pepe)
  • Erin Russo, Baylor University (Dr. Julia Hejduk)
  • Michelle Schulte, Kenyon College (Dr. Evelyn Adkins)
  • Mary Elizabeth Smith, Washington and Lee University (Dr. Rebecca Benefiel)
  • James Stark, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana (Dr. Ariana Traill)
  • William Stover, Baylor University (Dr. Daniel Hanchey)
  • Emma Vanderpool, Monmouth College (Dr. Thomas Sienkewicz)

High School Intermediate Translation Contest

Cash Award Winners (alphabetically, with school and teacher)
  • Mitchell Arnold, Flint Hill School VA (Ken Andino)
  • Sam Katz, Shaker Heights HS OH (Nora Murphy)
  • Rose McCandless, Shaker Heights HS OH (Nora Murphy)
  • Zoe Porterfield, Old Stone School VA (John Siman)
  • Libby Reeves, Greenhills School MI  (Michael Powers)
  • Malcolm Reynolds, St. Stephen's & St. Agnes' School, VA (Ian Hochberg)
  • Jocelyn Robertson, Old Stone School VA (John Siman)
  • Merritt Schwartz, Flint Hill School VA (Ken Andino)
  • Savannah Warren, Wayland Academy WI (Dr. Keely Lake)
  • JP Wilusz, St. Stephen's & St. Agnes' School, VA (Ian Hochberg)

Book Prize Winners (alphabetically, with school and teacher)

  • Sam Alcott, Ensworth School TN (Jennifer Ishee)
  • Joseph Delamerced, Summit Country Day School OH (Kim Ashcraft)
  • Ian Gill, Scottsdale Preparatory Academy AZ (Heather Paff)
  • Noah Harris, Oak Hall School FL (Dr. Generosa Sangco-Jackson)
  • Trinidad Kechkian, Flint Hill School VA (Ken Andino)
  • Margaret Lee, Rockbridge County HS VA (Patrick J. Bradley)
  • David (Joey) Lindsay, Flint Hill School VA (Ken Andino)
  • McKensie Miller, Ensworth School TN (Jennifer Ishee)
  • Olivia Proe, Shaker Heights HS OH (Nora Murphy)
  • Walton Schmidt, St. Andrew's Episcopal School TX (Jennifer Luongo)

Letters of Commendation (alphabetically, with school and teacher)

  • Allison Arber, Ravenscroft School, NC (Dr. Jonathan Avery)
  • Brandon Beck, Mountain View HS GA (Jaime Claymore)
  • William Bent, Rockbridge County HS VA (Patrick J. Bradley)
  • Alimatou Demba, Flint Hill School VA (Ken Andino)
  • John Dugan, Ensworth School TN (Jennifer Ishee)
  • Holland Edmonds, St. Anne's-Belfield School VA (Anne Flatin)
  • James Gaither, Ensworth School TN (Jennifer Ishee)
  • Madeline High, Ravenscroft School, NC (Dr. Jonathan Avery)
  • Elise Lindbergh, St. Anne's-Belfield School VA (Anne Flatin)
  • John (Jack) Lovelace, Flint Hill School VA (Ken Andino)
  • Hailey McDonnell, Flint Hill School VA (Ken Andino)
  • Nicholas Mungan, St. Andrew's Episcopal School MS (Thomas Riesenberger)
  • Matthew Nelson, Grand Rapids Christian School MI (CarlaJoy Strand)
  • Emily Park, Flint Hill School VA (Ken Andino)
  • David Sharkey, Marist School, GA (A.W. Saunders & Thomas Marier)
  • James Sterchi, Ensworth School TN (Jennifer Ishee)
  • Charlie Stewart-Bates, University School OH (Peter Millett)
  • Coco Strassberg, Maret School DC (Diana Jensen)
  • Morgan Teel, BASIS San Antonio TX (Dr. Krishni Burns)
  • Katharine Toth, Eleanor Roosevelt HS MD (Matthew Moore)
  • Deondre Wooden, Flint Hill School VA (Ken Andino)

High School Advanced Translation Contest

Cash Award Winners (alphabetically, with school and teacher)
  • Sameer Apte, Shaker Heights HS OH (Nora Murphy)
  • Adam Berger, University School OH (Karl Frerichs)
  • Cynthia Cheng, Groton School MA (Amy Martin-Nelson)    
  • Sylvia Choo, Trinity Preparatory School FL (Carolyn Davidson)
  • Natalie Diaz, Thomas Jefferson HSST VA (Patty Lister)
  • Connor Leech, Durham Academy NC (Edith Keene)
  • Samuel Marks, George Walton HS GA (Alan Farnsworth)
  • Theodore Pedas, Maret School DC (Diana Jensen)
  • Rebecca Regan, Nichols School NY (Sarah Panzica)    
  • Ben Robertson, Shaker Heights HS OH (Nora Murphy) 
  • William Peter Simon, University School OH (Karl Frerichs)
  • Anav Sood, Shaker Heights HS OH (Nora Murphy)
  • Austin Kian Wang, George Walton HS GA (Alan Farnsworth)

Book Prize Winners (alphabetically, with school and teacher)

  • Reza Akhtar, Flint Hill School VA (Ken Andino)
  • Jordan Arnold, Rockbridge County HS VA (Patrick J. Bradley)
  • Joshua Benton, Memphis University School TN (Ryan Sellers and Trey Suddarth)
  • Adil Bhatia, Brookfield Academy WI (Ruth Osier)    
  • Rachel Brodie, Rockbridge County HS VA (Patrick J. Bradley)
  • Bryce Cai, Barrington HS IL (Christopher Condrad)
  • Jesse Campbell, Summit Country Day OH (Larry Dean)
  • Rachel Chon, Thomas Jefferson HSST VA (Patty Lister)
  • Gianni Ciccarelli, Shaker Heights HS OH (Nora Murphy)
  • Chandler Clayton, Memphis University School TN (Ryan Sellers and Trey Suddarth)
  • Evan Colby, Ravenscroft School NC (Dr. Jonathan Avery)
  • Forest Colerick, Memphis University School TN (Ryan Sellers and Trey Suddarth)
  • Ruthie Dworin, Louisville Classical Academy KY (Dr. Jan-Piet Knijff)    
  • Matt Fuchs, Maret School DC (Diana Jensen)
  • Priya Gill, Flint Hill School VA (Howard Chang)
  • Nicholas Herndon, Durham Academy NC (Edith Keene)
  • Wyatt Joyner, Old Stone School VA (John Siman)
  • Allison Kao, Shaker Heights HS OH (Nora Murphy)
  • Nolan Kataoka, Thomas Jefferson HSST VA (Patty Lister)
  • Sunna Kureishy, The Linsly School WV (Dr. Nicoletta Villa-Sella)
  • Richard Ouyang, Memphis University School TN (Ryan Sellers and Trey Suddarth)
  • Courtney Peters, Marist School, GA (A.W. Saunders & Thomas Marier)
  • Emily Petro, Maret School DC (Diana Jensen)
  • Sarah Portwood, George Walton HS GA (Alan Farnsworth)        
  • Bryan Wu, George Walton HS GA (Alan Farnsworth)

Letters of Commendation (alphabetically, with school and teacher)

  • Theodore Ando, University of Chicago Laboratory Schools IL (Daniel Ristin)
  • Jenna Bellantoni, Scottsdale Preparatory Academy AZ (Jared Copeland)
  • Karl Baumgartner, D'Evelyn Jr./Sr. High School CO (Pierre Habel)    
  • Tristan Britt, Covington Latin School KY (Kelly Kusch)
  • Nicolas Kyle Day, Memphis University School TN (Ryan Sellers and Trey Suddarth)
  • Bryce Deskins, St. Andrew's Episcopal School TX (Jennie Luongo)
  • Nathan Dinh, Memphis University School TN (Ryan Sellers and Trey Suddarth)
  • Dylan Echlin, Memphis University School TN (Ryan Sellers and Trey Suddarth)
  • Frank Fazekas, Greenhills School MI (Michael Powers)
  • June Ge, Thomas Jefferson HSST VA (Patty Lister)
  • Charles Hall, Eastside HS GA (Eric Adams)
  • Kendyll Hicks, Flint Hill School VA (Ken Andino)        
  • David Holmes, St. Louis Priory School MO (Dr. Michael Johnson)
  • PJ Johnson, The Lovett School GA (Kelly Ryan)
  • Alexander J. Lowell, St. Louis Priory School MO (Dr. Michael Johnson)    
  • Rishi Mallipeddi, Montgomery Bell Academy TN (Sarah Ellery)
  • John Marco Miele, The Lovett School GA (Kelly Ryan)
  • Ian Morrison, Shaker Heights HS OH (Nora Murphy)    
  • Patrick Murphy, Memphis University School TN (Ryan Sellers and Trey Suddarth)
  • Casey Ohringer, Eleanor Roosevelt HS MD (Matthew Moore)
  • Alex Philpott, Cherry Creek HS CO (Amy Sommer)
  • Brantley Proffitt, Eastside HS GA (Eric Adams)
  • Aliyah Quereshi, Brookfield Academy WI (Ruth Osier)

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Resolutions for the 111th Annual Meeting

WHEREAS we Scodalitates of CAMWS, whether flying high or driving on the fumes, came forth without Sisyphean effort to the fine Home Rule Municipality of Boulder for the fourth time in the history of our august association, in the Civitas Centesimi Anni, home of Molly Brown from the Titanic, John Denver, the famed Stanley Hotel and Stephen King's The Shining, Mork and Mindy, fifteen craft breweries, the naked pumpkin run on Halloween, the Cruiser Ride, and xeriscaped container gardens, not to mention the Escoffier Culinary Institute and Naropa University,


WHEREAS we, on a Rocky Mountain High (thanks to our orator, James May), and doing nil sine numine, have come to the only city on the planet where people bake at four twenty, the same number as the most important holiday, arriving at the largest CAMWS ever, with 589 registrations and counting, 415 individual papers, 6 panels, 4 workshops, 12 round tables, plus an Ascanius Institute,


WHEREAS we did not find ourselves between a rock and a hard place, nor did we use the Flatirons to press our banquet clothes, but rather found ourselves within walking distance of food and shopping, where we were treated like proconsuls and not



WHEREAS we were treated to all types of edibles by the Millennium Labyrinth, where we spent our few idle hours in the Bubble of the Rocky Mountain Tennis Center, only to find no grass on the floor, all the while carving up the Italian peninsula alongside the American Association for Italian Studies,


WHEREAS we walked or were shuttled, but were never buffaloed, into the University of Colorado, home of Nobel laureates and the famed Economics Institute where two current heads of state, Tsakiagiin Elbegdorj and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, are counted as alumni; illustrious creator of the Bose-Einstein condensate and the FluChip, the Squid server (not the kind we eat), and the first zero-waste sports stadium,


WHEREAS faculty, staff, and students of said university let their light shine by opening up the stadium club and humanities building for us during their own holiday,


WHEREAS we members and friends of CAMWS, hotter than Colorado chili seasoning with its nom de plume, the Cannabis And Marijuana Weed Society, devoured eight archaeology and art history panels, with secundae mensae on all things Latin, Greek, and pedagogical,


WHEREAS John Miller's introduction at the banquet set us on the path to Olympian heights, and Provost Russell Moore regaled us with a greeting worthy of Galen, by showing us how George Norlin, one of our own, held off the bisons of the Ku Klux Klan and warned about Hitler, all while running the Colorado University for two decades,


WHEREAS we did not eat our Table Mesa at the banquet, but rather a choice of chicken, tilapia, ravioli, or strudel, and a mountain of delights for dessert,


WHEREAS we have taken great pleasure in the pedagogy and first book awards, to Beth Severy-Hoven and Jackie Elliott, respectively; many student and teaching prizes; the special service awards to Adam Blistein and Rebecca Crown; and ovationes to Joy J. King, Roger Macfarlane, and Amy Sommer; and a theory theory, which we have some ideas about, that described the minds of Homer, Vergil, and maybe even Ruth Scodel,


BE IT RESOLVED that we thank Tom Sienkewicz and Jevanie Gillen for resolving all the problems that come from well over a cohort of Classicists piling Pelion on Ossa, and Ossa on Pelion,


BE IT RESOLVED that we offer our great appreciation to the local organizing committee for bearing up under an avalanche of responsibilities, and to Annie Booth, for musical offerings Apollonian and Dionysian,


BE IT RESOLVED that we thank the University of Michigan Press, Bolchazy-Carducci Press, the National Latin Exam, the Department of Classics of the University of Colorado, and the Classics Department at Macalester College for keeping us from eating the cattle of Helios during breaks,


BE IT RESOLVED that we express our gratitude to the Women's Classical Caucus, the Committee for the Promotion of Latin, the Graduate Student Issues Committee, and the Vergilian Society for satisfying our munchies and our minds,


BE IT RESOLVED that we give thanks to the Millennium Harvest House for their generous hospitality, and also the Marriott and the Days Inn for their xenia and chariots,


BE IT RESOLVED, last but by no means least, that we acknowledge the sacrifices of the Office of the Provost of the University of the University of Colorado, Boulder, as well as those of John Gibert and Barbara Hill, and their cohorts and phalanxes of students and staff, and of the Choregos and Head Dance Caller, Ruth Scodel,


BE IT RESOLVED that we will reconvene next year as burgesses in historic Williamsburg, not having to choose between Antony and the Augustakes.


Geoffrey Bakewell

Sandy Blakely

Angeline Chiu

Kris Fletcher

Kristin Lord

Kirk Sanders


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New in The Classical Journal

Classical Journal Cover

The following articles are in CJ 110.4:

Chiara Battistella, "Medea Reaches Maturity: On Ovidian Intertextuality in Sen. Med. 905-15"
  • This article offers some thoughts on Seneca's Medea and especially on lines 905-15 near the end of the play, which are key to understanding the construction of the protagonist's identity throughout the text. They bring to the fore the joint presence of anger and love in the character's psychology and, recurring to elegy as a point of entry, attempt to delineate an intertextual relationship with Ov. Am. 2.18, aiming at evoking the 'ghostly' presence of Ovid's lost Medea. The article falls into two major sections: the first part focuses on distinctive features of Seneca's portrayal of his heroine, like the representation of her intense emotions, the maius-motif, the sophisticated and complex interplay between previous models and the character's poignant self-awareness. The second part revolves around the issue of intertextuality, whereof one specific moment is spotted at a microexegetical level in the epilogue of the play. 

Christopher Moore, "Self-Knowledge in Xenophon's Memorabilia 4.2"

  • Whereas Plato's Socrates discusses the Delphic maxim "Know Yourself" frequently, Xenophon's Socrates does so only once (Mem. 4.2.24), in his conversation with Euthydemus, a confident young man zealous about leading the city. Previous scholars have read Socrates as equating "knowing yourself" with "knowing your powers." But knowing your powers is only one condition of self-knowledge, as a closer reading of Mem. 4.2 shows, in particular Socrates' analogy about judging a horse for purchase. Knowing yourself means coming to act on the basis of your knowledge of justice and goodness, and acting on this basis frees you from a self-imposed enslavement. Xenophon's understanding is thus richer and more philosophically sophisticated than is usually assumed.

 Shawn O'Bryhim, "The Economics of Agalmatophilia"

  • Several popular stories from the 4th-2nd centuries BC describe the lust that specific statues inspired in otherwise unknown Greek men. These accounts follow the pattern of urban legends, which suggests that they may be fictional tales created and disseminated for a particular purpose: to attract tourists and their money to cities that possessed alluring statues. 

Ruth Parkes, "Love or War? Erotic and Martial Poetics in Claudian's De Raptu Proserpinae"

  • This article treats genre, love, and violence in Claudian's De Raptu Proserpinae, with particular reference to the precedents of Ovid's Metamorphoses and Statius' Achilleid. The first part establishes the poem's varied generic voices (notably elegiac, epithalamic and martial epic). The second part ties the presence of competing martial and erotic voices to the poem's exploration of conflicting interpretations of the Dis-Proserpina union as exemplifying love or war. It highlights the potential for discord in the interpretation of the union as an example of love, especially in examples of symbols which can be approached from an epic perspective and from the elegiac or epithalamic sphere. 

Ian Plant, "Thucydides, Timotheus, and the Epitaph for Euripides"

  • This article discusses the epitaph for Euripides, found both in the Vita Euripidis and in the Greek Anthology (AP 7.45), and attributed in antiquity to Thucydides and to Timotheus. It reviews the contexts in which the epitaph was cited in antiquity, discusses reasons for the joint attribution, and determines what we can conclude about the authorship and probable date of composition.

Susan Satterfield, "Prodigies, the Pax Deum and the Ira Deum"

  • In this article, I examine the relationship between prodigies and the pax and ira deum. I follow Santangelo in arguing that prodigies did not represent ruptures in the pax deum. Instead, they were simply signs that the pax deum was needed to avoid some impending disaster. In addition, I argue against the traditional understanding of prodigies as expressions of the ira deum brought about by Roman error: although prodigies were sometimes the result of ritual mistakes, they could also simply happen, with no connection at all to human action or divine anger.

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New in Teaching Classical Languages

Can't wait until the next full issue of Teaching Classical Languages is complete? TCL is now making select articles available in a pre-publication format. You can read the entire article, but should not cite it in a publication until the full issue is uploaded with correct pagination and final formatting. Two articles are now available: Jiha Min's "Three Categories of Humor in Latin Pedagogy" explains how three types of humor help readers become aware of the lexical range of words, hierarchies within Roman society, and Roman social pressures and taboos. Christopher Francese's " A Podcasting Approach to Latin and Greek Orality" shows how podcasting helps students hear and speak Latin texts and makes them accessible to a broader audience. To see the articles in pre-pub format, go to and click on Current Issue.
  • Jiha Min, "Three Categories of Humor in Latin Pedagogy" (available in pre-pub format) 
  • Susan Thornton Rasmussen, "Why Oral Latin?"
  • Christopher Francese, "A Podcasting Approach to Latin and Greek Orality" (available in pre-pub format)
  • Ginny Lindzey, "The Biduum Experience"
  • Robert Patrick, "Making Sense of Comprehensible Input in the Latin Classroom"

Teaching Classical Languages welcomes articles offering innovative practice and methods, advocating new theoretical approaches, or reporting on empirical research in teaching and learning Latin and Greek.  Contact John Gruber-Miller, Editor, Teaching Classical LanguagesCornell College, Mount Vernon, IA 52314,   

CPL Announces New Travel Grant for High School Groups

CPL Travel Grants for High School Groups are designed for high school teachers who want to take their students on a trip to an excavation, exhibit or historic site(s) that both enhances their learning experience and furthers their interest in Classical Studies.

The grant supports both domestic and international travel.

In the academic year 2015-2016 $4000 is available for this purpose. Requests for funds up to $2000 may be submitted, but every effort will be made to share these resources in smaller amounts among as many schools as possible.

Proposals should include a budget, the dates of the projected trip and a detailed description of the planned activities, including a time line; proposals for support of participation in an excavation should include a letter from the excavation director detailing the students' responsibilities.

The proposals will be judged by the members of the CPL committee or a sub-committee thereof. Questions pertaining to the preparation of a proposal should be directed to    


Upon their return recipients of a CPL Travel Grant are required to provide documentation of their participation in the originally proposed activity, a brief report on the outcomes of the travel, including issues that may have occurred and that may be considered by the grant committee in the future, and a summary of this activity, including photographs, for publication in the CAMWS Newsletter and on the website for the grant. 


Applications for the CPL Travel Grant for High School Groups may be submitted by high school teachers who hold a current individual membership in CAMWS.

Application for the 2015-16 grants will be reviewed in two groups. The deadline for consideration for fall requests is September 30, 2015, and the deadline for spring and summer requests is January 30, 2016.


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News from the Committee for the Promotion of Latin

Congratulations to 2014-2015 recipients of CPL funding, and a big thank-you for their remarkable outreach projects:
  • Christopher Craig received a BIG for covering part of the costs of the 33rd annual University of Tennessee Latin Day, October 30, 2014.
  • Sherri Madden received a BIG or hosting an Ancient Aquatic Adventure in collaboration with the Carlos Mueum at Emory University and the Georgia Aquarium, March 22, 2015.  Click here for a newspaper covering of the event.
  • Caren Caroe received a BIG for defraying part of the costs of participating in the National Convention of the JCL at San Antonio, TX, July 27-August 1, 2015.
  • Mark Keith received a BIG for funding the Ursus Latin Program, a four-day camp for elementary students in grades 2-5, at Riverbend High School, Fredrickburg, VA, June 15-18, 2015.
  • Robert Holschuh Simmons received a BIG for putting together a Classics Day program at Monmouth College, April 18, 2015.
  • Jeremy Walker received a BIG for inviting Joe Goodkin to perform his 'Odyssey' at the Indiana Classical League State Convention.
  • Matthew Semanoff recieved a BIG for having Joe Goodkin perform his 'Odyssey' at an outreach event for students at the University of Montana as well as of Hellgate High School at Missoula, MT, April 14.
  • Marcie Handler (Covington Latin School) received a Caristia Grant for taking a group of 29 students and 6 adults (three teachers and three parents) to visit the Parthenon in Nashville, TN.
  • Gwen Compton Engle (John Carroll University) received a Bridge Initiative Grant for organizing an Alumni Panel, entitled "Classics and Your Career."
  • Christopher Craig (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) received a Bridge Initiative Grant for hosting a speaker at the 33rd annual University of Tennessee Latin Day.
  • E. Del Chrol (Marshall University) received a Bridge Initiative Grant for organizing an outreach event to the broader community featuring a lecture on astronomy and astrology in Rome and in Hellenistic works. Del also received a Caristia Grant for the classics department's annual banquet. 
  • Nicoletta Villa-Sella (The Linsly School) received a Bridge Initiative Grant for defraying part of the costs of the West Virginia State Latin Convention, which took place at Bethany College (WV) on February 5-6.
  • Katie James (Vanguard College Preparatory School) received a Caristia Grant for hosting a party following her students' annual re-enactment of the assassination of Julius Caesar for their peers in the school's Latin program.
  • Sherri Madden (East Mooresville Intermediate School) received a Bridge Initiative Grant for staging a Roman Adventure Day for about 125 fourth graders on Friday, March 13.  Click here for photos.
  • Stephanie Hutchings (University of Arizona) received a Bridge Initiative Grant in support of the annual lectio Vergiliana, which will be held in the Special Collections Library on April 8. The reading involves all Latin classes as well as graduate students and faculty of the classics department and brings together the classical community in a public setting.
  • William Brockliss (University of Wisconsin, Madison) received a BIG for hosting a high-school visit day on March 19, 2015. Click here for photos, Click here for report

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Report on Ascanius' Let's Learn Latin
Workshop in Boulder

Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute was excited to attend CAMWS 2015 in Boulder, Colorado. We sincerely thank CAMWS for their wonderful $750 grant, which allowed us to host one of our Let's Learn Latin workshops. Here, we introduce local elementary and middle school teachers, including those with no prior Latin experience, to the world of Latin and the ancient Romans through a variety of engaging approaches. Teachers get to play the role of students, learning the material through the same activities and lessons that they will be able to use in their own classrooms. We show participants the basics of Latin, using Barbara Bell's colorful, interesting, and kid-friendly Minimus: Starting Out in Latin. The readings and lessons in the textbook are richly supplemented by hands-on and innovative activities to practice the material. Other topics include Latin vocabulary, word roots, and Roman culture and mythology. Participants receive myriad classroom-ready materials on all topics studied.

At Let's Learn Latin in Boulder, we had two instructors: Kevin Jefferson, Board of Directors Member and Technology & Social Media Committee Chair and Nadia Ghosheh, Publications Committee Chair. We had 16 participants, among whom were elementary school Latin teachers seeking new ideas, homeschool parents, a Spanish teacher, a French teacher, and several language arts teachers looking for ways to incorporate word study into their classrooms. One pair of teachers even mentioned that they are currently teaching Latin to elementary school students once a week using Minimus - and what a fantastic opportunity! They were so excited both to learn new strategies and to share their firsthand experiences with the other participants. This was perhaps one of the best parts of Let's Learn Latin: Boulder. Not only did Ascanius bring effective strategies and activities, but also provided an environment where teachers could share their own ideas and help each other solve problems. The group discussed fun new ideas for incorporating word study into existing curricula, as well as ways to make Latin more approachable. In the end, both instructors and participants left excited to try out new activities and eager to explore the Classical world with their students.


Future CAMWS Meetings

112th Annual Meeting
March 16-19, 2016 in Williamsburg, VA
at the invitation of the
113th Annual Meeting
April 5-8, 2017 in Kitchener, ON, Canada
at the invitation of the
114th Annual Meeting
April 11-14, 2018 in Albuquerque, NM
Hotel Albuquerque
at the invitation of the
University of New Mexico

115th Annual Meeting
April 3-6, 2019 in Lincoln, Nebraska
The Cornhusker Marriott
at the invitation of the
University of Nebraska

CAMWS Members in the News

CAMWS congratulates John Fischer, who received an honorary degree from Wabash College at its 2015 Commencement.

CAMWS congratulates Trudy Becker of Virginia Tech, who was recently awarded the William E. Wine Award for Excellence in Teaching from her institution.  For more, click here.

CAMWS congratulates Vassiliki Panoussi of The College of William and Mary, who is a 2015 recipient of a Plumeri Award for Faculty Excellence.  For more, click here.

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From Our Institutional Members
2015 Fox Writing Contest at Monmouth College

The Department of Classics at Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois, is proud to announce the winners of the thirtieth annual Bernice L. Fox Classics Writing Contest.


The topic of this year's contest, open to all high school students, was "A Modern Version of a Myth from Ovid's Metamorphoses - Retell a metamorphoses myth from Ovid's poem in a modern, 21st-century context."   This year there were 91 entries from 27 schools in 15 states and the UK.  Each entrant receives a certificate of participation from Monmouth College.


The winner of a $250 cash award is Sheridan Marsh of Westridge School for Girls in Pasedena, California.  Sheridan's teacher is Ms. Hilary Eichelberger.  The title of her paper was "Apollo and the Blossom Boy."  


Honorable mentions (listed randomly) were awarded to the following students: Alex Frank of Portland High School in Portland, ME (Teacher: Ms. Michelle Tucci); Cosmy Pellis of James River High School in Midolothian, VA (Teacher: Ms. Donna Dollings); Cecilia Fasano of Monmouth Roseville High School in Monmouth, IL (Teacher: Mr. Brian Tibbetts); Tessa Rudolph of Beverly Hills High School of Beverly Hills, CA (Teacher: Ms. Ann-Marie Fine); Danya Pollack of Beverly Hills High School in Beverly Hills, CA (Teacher: Ms. Ann-Marie Fine); and Makayla Lagerman of Conrad Weiser High Schoolin Robesonia, PA (Teacher: Ms. Diane Rurode).


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Introducing Eidolon, a Modern Way to Write about the Ancient World

Paideia Institute announces the launch of Eidolon, a new online journal.

The continued existence and popularity of the Classics is dependent on our ability to make it feel interesting, exciting, and relevant in the 21st century. One way to accomplish this goal is by writing engaging, accessible articles about the Classics that are not formal scholarship. These pieces can take advantage of the writers' personal experiences and the constantly changing world to bring new perspectives to the Classical humanities. So we decided to create a new publication for the kind of writing we'd love to see more of - and today we're sharing it with you. You can read more about it and see the manifesto here.


We have a lot of exciting content lined up for the next few weeks. We'll share articles by a talented group of professors, graduate students, and high school teachers. Using the modern world to understand Classics and Classics to understand the modern world, we hope to shed new light on the works of Alcaeus, Vergil, Horace, and Cato - along with Sports Illustrated magazine, the conflict between Israel and Palestine, contemporary poets' responses to the sinking of the Titanic, and the hipster obsession with kale.

If you want to follow Eidolon, you can find new content on our publication home on Mondays, and you can use Medium to recommend, share, and comment on articles. You can also follow Eidolon on Facebook and Twitter. If you want to get more involved and you have an idea that you think would be a great fit for Eidolon, you can send us a pitch. And if you want to support the work Eidolon is doing, you can make a targeted donation through the Paideia Institute.

We hope you're as excited as we are to see where this journal will go.

Happy reading,
Jason Pedicone, President of the Paideia Institute
Donna Zuckerberg, Editor of Eidolon


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Call for Papers  
Lutheranism & the Classics IV: Listening to the Poets 

WHAT: The Wittenberg Reformation, deeply indebted to the new philological tools of Humanism, held the classical languages in high esteem and fostered the study of their literatures. The conference organizers seek papers of 20 minutes (or panels with at least three participants) on such topics as follow:

  • Reformation-era Perspectives on Ancient Latin/Greek Poets
  • Early Christian Hymnists as Viewed by 16th-century Reformers
  • Melanchthon, Luther and Reformers as Poets
  • The Polemical Use of Poetry
  • Poetry in Scripture: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs
  • Metrical Matters
  • History of Music and the Liturgy
  • The Role of Poetry in Lutheran Pedagogy
  • Lutheran Hymnody
  • Precursors to the Lutheran Chorale

Our subject is broadly conceived and considerable latitude will be given. Proposals should exemplify philological excellence, contribute to the conference theme however broadly, and avoid overspecialization. Selected papers from this conference may be published. Presenters whose abstracts are accepted will receive greatly reduced board while on campus, though neither registration nor travel (beyond the airport van and transportation to the seminary) will be covered.


WHO: Keynote addresses by Arthur Just, Jr. (Concordia Theological Seminary), Robin Leaver (Yale University), Philip Barnes (John Burroughs School, St. Louis, Missouri), and Alden Smith (Baylor University).


WHEN: Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be submitted by electronic attachment to Carl P.E. Springer, Professor, Department of English and Coordinator, Classical Studies Program, Southern Illinois University at by November 1, 2015.


WHERE: Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 29-30, 2016.


To visit the website, go to   


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 The Paideia Institute's "Living Latin at Columbia University"  

Dear Friends,

On Thursday, May 14th, the Paideia Institute and the Columbia University Department of Classics co-hosted Professor Juergen Leonhardt, Dean of the Faculty at the University of T�bingen and author of Latin: Story of a World Language, to give a public lecture as part of Columbia's Classics Colloquium series. The talk, entitled "Latin as a Global Language: What can we Learn from History?" served as the keynote address for the Paideia Institute's "Living Latin at Columbia" weekend, which also included a workshop on second-language acquisition pedagogy by Justin Slocum Bailey.  We are pleased to be able to share the full video of Professor Leonhardt's talk with you here:

Latin: Story of a World Language offers a fascinating social history of the Latin language from antiquity to the present. Professor Leonhardt here elaborates on the themes in his book, exploring the connections between the status of Latin as a world language in the Middle Ages and Renaissance and the status of English as a world language today.

We are grateful to Columbia University for co-hosting this event and we are pleased to have found a new friend of the Paideia Institute in Professor Leonhardt. 


The Paideia Institute


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Society for Classical Studies 
Awards for Teaching Excellence and Outreach 

The Society for Classical Studies (SCS) wants teachers of classics to be aware of the following awards that recognize outstanding teaching and scholarly outreach. Click on the relevant URL below to see a full description of each program and detailed instructions for submitting nominations. The teaching awards are supported by income from gifts from Daniel and Joanna Rose to the Society's Gateway Endowment for Classics Research and Teaching.      


SCS Awards for Excellence in Teaching at the College Level 


These awards give special and public expression to the commitment of the SCS to honor and foster excellence in the teaching of the Classics. Winners of these awards must be members of the SCS and have a minimum of three years of teaching experience prior to nomination. By action of the SCS Board of Directors, only individuals may be considered for these awards. Nomination materials must be received by Monday, June 1, 2015.


SCS Awards for Excellence in Teaching at the Precollegiate Level 


The Joint Committee (with ACL) on the Classics in American Education invites nominations for these awards. Teachers, full- or part-time, of grades K-12 in schools in the United States and Canada who at the time of the application teach at least one class of Latin, Greek, or classics at the K-12 level are eligible. Membership in the SCS is not required. September 9, 2015, is the deadline for the receipt of nominations.


The SCS Outreach Prize 


This prize recognizes outstanding projects or events by an SCS member or members that make an aspect of classical antiquity available and attractive to an audience other than classics scholars or students in their courses. All nomination materials must be received by July 24, 2015, in the SCS Office.

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Institutional Members of CAMWS: 2014-2015

Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute
Auburn Classical Academy
Ave Maria University
Bard College*
Baylor University
Brigham Young University
Brown University
Calvin College
Carthage College
Case Western Reserve University
Charlotte Latin School
The Classical Academy
College of William and Mary
Colorado College
Concordia College
Concordia Theological Seminary
Covington Latin School
Creighton Preparatory School
Creighton University
Davidson College
DePauw University
Duke University
Emory University
Episcopal Collegiate School
Eta Sigma Phi
Florida State University
Fort Worth Country Day
Furman University
Grand Valley State University
Grinnell College
Hampden-Sydney College
Harvard University
Hillsdale College
Hollins University
Indiana University
John Burroughs School
Kenyon College
Leesville Road High School
Liberty Common High School
Louisiana State University
Loyola University (Chicago)
Lynchburg College*
Marshall University
Millsaps College
Monmouth College
Montgomery Bell Academy
National Latin Exam
Northwestern University
The Paideia Institute*
The Philology Institute*
Purdue University
Rice University
Ridgeview Classical Schools*
Ripon College
Saint Olaf College
Scottsdale Preparatory Academy
Shaker Heights High School
Shawnee Mission East High School
St. Mary's Dominican High School
Texas Tech University
Trent University
Trinity University
Truman State University
Tufts University
University of Arizona (Tucson)
University of Georgia (Athens)
University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
University of Iowa (Iowa City)
University of Kentucky (Lexington)
University of Maryland (College Park)
University of Mary Washington
University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
University of Minnesota (Minneapolis)
University of Mississippi (Oxford)
University of Missouri (Columbia)
University of New Mexico (Albuquerque)
University of North Carolina (Greensboro)
University of Notre Dame
University of South Carolina (Columbia)
University of Tennessee (Knoxville)
University of Texas (Austin)
University of Toronto
University of Virginia (Charlottesville)
University of Waterloo
University of Western Ontario
University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Utah State University
Vanguard College Preparatory School
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest University
Washington University
Washington and Lee University*
Wayland Academy
Wayne State University
Westminster Schools of Augusta
Wilfrid Laurier University
Wisconsin Latin Teachers Association
Wright State University
Xavier University


*CAMWS would like to welcome first-time Institutional Members.  


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Financial Contributors to CAMWS for 2014-2015


Anonymous Donor

Herbert W. and Janice M. Benario

Marie C. Bolchazy

John Breuker, Jr.

David F. Bright

Edwin L. Brown

Christopher M. Brunelle

Edwin Carawan

Bernard P. Carrington

Christina A. Clark

Jenny Strauss Clay

Marianthe Colakis

Ann Raia Colaneri

Christopher P. Craig

Jane W. Crawford

Monica S. Cyrino

Sally R. Davis

James H. Dee

Helena R. Dettmer

Connie R. Dickerson

Francis M. Dunn

Thomas S. Fodice

John J. Fraser

G. Edward Gaffney

Michael Gagarin

Katherine A. Geffcken

Nicolas P. Gross

Anne H. Groton

John C. Gruber-Miller

David E. Hahm

Rebecca R. Harrison

Barbara A. Hill

Liane Houghtalin

Georgia L. Irby and John L. Robinson

Stanley A. Iverson

Andromache Karanika

Catherine C. Keane

James G. Keenan



Kenneth F. and Theresa Kitchell

Keely K. Lake

Eleanor W. Leach

Daniel B. Levine

Brenda Longfellow

Paul J. Lotz

Eddie R. Lowry, Jr.

Susan D. Martin

Patricia P. Matsen

James M. May

Stephanie A. McCarter and Daniel S. Holmes

Lynne McClendon

John F. Miller

Linda S. Montross

Martha J. Payne

Richard G. Peterson

Cynthia K. Phillips

Stephen Pilewski

Stephanie M. Pope

John R. Porter

Calliopi S. Ratcliff

Kenneth J. Reckford

James S. Ruebel

James P. Sandrock

Ruth Scodel

Thomas J. and Anne Sienkewicz

Robert H. Simmons

Marilyn B. Skinner

Niall W. Slater

Alden Smith

David W. Tandy

Theodore A. Tarkow

Brian M. Tibbets

Elza C. Tiner

Takayuki Yamasawa

Ann E. Werner

William C. West, III

Wisconsin Latin Teachers Association


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Classics in the News

In March, Daniel Mendelsohn published two pieces on Sappho in The New Yorker, one called "Girl, Interrupted: Who Was Sappho?" and another called "Hearing Sappho."

In March, NPR ran a story about the discovery of rare ancient coins at the University at Buffalo: "U.S. College Finds Priceless Coin Collection - In Its Own Library."

In May, The Washington Post published a story about a controversy surrounding Ovid at Columbia University: "Columbia Students Claim Greek Mythology Needs a Trigger Warning."

In April, Yahoo News ran a piece about the discovery of a hangover cure on a Greek papyrus from Egypt: "Ancient Hangover Cure Discovered in Greek Texts."

For many more Classics-related stories, like our Facebook page:

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Obitus Recentes

Jean Knocke Pierce (Derby Junior High) passed away on May 8, 2015. 

Robert P. Sonkowsky (University of Minnesota) passed away on November 16, 2014.  An obituary can be found here.

The following deceased members of CAMWS were remembered in a moment of silence at the business meeting in Boulder:

Christine Sleeper
Carin Allen
Sheila J. McNally
Paul B. Harvey, Jr.
Stephen G. Daitz
Diskin William Clay
Raymond DenAdel
Herndon High School
Rolla High School
University of Minnesota
Penn State University
City University of New York
Duke University
Rockford University
February 15, 2015
October 10, 2014
September 25, 2014
July 13, 2014
June 19, 2014
June 9, 2014
April 25, 2014

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Farewell from the Editor 

This marks my final edition as the CAMWS Newsletter editor, a position I have held for the past six years. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve the organization and to learn so much about it and the people who are a part of it. I owe enormous thanks to secretary-treasurers Anne Groton and Tom Sienkewicz, with whom it has been such a delight to work, and to CAMWS administrative assistants Sue Newland and Jevanie Gillen, whose help was always friendly and prompt. I am grateful also to CAMWS Presidents Michele Ronnick, David Tandy, Julia Hejduk, Peter Knox, Monica Cyrino, and Ruth Scodel for accommodating my many requests for newsletter items over the years. Beginning with the Fall 2015 edition, Tim Heckenlively of Baylor University will be taking over editing duties. I know he will do an outstanding job.

Stephanie McCarter
Sewanee: The University of the South

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The CAMWS Newsletter is published three times per year, in the fall, winter, and spring/summer.  The deadline for the fall edition is October 15, 2015. 

Beginning with the fall edition, Timothy Heckenlively of Baylor University will be taking over the editorship of the Newsletter.  Submissions can be sent to him via email at: or

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