November 20, 2015
My Heartfelt Thanks
Last year, as they do every year, Maryland's hospitals changed people's lives.
You provided 5.7 million outpatient services, tended to 2.1 million emergency department visits and brought more than 67,000 babies into the world.
But those are just numbers.
From a 30,000-foot view, these seem like grand statistics, along with the impressive gains in quality and cost reduction made in the first year under a new Medicare waiver. That news made lots of headlines recently, but you know hospitals aren't really about Medicare savings or per capita spending trends.
So do the individuals whose lives you touch daily.
To them, hospitals are so much more than numbers on spreadsheets. These are the women and men who come to you when they are at their most vulnerable or their most joyous, when they are looking for a glimmer of hope from the depths of the abyss or looking toward the future with bright anticipation and open possibilities.
And you are there for them - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The nurses, doctors, pharmacists, janitors, therapists, accountants, executives and others who follow their calling to work for a hospital think differently about sick days, and bad weather days and personal time off. They know how important it is that they be there for others - without fail and without hesitation.
So, as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday this year, I'm thankful for all the women and men who work in Maryland's hospitals to care for our communities. I'm thankful for you, the hospital leaders of Maryland, who juggle so much to ensure that the services we provide will never cease, and that our families, friends and neighbors will be well cared for. I'm thankful for the families and friends of hospital workers, without whose support their commitment would not be possible.
And I'm thankful for the trust you've placed in us to afford us the privilege to serve you, through your MHA, to help hospitals help people.
Have a happy holiday!

HSCRC Considering Options on Health Jobs Program
Health Services Cost Review Commission members this week received a report that contained three proposed options for addressing the Health Jobs Opportunity Program that had been proposed at the commission's September meeting, allowing until December 1 for public comment on the three options. Commissioners also received an update on its Performance Measurement Work Group activities and the fiscal year 2014 Annual Financial Disclosure report. You can read more in this month's Newsbreak.
Contact: Mike Robbins
NAACP Honors MedStar Union Memorial Hospital President Honored
Bradley S. Chambers, President of MedStar Union Memorial Hospital MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital, has been honored by the Baltimore City Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Chambers, along with seven other Baltimoreans, received the 2015 NAACP Thurgood Marshall honor Thursday at the 2015 Freedom Fund Banquet.
Hopkins Sponsors High Reliability Health Care Summit
Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality is presenting the High Reliability Health Care Summit 2016 from February 22 -to 24 in Baltimore. This inaugural event will feature thought leaders and industry professionals from across the globe. Health care organizations aspire to be high reliability organizations (HROs) but are faced with unique challenges given their complexity. Thought provoking presentations and in-depth panel discussions will highlight the HRO challenges and successes within the health care field. Click HERE for more information.
MHEI Conference Promotes Leadership
At MHEI's Annual Conference in October, ethnographer Simon Sinek brought forth the idea that Leadership is a Choice.

Accelerate Collections by Capturing Missing Charges and Lost Revenue
Health care providers are facing common challenges - transitioning to ICD-10, managing the risk of new reimbursement models, improving net revenue, reducing days in accounts receivable, increasing efficiency, and managing complex contracts.

AHRQ Issues CAUTI Prevention Toolkit
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Thursday released a toolkit to help hospitals prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections, which is based on an AHRQ program administered by the AHA's Health Research & Educational Trust, among others.

Monday, December 2
Total Cost of Care Work Group meeting

MHA will be closed Nov. 26 & 27 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Update will return Dec. 4.

The Daily Record, By Daniel Leaderman, November 13
Baltimore Business Journal, By Sarah Gantz, November 13
The Washington Post, By Josh Hicks, November 16
Baltimore Business Journal, By Sarah Gantz, November 16
Baltimore Business Journal, By Sarah Gantz, By November 17
The Baltimore Sun, By Meredith Cohn, November 18
The Daily Record, By Bryan P. Sears, November 18
Global Budgeting Webcasts Slated
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in collaboration with MHA and the American Hospital Association's Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence, is providing a webcast series over several upcoming weeks on Global Budgeting for Hospital Services. Next week's webcast will feature Darrell Gaskin, PhD, associated professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The webcast, titled Global Budgeting in Your Neighborhood, will be November 24 at 12 p.m. and can be viewed HERE.
Future sessions include: 
  • Across the Care Continuum (Dec. 4, 1 p.m.): Featuring John Chessare, MD, president and CEO, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Vincent DeMarco, president, Maryland Healthcare for All! Coalition, and Jonathan Blum, executive vice president, CareFirst Blue Cross.
  • The Future from the Federal Perspective (Dec. 18, 11:30 a.m.): Featuring Patrick Conway, MD, acting principal deputy administrator, deputy administrator for innovation and quality, chief medical officer, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
Previous Sessions (video available here): 
  • Case Study (Nov. 13): Featuring MHA's President and CEO, Carmela Coyle, along with Carroll Hospital CEO Leslie Simmons.
  • The Maryland Experience (Nov. 5): Featuring Health Services Cost Review Commission Chairman John Colmers and Executive Director Donna Kinzer