MWCC e-News

Dec. 23, 2014

In This Issue
MWCC Named to President's Honor Roll, with Distinction
Practical Nursing Class of 2014 Recognized During Traditional Pinning Ceremony
Art Students Deck the Halls with Sculptures
President's Commitment to Diversity Scholastic Competition Winners Announced
MWCC Visions and Rx Programs Celebrate TRIO's 50th Anniversary
Transcript Evaluation Day
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MWCC  Named to President's Honor Roll, with Distinction

Mount Wachusett Community College has been named to the 2014 President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, with distinction, for exemplary community service programs that enhance the visibility of effective practices in campus-community partnerships.
The Honor Roll's Presidential Award is the highest federal recognition an institution can receive for its commitment to community, service learning, and civic engagement. The Corporation for National and Community Service has administered the award since 2006 in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the American Council on Education, Campus Compact, and the Interfaith Youth Core.
Mount Wachusett has been named to the honor roll every year since its inception, and twice with distinction. MWCC's efforts coordinated through its Center for Civic Learning and Community Engagement align with the Corporation for National and Community Service's strategic commitment to engage millions of college students in service.
"This annual recognition is a great source of pride for all at MWCC," said President Daniel M. Asquino. "We are dedicated to ensuring that our students receive a high-quality, well-rounded education, which includes preparing them to be active citizens. Our students consistently demonstrate a willingness to share their skills, time and talents to assist residents and organizations in our region. Our faculty and staff have done an outstanding job integrating civic engagement into their programs, and our community partners embrace these mutually beneficial opportunities to enrich our communities."


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Practical Nursing Class of 2014 Recognized During Traditional Pinning Ceremony

Friends, relatives and members of the college community gathered December 17 to welcome 35 Practical Nursing graduates into the nursing profession during a traditional pinning ceremony. Each graduate, dressed in a traditional nurse uniform, was welcomed into the profession by having a nursing pin fastened to her or his lapel by a fellow nurse - a family member, friend or faculty member. MWCC's eight-star pin is imprinted with the words "Service to Humanity and the World" with the nursing symbol in the middle. 


Art Students Deck the Halls with Sculptures
Proving once again the power of art outside the gallery, MWCC students wrapped up the fall semester by installing nine sculptures throughout the Gardner campus. The project, new this year to Art Professor Tom Matsuda's Sculpture I course, provided students with the opportunity to create site specific installment tailored to a particular location on campus. Earlier in the semester, the class created sculptures from nature that were located inside and outside the campus.
President's Commitment to Diversity Scholastic Competition Winners Announced

Three MWCC students are the winners of the third annual President's Commitment to Diversity Scholastic Competition. Each will receive a free, three-credit academic course for use during the spring or summer 2015 semesters. The annual scholastic competition, sponsored by the MWCC Diversity Committee, invites students to prepare papers, posters, essays, research work, or other original, creative work related to issues of diversity or identity.


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MWCC Visions and RX Programs Celebrate TRIOs 50th Anniversary
Where can you combine the classic party game musical chairs with TRIO trivia? At the Visions and Rx programs' year-end celebration. Dozens of students who participate in MWCC's Visions and Rx programs shared some laughs and bits of history, along with a giant cake to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the federal TRIO Student Services Support programs. Ten student volunteers dwindled to one winner in the game, with each participant taking a moment to share a TRIO fact.
MWCC Hosting Transcript Evaluation Day

Wondering how close you are to earning a college degree? Mount Wachusett Community College is hosting a transcript evaluation day on Wednesday, Jan. 7 from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Gardner campus Advising Center. Past, current and prospective students who have taken credit courses at MWCC or at other private and public colleges and universities are invited to bring their transcripts and meet with an advisor to discuss completing an academic degree. 

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Upcoming Events
  • Transcript Evaluation Day: Jan. 7
  • Survivor: The Musical benefit show: Jan. 23
  • "Thresholds" art exhibit: through Feb. 1

For information about upcoming events, click here.


To submit to the MWCC e-News and MWCC NewsCenter, or to request coverage for your event, contact the Division of Marketing and Communications.
Janice O'Connor
Director of Public Relations
Mount Wachusett Community College