Gurney's Automotive Repair NewsletterApril 2013
In This Issue
Gurney News
So That's How
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 Community Corner

Things happening in our community:




Tuesday, April 23rd

Radisson Hotel Nashua

11 Tara Blvd


The 5th Annual Total Women's Showcase has become a tradition in Greater Nashua and supports The Front Door Agency, helping individuals and families in the Greater Nashua area transistion from crisis to self-sufficiency by providing a hand up opporutnity.

Join us for a night of speakers, local vendors and a great night with friends.


Click to read more and reserve your spot today!



If you  have an event

 you'd like featured, 

tell us about it.  










Charlotte's Kitchen
What's Cookin'
Avacado Grapefruit Salad 
This year for Christmas, our employees joined together and bought Bill & I a subscription to the "Fruit of the Month Club" from Harry & David. It has been a real nice treat to receive a variety of different fruits over the past few months. We've received HoneyBell's in January; February was Riviera Pears and March-Royal Grapefruit...


We'll post them in the next newsletter!
Spring Car Cleaning
Complete Auto Detailing
Perform a complete cleaning of the door jambs, engine bay and rear hatch jambs. Clean and dewax the exterior surface to get ready for buffing and polishing. Treat and wash the wheels and tires.

Perform a complete interior vacuum including the trunk/rear cargo area. Shampoo the mats, carpets and cloth seats (if applicable) by hot water extraction.

Clean all of the interior vinyl and leather and applied a low gloss leather/vinyl treatment. Buff and apply wax with an orbital buffer. Wash windows inside and out and apply a high quality silicon treatment to the tires



*most cars., additional charges may apply for large SUV's and P/U's, excessive pet hair and excessively dirty vehicles 




Happy Spring!


It might be a little slow out of the gate but it is coming and I can't wait for the warm spring days to be a regular occurance. I can't believe I am looking forward to yard work and tilling Charlotte's garden. Things do come to life each spring, the tulips will be up soon and then all those beautiful flowers and the clean spring air. There are some benefits to winter. So take some time to smell the flowers this spring and think of good things.


Grand-baby update....about 9 weeks to go! It is still going to be a surprise so no news on boy or girl. We do know the name either way begins with a "G" so we call him/her Baby G.  Mom and Baby G. are doing well, although Jennifer was over last night and I think she ate 1/2 of a strawberry rhubarb pie with ice cream. My niece Emily is also expecting and already has found out they are having a boy. She is due any day now and we are waiting to hear that he has arrived safely. Thinking about these two new babies makes be reflect on how my Mom will have 18 great-grandchildren after they are born and not a day goes by where she doesn't pray for each one of us and our kids by name. Now that's a legacy--Thanks Mom!

Your friend,




Bill Gurney  

Gurney's Automotive Repair



GurNewsRollney's News  





  • Vote for your favorite repair shop in Nashua and Milford! For the first time the Union Leader is having a reader's choice for NH businesses.  Click here to vote! You can vote as many times as you want, deadline is April 22nd. Thanks for all your support, you are the reason why we are where we are.
  • Spoil your car, our auto detailing is now up and running. Give us a call for an appointment. We are doing this over in the Milford location, but if you are in Nashua, don't worry, we can shuttle it to Milford then back to Nashua if you need us to.
  • Gurney's Automotive hosted a session at the Nashua Senior Center on car care March 11th. The turnout was wonderful and there was a lot of good interaction and questions. It was videotaped so we will have that up on our website as soon as we have a copy. Unfortunately, I was unable to present due to a unexpected and unavoidable event that kept me away. The great thing is we have a staff full of some of the best auto-motive minds in the industry. So, on short notice (like 2 hours!) I was able to have Scott and Dave D. present and together they did a great job. Thanks for all who came out. Check out the video on Nashua TV
  • If for some reason you need to spread your maintenance cost over a little bit of time, we offer a 6 month no interest financing available through our Bosch credit card program. Click on this link for more information:





Bill, Charlotte and the Gurney's Automotive Family


So that's why? 

Why should I pull over?


It can be terrifying when suddenly your car starts doing something strange or a warning light appears. You may not have any idea whether the situation is simply an annoyance or a serious issue that could threaten the safety of yourself and others. The purpose of this article is to explain the most common types of problems in terms of safety and seriousness and how to proceed when they happen.


Click to read more

Gurney's Tire Special
With purchase of
4 Michelin Tires
Spring Promo   
Gurney's is also matching the deal giving you a
$30 Gurney's Gift Card 
to use toward a future service
 Spring Pot Hole Special
Roads after the winter can have major wear on your tires. 
Bring your car in to have Gurney's keep your car riding smooth and safe.
Call for an appointment today!
 Offer expires 4/30/2013

...and receive special email promotions and offers.

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Gurney's Automotive Repair     83 Broad Street    Nashua, New Hampshire 03064
603 . 886 . 5800