Gurney's Automotive Repair NewsletterJanuary 2013
In This Issue
Gurney News
So That's How
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 Community Corner

Things happening in our community:


  Empty Bowls  

Empty Bowls 2013

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

from 6-8pm


This annual event to benefit the Nashua Soup Kitchen and Shelter will be held at Nashua High School South


Each year students, faculty and community members make over 700 stoneware bowls for this event. Together with food from participating restaurants, the funds raised help make it possible for others with truly empty bowls to eat.


Join us for a night of fun, food, music and a silent auction.


Ticket Information: General Admission is $13

 Tickets will be available starting January 15th at the NSK&S or at Nashua HS South with Donna Sintiris



Click for more information









If you  have an event

 you'd like featured, 

tell us about it.  


















Charlotte's Kitchen
What's Cookin'  
Easy Eggs
Southern Style
Breakfast is always a big hit in our household. Waking up on cold mornings with frost at the window, a warm breakfast does just the trick to jump start us for the day. 


We'll post them in the next newsletter!




Happy New Year!


We spent Christmas with the family and all went well. I trust that you had good family/friend time as well, no matter what the challenges are, time with loved ones is always good. Not much to report on the family front. Our Jennifer is doing well through her pregnancy and we can't wait for baby "G" to arrive sometime in late May. We are looking forward to 2013 to be a great year in your lives and ours.


I recently put this quote on our Facebook page and I really think it rings true.


"Every person you meet today is either a demolition site or a construction opportunity; your words will make a difference. Will they be weapons of destruction or tools for construction?"



Your friend,




Bill Gurney  

Gurney's Automotive Repair


GurNewsRollney's News  





  • I would like to ask for your help if that's okay with you. I purchased a large quantity of Michelin tires at the end of December and need to sell them quickly if I can. If you are in need of tires, give us a call, if you mention the Newsletter, get $50 back on your Gurney's Appreciation Card to use toward a future visit with the purchase of 4 Michelin Tires. Also, if you could tell your family and friends that would be a big help and they also can receive the same offer. You could even pay for it with 6-month no-interest financing which is available thru our Bosch Credit Card Program (see next Bullet point).
  • If for some reason you need to spread your maintenance cost over a little bit of time, we offer a 6 month no interest financing available through our Bosch credit card program. Click on this link for more information:
  • Spoil your car, our auto detailing is now up and running. Give us a call for an appointment. We are doing this over in the Milford location, but if you are in Nashua, don't worry, we can shuttle it to Milford then back to Nashua if you need us to. 
  •  We also have launched a new tire site for Gurney's Automotive to help with tire information, selection, and prices. Give it a try at



Bill, Charlotte and the Gurney's Automotive Family



So that's why? 

Why should you do a coolant flush?



A good place to start in answering this question is to talk about what coolant does. Also referred to as anti-freeze, this fluid is used year round to properly dissipate heat and to protect your vehicle from freezing during a winter. The new antifreeze must also...


Click to read more

 Gurney's January Special
Receive $50 with
Purchase of 4 Michelin Tires 
Four Wheel Alignment for $69.95
 Also receive a
 Valid through February 28, 2012 
 Detailing Special
$20 OFF 
Complete Detail
Regularly $149.99* 
  *most cars
Call for an appointment today!
 Valid through February 28, 2013 

...and receive special email promotions and offers.

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Gurney's Automotive Repair     83 Broad Street    Nashua, New Hampshire 03064
603 . 886 . 5800