2013 Week of Action Against School Pushout
September 28 to October 5

This Saturday, September 28th the Dignity in Schools Campaign will be kicking off its 4th annual Week of Action Against School Pushout, shaping up to be our largest in history by far! New events are being added every day from over 60 organizations in 42 cities and 24 states.

Visit our Week of Action page throughout the week for updates and to access videos, fliers, media resources and more.

What You Can Do Right Now to Promote the Week of Action:

How You Can Participate During the Week of Action!
  • Share the link to our federal Action Alert with your networks and encourage them to participate in calling on our federal policy-makers to take action to end school pushout.
  • Participate in our daily themes on social media. Each day will promote a different theme related to school pushout. You can use this calendar to find messages to tweet and post, or you can share anything related to your local work (local stats, quotes from students, local actions you’d like support for, etc.).

Local Actions Across the Country

Over 60 organizations in 24 states and 42 cities are pushing back against school pushout!

From coast to coast, DSC members and allies will be hosting events such as rallies, marches, candidate forums, school tours and teach-ins to protest school pushout and to advocate for positive discipline approaches like Restorative Justice and School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS). Communities are taking action as part of the movement to end school pushout and push back against a culture of zero-tolerance and removal in our schools.

For more information on the events in each state taking place throughout the week click on the links below:

Arkansas, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, and Wisconsin.

This Saturday, September 28 will kick off the Week of Action with a march in Durham-NC, a community forum on school pushout in Winona-MS, youth summits in Denver-CO and Dayton-OH, parent leadership trainings and cookouts in New Orleans-LA and Paterson-NJ, a workshop for youth in a detention facility in Minneapolis-MN, and a roundtable dialogue on Restorative Justice in Portland-OR.

You can take action on Saturday by following us on social media to participate in our daily themes and get updates on the actions. Saturday's theme is Solutions Not Suspensions!.

For questions about the National Week of Action or the Dignity in Schools Campaign please contact DSC Coordinator Natalie Chap at

DSC Member Updates

Youth in Boston Win New Code of Conduct

We are excited to share a recent victory from our members at the Boston Student Advisory Council/Youth on Board and the Boston Youth Organizing Project in collaboration with the Boston Parent Organizing Network and other allies.

After a focused effort by these groups, on September 4th, the Boston Public School System adopted several of their recommended changes to the Code of Conduct. These critical changes include: 1) Students can no longer be excluded from school until alternative solutions are tried and exhausted, 2) Student cell phones cannot be searched, and 3) Concerns about drug abuse will result in supportive interventions rather than expulsion.

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Participate in our Daily Themes on
Social Media!

Each day during the Week of Action DSC will promote a different theme related to school pushout and our solutions. Click here for a calendar of social media actions you can take each day!

Sat, Sept. 28 - Solutions Not Suspensions
Sun, Sept. 29 - Counselors Not Cops
Mon, Sept. 30 - Racial Disparities in School Discipline
Tues, Oct. 1 - Pushout Policies Impacting LGBTQ Youth
Wed, Oct. 2 - Restorative Justice
Thurs, Oct. 3 - PBIS
Fri, Oct. 4 - Pushout Policies Impacting Immigrant Youth
Sat, Oct. 5 - Invest in Education, Not Incarceration

Change your Twitter and Facebook Logos

Sign up here to change your Facebook and Twitter profile photos to our 2013 Week of Action avatar to show your support!

About the Dignity in Schools Campaign (DSC)

The Dignity in Schools Campaign is a national coalition of youth, parents, advocates, community-based organizations, educators and policymakers working together to seek human rights-based solutions to the systemic problem of pushout in U.S. schools.

Visit us at to learn more.

DIGNITY IN SCHOOLS | 90 JOHN ST. STE 308, NEW YORK, NY 10038 | TEL: (212) 253-1710 Ext. 317 | FAX (212) 385-6124 |