College Transition Initiative
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Deadline TODAY!
CPYU essay contest awarding 4 cash prizes of $1,000!
Submission deadline:
January 31, 2014
 Featured Resource
Learning for the Love of God: A Student's Guide to Academic Faithfulness
by Derek Melleby & Don Opitz
Retail: $14.99
CPYU Rate: $11.00
Bulk Rates:
1-4 copies --> $11/each
5-9 copies --> $10/each
10+ copies --> $9/each
Click here to purchase from the CPYU Resource Center.
Jubilee Conference
Derek will once again be an emcee at the Jubilee Conference in Pittsburgh, February 14-16.
Partner with CPYU!


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CTI Featured on Youth Culture Today


CTI on the Radio!


Derek Melleby featured on Youth Culture Today, a 60-second daily radio show from CPYU that helps equip adults to better understand and respond to the complex and rapidly changing world of their children and teens, all from a distinctively Christian perspective.


Here are the topics addressed by Derek:

Best of 2013: Top 10 Books

Top 10 Books


My list is limited to the books I read this year that were published in 2013 (listed alphabetically by author).


And, for the most part, they are books that are at the heart of the mission of the College Transition Initiative: to be a resource for those preparing students for life after high school.




Read Derek's top 10 books here.

Best of 2013: Blog Posts

Top 5 Blog Posts


The "new" website for CPYU's College Transition Initiative was launched in September of 2012. So 2013 marked the first full-year of its existence.


It has been interesting and encouraging to track the top posts and to see what is of interest to others.


Here are the top 5 "most viewed" blog posts of 2013:

  1. An Open Letter to First-Year College Students
  2. College Stress: What Parents Should Know about Student Depression
  3. Help Students Transition to College by Hosting a Panel Discussion
  4. Spiritual Formation in Emerging Adulthood: David Setran Interview
  5. Early Decision: A Novel Based on a True Frenzy
Best of 2013: Research + News

Top 5 Research + News


The "Research + News" section is one of my favorite features of the website. There you will find news articles, archives and links to important research pertaining to emerging faith and college transition. It allows me to get interesting information out to you quickly, without having to do a full blog post about it.


Here are the top 5 "most viewed" Research + News posts of 2013:

  1. What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Freshman Year (USA Today)
  2. The Real Reason College Grads Can't Get Hired? (Time Magazine)
  3. 5 Reasons Millennials Stay Connected to Church (Barna Group)
  4. Beloit College Mindset List for the Class of 2017 (Beloit College)
  5. Poll: Parents and Teens Share (Unrealistic) Dreams About College (National Journal)


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Center for Parent/Youth Understanding                                                       717-361-8429