Letter from the Director
Dear Redeemer Community,
While in the United States our calendar year begins on January 1, many of us mark the beginning of each year with "back to school." September is always a time for new beginnings. Children often have new shoes, bright new totes and the excitement and trepidation that may come along with a new school year. Teachers and friends might not be so familiar and routines are simply not routines yet. But it is just the beginning. Before we know it, the shoes and totes will show their love and wear. Teachers and friends will seem like we have known them forever and Redeemer will transform into that place where everybody "knows your name and they're always glad you came."
Speaking of new, we are excited about our new rain garden and the planting phase that will begin on Saturday. All Day School families are invited to join us from 9-11 to begin the process. If you have small shovels, trowels and gloves, please bring them. We hope to see as many of you there as possible.
We look forward to another "new" school year at Redeemer and to spending it with all of you. Cheers to the year ahead!
Best regards,
Mary Knott
Classroom Updates:
Hanna 2s:
Mrs. Doherty and I had a wonderful time meeting our children during student orientation and can't wait to see them all on Monday for our first full day. The Hanna Twos will be exploring the color red, singing songs, painting, playing in both classrooms and outside, saying grace at snack time, and having lots of fun!
Wyatt 2s:
The Wyatt Twos all had a fantastic first day. Mrs. Zuidema and I enjoyed meeting everyone, and we cannot wait for an awesome year. We plan to kick off the school year learning about ourselves and going to school. We will also focus on the color red. Start looking for some fantastic projects to make their way home!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful children with us.
The 3 Day 3's are off to a terrific start! They have settled into their "Redeemer Routine" nicely. This was their first full week of specials....Art, Chapel, Gym, Music and Values which the children enjoyed. September in the 3's is all about CIRCLES and the color RED. Painting red apples, stringing ROUND fruity cheerios was a great use of their small motor skills. We have made CIRCLE placemats for snack with their names on them. The children are practicing their name/letter recognition as they find their cubbies in the morning and their placemats at snack time. We are introducing our nursery rhyme of the month..".Mary Had A Little Lamb", and our apple rhyme, "Way Up High In the Apple Tree"...art work will accompany these next week! We are enjoying getting to know your sweet little ones; such a great group!! Have a wonderful weekend.
The 5 day 3s are adjusting to life as big kids! We are learning the way around school, the rules and routines and our friend's names. Can you believe we had 2 birthdays already! We are starting to talk about circles, the color red, and learning Mary had a little lamb. It's been a great start and we are enjoying learning about all your children.
We are taking it slowly as we reintroduce the children to classroom routines and school skills. Making new friends, asking for a turn, deciding who is making the rules of a pretend game, deciding which new toy to explore are all part of preK life for the little ones. Remembering to put lids back on markers, use only dots of glue (not a puddle!), wipe the paint brush so it doesn't drip, fold your crumbs into your napkin, keep your thumb up when you cut, and start your letters at the top are all examples of school skills that we are reinforcing this week. Next week we will start activities with letter A, so apple crafts, reading about seasons of an apple tree, and how an apple grows, as well as counting and tasting different colored apples are planned. To help you out at home, we discussed going to bed on time, eating a healthy breakfast, dressing yourself, and having a special place for your backpack at home so that getting ready for school is easy!
Loeb Pre-k:
What a wonderful start to the school year! We have a lovely class and are looking forward to a great year. This week was primarily an orientation to pre-k. There are many new names to learn, and some new rules, as well as reminding them of old ones. We have been practicing raising our hands and waiting for our friends (or teacher) to finish talking before taking a turn, cutting with scissors, and playing with play dough. And we've been very busy learning new names, making new friends, and sharing lots of information about ourselves. We even measured our friends with blocks! We hope they have mentioned going on a gingerbread man hunt through the school and then eating him up for snack! Next week we will start the letter "A" and choose a food to make that begins with "A". We will also begin our Alphabet Book. We send this home in segments, as it tends to get lost in the shuffle if we send the pages home one at a time. We hope this week has gone as well for you as it has for us. Please call or email if you have any questions or concerns. Please make sure we have smocks, extra clothes, and shoes. Some of the girls have complained they are a little chilly in the classroom: so a little sweater to be left at school might be a good idea.

We are kindergarteners! This week we started to learn our kindergarten routines, discussed school rules and took a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tour of the school. We played name and number games and explored our playrooms.Upcoming we will continue learning and practicing our classroom routines and begin Reader's and Writer's Workshop. Our math practice will include indoor and outdoor activities. In Social Studies, we will be learning about our senses and colors in the world around us. Thank you for helping our back to school transition run so smoothly and getting the boys and girls to school on time. We are all eager to get started in the morning.
Pre-first is off to a fantastic start to the school year! We are adjusting well to our new routine and the long days of Pre-first. We have focused on being the leaders of the school and setting good examples for others. We even created our very own "classroom rules." We are enjoying getting to know one another. Old friendships have been rekindled and new friendships are blossoming. I can tell, we are going to have a fabulous year!
Lunch Bunch:
Lunch Bunch is off to a great start. During our first few days we have been discussing what the Lunch Bunch rules are and getting to know new friends. Thank you to everyone who signed up your children for Lunch Bunch we are so excited to be able to spend our afternoons with your children.
Office Notes
Carpool Reminders:
Effective Monday, September 14th, we can only permit children to go home with the people listed in the carpool log. Click here for the Transportation Form and turn in by Monday if you have not already done so. If this information changes during the year, please send a note or e-mail to the office and we will update the carpool log.
Carpool lane door #2 (outside lane), please come to a complete stop at the faded yellow speed-bump and wait until adequate space is available before transitioning to the inside lane. The cars at Door #1 need to be able to exit to maintain an efficient traffic flow.
All cell phone use is strictly prohibited during car line.
Saturday, September 12th 9-11 am: Rain Garden Planting
Friday, September 18th 7-9 pm: Parent Wine & Cheese Party at Redeemer.
Message from Parent Council:
Please join us next Friday at 7pm for our first adult social of the year! We'll bring the wine and you can bring the appetizers. If you did not receive an evite, please let us know so we can give you the details.
It's a great way to kick off your evening and meet parents from all our classes. Want to bring a yummy appetizer? The sign-up was sent today!
Program Highlights:
Redeemer's Rain Garden
We are excited about our new rain garden project which will actively engage our students in both its planting and maintenance. This project will enhance classroom curriculum and offer our students the ongoing opportunity for hands-on exploration and observation through the study of local and natural habitats, stimulating students' natural curiosity and wonder. Please join us on Saturday, September 12 from 9-11 to help with the planting. We hope to see you there! 
In preschool we recognize the privilege, responsibility and joy of educating our youngest students. Alongside their parents, we work diligently at building the foundation for their ongoing and lifelong learning. Be sure to click on the link below found in every issue to see our wonderful students in action. Enjoy!
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Community News
Annual Parish Picnic- This Sunday!
Fun for all ages! Join us immediately following the 10:00 service.
We'll have music, a petting zoo, face painting and more! Please bring a salad or dessert to share and we'll provide the hot dogs and hamburgers cooked by Boy Scout Troop 35.
Sunday School Kick-Off!
Sunday School and youth classes for PreK-Grade 10 begin this Sunday at 9:30am*. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early, where you will be greeted by Redeemer parents and directed to classrooms below. Click here to register online. You can also register on Sunday morning.
Contact Us
Redeemer Parish Day School
5603 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210
Mary Knott, Director mknott@redeemeronline.com