"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." - Confucius
e-RPDS                                                                                         5/29/2015

Dear Redeemer Community,


It is hard to believe that it is the end of the school year already. Sometimes, though not often, I am at a loss for words. I have spent the past few days trying to best express my thoughts and feelings as I bring my first year as the director to a close. It has taken me all this time to determine that the way I feel is best summed up in Confucius' wise words, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." That's it - plain and simple.


I feel so fortunate to work in many different capacities with all the wonderful groups that make Redeemer such a special place. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every member of this community, from parents and teachers to Church staff and parishioners. Without all the different facets of our community, we would not be. Most of all, I am grateful for our students. Their laughter and energy, countless questions, genuine wonder and insatiable appetite for learning all make my job at Redeemer so rewarding.


Each Redeemer family is a gift; we never like to say good-bye, whether you have been her for one year or ten. For those of you who are moving onto to new schools and new endeavors, we will miss you but are thankful for the time you have spent at Redeemer. 


As we bring this year to a close, we can already start to think about exciting new beginnings. We will begin our 2015-2016 year with a new Rector, the Ref. David J. Ware. We are blessed to have him lead our community; with a genuine spirit, he exudes warmth, compassion and sincerity. We can all look forward to a new and exciting chapter at Redeemer. Please click on the following link to learn more.



Happy summer!

Best regards,


Classroom Updates

Hanna 2s:  

Where has the time gone? There's so much more Mrs. Link and I want to do with these children!  Over the past few weeks, the children have learned about caterpillars, butterflies, ladybugs, fish and frogs. Next week, we'll finish up our year with some beachy things: sand, seashells and water play. We will continue to work with the children on being good listeners and good friends right up to the end. And their calendula plants will need lots of tender loving care at home to flower. It has been a wonderful year with your children and an incredible opportunity to watch them grow and develop. Thank you for sharing them with us. We will miss them terribly. Mrs. Link and I wish you all a happy, safe and fun summer!


Longaker 2s: 

Lisa and I will be so sad to say good-bye to our wonderful class of girls. It has been an amazing, joyful year filled with laughter, friendship, discovery and play. It has been a year filled with colors, shapes, pumpkins, birds and butterflies, nursery rhymes and story time. Thank you for sharing your girls with us. We will miss them!


Hooper 3s:  

We are looking forward to our Class Picnic next Wednesday, June 3rd (rain date June 4) at the Cummings.  It will be a tasty morning full of smiles and fun.  What a wonderful way to celebrate this very special class of 3 Day 3's!  Thank you Cummings for offering your lovely home for our party.  Today, we sent home a 2nd copy of the food assignments...just a reminder!   We have finished our Ocean Counting Book which will be coming home next Thursday!  Be sure to ask your children about ALL of the fun facts they have learned about their many ocean "friends"!!

What a FABULOUS year we have had with your precious children....so many wonderful days full of laughter and learning.  It has been a pleasure watching each of them "blossom" both socially and academically.  Parents remember...you will always be your child's greatest teacher!  Thank you for all of your support this year.

Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you all back at Redeemer in September! 



Libby 3s:

The end of the year in the 5 day 3s classroom is full of enthusiasm, reflection and fun! We are finishing our Ocean Counting Book and have been reviewing all of our numbers and letters. We have also been reviewing the colors and discussing how the seasons and weather have changed throughout the school year. Most of all, we have been enjoying our last few weeks with your children. It is amazing to see how they have grown and developed. Thank you all for a wonderful year! 


Faint 4s: 

Faint fours are still watching those tadpoles for legs as we are still talking about all the growing and changing that is around us. We are spending these last few days reading fables and classic fairy tales as well as playing games to review the numbers, letters and sounds we have studied.  You should find in the backpack two self-portraits that your child drew, one in September and the other just this week. The growth in the children is apparent in their art work! It has been a delightful year working with this class and we are excited that they are ready to move on but sad to watch them go. Enjoy all the magic of a child's summer - from bubbles to lightning bugs!



Loeb 4s: 


We are busy wrapping up the end of the year. Last cooking class, last Chapel, last library.... So sad! We had a great visit to Mrs. Loeb's house. We will miss your little ones! Thank you for sharing them with us. It's been a rewarding year!




 The kindergarteners are really enjoying the last few days of school! Each day we pop a balloon and a message for the day comes out. They are loving the special activities each day! We can't believe this year is almost over. Thank you so much for all of your support this year and for sharing your amazing children with us. Remember to keep reading and writing. Try to find math in everything you do. Enjoy the summer and each other.





Pre-first did such a great job on all of their books throughout the school year.  They were very proud to show you all of their hard work! 

Thanks for attending the famous Publishing Party.

Our postcard challenge has been such a huge hit.  The boys have enjoyed receiving postcards from each state in the U.S.A.  We have just a few more to get.  The boys are hoping to reach our goal of all 50 states by the end of the school year!

Each boy has grown so much throughout the year; socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually!  I am so proud of all of them for their hard work, dedication ad accomplishments.  They have all made huge strides and I wish them all the best at their new schools!  Happy Summer! 


Lunch Bunch:

Lunch bunch is having fun in the sun! We have been creating many fun projects for the end of the year. We made our own rainbow crayons, created sculptures from clay, used oil pastels and water color and made our own popcicles. We are very excited for the last few days of Lunch Bunch. We plan on making visors, snap bracelets, doing face painting and having our special sprinkler day! Thank you to everyone who has sent their children to Lunch Bunch this year. It has been wonderful getting to spend our afternoons with your children! 




Office Notes

Thank You
Thank you to Brooke Rodgers, PDS Board Chair, and the PDS Advisory Board for their service, dedication and insight. We also want to thank our wonderful Parent Council, led by Co-chairs, Natalie Bissonnette and Sophie Coates, for their wonderful work this year.
Bidding a Fond Farewell
We bid a fond farewell to beloved teachers Sarah Longaker, Tara Meyer and Mandi Muth. We will miss them and wish them the best in their next endeavors, whether it be a new position, graduate school or more time with grandchildren.

Lost and Found
Any items not picked up by the end of the school year will be donated to the Good Will.

Ages and Stages Speaker
This event will be rescheduled next fall. Please look for more details next year.

Fall Festival Volunteers
We are excited to switch our Winter Carnival to a Fall Family Festival (Saturday, October 17 from 10:30-1:00) and are looking for names of volunteers who can be contacted in the early fall. Volunteering at the Fall Festival is a wonderful way for older children to receive service hours. Sign-up sheets are located on the Parent Council Bulletin Board. 

Redeemer Parish Day School is excited to get new cubbies, with more efficient classroom storage, for next year. We will be selling the cubbies outside of our 4s classrooms and would be happy to donate the older downstairs cubbies or box style cubbies used by the kindergarten and pre-first. Please contact Mary Knott for more information.


Wednesday, June 3- 11:45 All School Dismissal

Thursday, June 411:45 All School Dismissal

Friday, June 5-  9:15 End of Year Programin the Church!
  *Summer break begins after program

Program Highlights:

Pre-k City Project
Parents and special guests were treated to a ribbon-cutting ceremony last Friday, which featured dozens of city buildings throughout Baltimore. Using their imagination and ingenuity our four year old architects recycled cardboard boxes to create a replica of our city. Congratulations to our students and teachers for their amazing work with this project. 

Kindergarten/Pre-first Publishing Party
Our kindergarten and pre-first students hosted a book launch for family and friends. These budding authors have spent all year writing and illustrating both individual and class books and learning more about the writing process. Congratulations to the authors and their teachers for their hard work and dedication.

Maryland Zoo Visits the 2s
Our 2s classes were treated to visitors from the zoo. They delighted in the slithering snake, beautiful macaw and giant bunny!

Thank you to Michael Collins
We are grateful for the time and energy of Michael Collins, PDS alum, who is spending his Senior Encounter Program with us at Redeemer. He has circulated through the classes, spent time in specials, and has become an instant hero among our students.

In preschool we recognize the privilege, responsibility and joy of educating our youngest students. Alongside their parents, we work diligently at building the foundation for their ongoing and lifelong learning. Be sure to click on the link below found in every issue to see our wonderful students in action. Enjoy!


Please visit our website

Interested in learning more about our Kindergarten 

Please visit:
to learn more about 
The Church of the Redeemer

The Best of Values

Community News

Congratulations to the 
Fenton Family

Please join us in welcoming Gus Fenton, lucky little brother to Stuart in the 5/3s, to our Redeemer community!

Sunday, June 7, 11:30 AM

Erin Hagar: Julia Child: 

An Extraordinary Life in Words and Pictures

The Church of The Redeemer, 5603 N. Charles St.

Julia Child knew how to have fun, and she also knew how to whip up a delightful meal. After traveling around the world working for the U.S. government, Julia found her calling in the kitchen and devoted her life to learning, perfecting, and sharing the art of French cuisine. This delicious, illustrated middle-grade biography is a portrait of the remarkable woman, author, and TV personality who captured our hearts with her sparkling personality. 

Erin Hagar writes fiction and nonfiction for children and teens. Her manuscript There Was a War On was awarded first prize in the picture book category in the Hunger Mountain Literary Journal's youth writing competition. She teaches for the Center for Talented Youth program at Johns Hopkins University. She lives in Baltimore with her husband and two children, one of whom attended the Day School. 

U.S Post Card Project

As part of a unit on the United States, our pre-first class is trying to collect post cards from all 50 states and needs help reaching this goal. If you travel or know someone from another state who would be willing to participate in this project, we would appreciate it. Please mail all post cards to the attention of the pre-first:

5603 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

Play and Grow Summer Camp

Please visit the website for enrollment information or to learn more.

Amanda Black
Photographer and PDS Parent

"I am a photographer, crafter and recent transplant to Baltimore. I  love photographing people. There is nothing more rewarding that capturing someones personality, emotions, and dreams in a photograph. I have been fortunate enough to be invited to share many wonderful moments in my clients lives and relationships. I can honestly say the world is a beautiful place full of love, creativity and beauty. I shoot weddings, engagements, family sessions and music performances and portraits of all kinds. I love it all! I service the Baltimore area and surrounding counties.  Please feel free to contact me about any questions. I would love to book your event or session!  


Please also check out my new Etsy site!  I make girls costumes and tutus inspired by all of my childhood favorite fairy tale heroines, and felt animals inspired by my 5 year old son. I also love doing custom orders. Great for photo props, birthdays, gifts, and dress up of course! "





Etsy Site: thefeltfoxshop.etsy.com


Contact Us
Redeemer Parish Day School
5603 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

Mary Knott, Director