Letter from the Director
Dear Redeemer Community,
We were so fortunate to have beautiful weather for our annual Trike Ride for Charity on Wednesday. It was very touching to see our students, families and faculty rally around such an important event. I have heard from many parents regarding the positive impact that Lauren, the representative from Johns Hopkins Pediatric Oncology, had on their children after her Chapel visit. In sharing her story, our children were able to really see how they can help to change the lives of others. Redeemer takes great pride in sponsoring a Trike Ride to benefit not just a local organization but one for children, and Wednesday provided the perfect opportunity to encourage our students to stay active and practice bike safety all while helping to improve the lives of other children.
At Redeemer we are lucky to enjoy a fantastic Outreach program where our parents, students, faculty and parish collaborate to make a difference in our community. The emphasis of our Outreach program is not just in helping others but for our students to also better understand that even at this young age, they can make a difference. From riding in the Trike Ride and donating canned goods at Chapel to collecting change for Boots for Baltimore and helping to create Courage Bags for the Hopkins Children's Center, even the youngest among us are able to make our world a little bit better than it was before! We are so grateful to our Outreach Co-chairs, Tami James and Jenn Lohse, for their amazing work this year.
Best regards,
Classroom Updates:
Hanna 2s:
Both Twos picture days went smoothly, and the weather was beautiful. We completed our farm animal unit with the story of The Little Red Hen, and the making of butter. Next week, we will continue with spring and look more closely at flowers, butterflies and ladybugs.
Longaker 2s:
In the Longaker Twos, we are celebrating spring, exploring daffodils and the change in seasons. While during the winter, we were wearing coats, hats and mittens, now we are wearing raincoats, rain boots and sweaters. Look for the long anticipated 1-5 Counting Book next week!
Hooper 3s:
Another busy two weeks in the 3 Day 3's! The children each put a "caterpillar" into a "cocoon" and they are hanging in our classroom. We are anxiously awaiting to see if they turn into beautiful butterflies!!?? We have finished our Spring flowers and are heading into our Community Helpers Unit next week. As Police Officers, we will make shiny silver badges in addition to talking and singing about the importance of calling 911 in an emergency! Dentists, Firemen and Postal Workers are some of the other Community Helpers we will discuss. The children are working on perfecting their scissor skills, pencil grips and hand strength as we prepare them for Pre-K next year....keep practicing!! We are enjoying the warm sunshine and our outdoor and indoor playtime is full of cheerful, friendly conversation and creative play! Thank you all for supporting our Trike Ride and making it a success! Congratulations to the Byrne family on the arrival of sweet baby Charlotte! Have a wonderful weekend!
Libby 3s:
The 5 day 3's can feel spring in the air. We have been studying flowers that bloom in early spring. We are also begging to discuss community helpers, the children have been eager to discuss the people in our community that provide important services! They love to share their experiences with the mail carrier and about their visits to the doctors. We are missing Mrs. Alecce but feel very fortunate to have Mrs. Bissonnette and Mrs. Mumford helping us out! Happy Spring!
The Faint 4's wandered, wondered and whispered as we walked around the campus to look for signs of Spring! We have also used the balance scale to compare weights, made wheels that move by wind, did some weaving, played in a water table and examined worms. Not sure we will find as many activities for letter X next week but whatever we do will be exceptional! For the rest of the year, we will be talking about growing and changing as we look at how much the children have matured this year, and we look for changes that occur around us eg caterpillars, tadpoles, trees, and seeds. Playing chase is popular outside right now, and we continue to emphasize that if they don't want to be chased to loudly announce that to their friends- though some children like to be "the bad guy"!
Loeb 4s:
Last week was great in the Loeb Fours. We ate vegetables and made vanilla cookies. We had great fun watching volcano videos and making one of our own! We had it erupt over and over again! Then on to this week: The Trike-a-thon was great and enjoyed by all the students! What a great cause! Then we learned to weave placemats, water color whales and make wands. We have examined worms, eaten waffles, and taken a spring "walk". We have been so busy and have totally enjoyed the milder "weather". Next week we will start the letter "X". Good luck to us picking out a food!
Kindergarten has been exploring the tropical rainforest! The children have loved learning about the different animals that live in the rainforest. We will culminate our rainforest study with a tasting of the various foods we get from the forest.The magic e has hit kindergarten! They love listening to the magic e song. We are learning what the magic e does and practicing reading and writing words with magic e in them. The kindergarteners are also learning to decode larger words. We continue to build our sight word knowledge. In math, the children have been taking surveys and transferring this data to graphs.Want to reinforce learning at home??....play sight word bingo for language arts and roll and record with dice for math!!
The Pre-first boys have begun learning all about the country we live in. We will focus on the 50 states and some important symbols that represent America such as the American flag, the bald eagle, the Statue of Liberty and the Liberty Bell. When I asked the boys how many states they knew, we came up with a list of 36 states. I thought that was a great number. The boys have been working hard on their creative writing as well as reading comprehension and fluency. This is a work in progress. Every boy is at a different level and continue to develop at his own pace. I have seen great improvements throughout the year and I know it will continue.
Lunch Bunch: Lunch Bunch is blooming! We have been working very hard to make some seasonal decorations for our bulletin board. We are also spending as much time out side as we can on nice days and making rainy April days fun inside by adding extra activities. We have many spring related art activities planned for Lunch Bunch including painting and using flower blossoms in art projects!
Office Notes
We have a few remaining spots in some of our classes. If you know of someone who might be interested in visiting and touring the school, please have them contact the office to set up an appointment. Our parents at Redeemer are our best marketing tool - we appreciate all you do to support our school.
Summer Play & Grow Camp
Registration has begun for Play & Grow Camp. Please visit our website to learn more or email our camp directors at playgrow@redeemerpds.org to learn more.
Cell Phone Use in Car Line
Please remember that all cell phone and hand-held device use is strictly prohibited in our car line. The safety of our students and staff is our number one priority.
Scholastic Book Club Order
Time to place your spring scholastic book club order by April 24th. Remember Redeemer earns free books for the classrooms and library every time you place an order. Go to www.scholastic.com/bookclubs, click "register" and use the activation code (JB4C8). Plus Free shipping to your child's cubby! Happy Reading!
Thank you!
Fridays, April 24 & May 1 8:30-9:15
Parent Book Club - Whole Brain Child
R.S.V.P. mknott@redeemeronline.com
Friday, April 24 11:45
All school dismissal 11:45 - Faculty Meeting
Tuesday, April 28 7:30-8:30
TLC's Presentation on Ages and Stages, an informative discussion of child development. Please look for a flyer in this week's folder.
Thursday, May 14 5:30
End of Year Family Picnic on the playground.
Friday, May 22- 9:15-K/P1 Publishing Party- Parish Hall
11:00- 4s/Pre-K City Project- Hale
11:45- All school dismissal- no afternoon programs. Faculty Meeting
Program Highlights:
Redeemer Receives Grant for Playground Rain Garden Project
Redeemer is excited to announce that after completing an application process beginning last fall, we are the recipient of a Chesapeake Bay Trust Outreach and Restoration Program grant to create a playground rain garden to help prevent storm water runoff from polluting our local streams and eventually the Chesapeake Bay. It will also provide our students with a wonderful opportunity for hands-on exploration and observation through the study of local and natural habitats, stimulating students' natural curiosity and wonder. In addition to creating a garden of native plants that attracts birds and butterflies, our rain garden will be an ecosystem of discovery for our young explorers. We look forward to embarking on this collaborative plan with the Church and will provide further details with how our Day School families can help with this project, scheduled to begin over the summer.
In preschool we recognize the privilege, responsibility and joy of educating our youngest students. Alongside their parents, we work diligently at building the foundation for their ongoing and lifelong learning. Be sure to click on the link below found in every issue to see our wonderful students in action. Enjoy!
Please visit our website
Interested in learning more about our Kindergarten
Please visit:
to learn more about
The Church of the Redeemer
Good Manners are Important!
Community News
Please join us in welcoming Charlotte Byrne, new baby sister to Gabrielle and Jameson. We are excited to welcome her to the Redeemer family.
Parent Book Club
Our new parent book club is off and running, and it isn't too late to join. Please join Redeemer Parish Day School and Parenting Consultant, Beth Vincent, in our first Parent Book Club to discuss The Whole-Brain Child.
Fridays 4/24, 5/1
8:30-9:15 am
$20 per session
Registration and Information:
Church of the Redeemer Celebrates Earth Day
Sunday, April 19
After the 10:00 am service
Please join in this fun and interactive celebration of Earth Day. There will be music, food, fun activities for children and information about the rain garden plans as well as other ways you can help celebrate the earth.
Contact Us
Redeemer Parish Day School
5603 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210
Mary Knott, Director mknott@redeemeronline.com