"Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get." H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
e-RPDS                                                                                             01/30/2015
Letter from the Director

Dear Redeemer Community,


Back in 2001 the following poem was in Mrs. Hooper's Back to School folder for my son who was just beginning his year in the 2s. Tattered with dozens of pinholes, I still have the same blue piece of paper. It has traveled from bulletin board to bulletin board and from house to house through three different moves. It will always have a place in my home as the words continue to ring true - from age 2 to age 15 and beyond. I wish I knew the author; the words are well worth repeating.


Dear Parents...


I have so many questions. Please answer them so I don't have to ask others.

I'm going to make mistakes. Please don't rescue me when I do or I will never learn to be responsible.

I'll ask for things I really don't need. Please don't give them to me or I will never learn to do without.

I may say things to hurt you. Please don't believe me. I only say them because I don't like the fact that you have so much power over me.

I will look to you for guidance. Please make a decision and stand by it. If you are inconsistent I will be confused and lose faith in you.

I know I will not always listen. Please don't repeat your requests or I will never learn to pay attention.

I will have to be disciplined. Please don't be afraid to be firm because I feel more secure with limits.

I will not be perfect. Please love me for myself and not for who you would like me to be.

I have feelings. Please don't ignore them as they are very real to me.

I need you. Please love me always.



Best regards,

Mary Knott



Classroom Updates:

Hanna 2s: 

January flew by, like a shooting star! And Mrs. Link and I are prepared to move on to our February units: the color pink, hearts, love, friendships, and Valentine's Day. The children will continue to work on their 1-5 Winter Counting Book, and we will continue to talk about and demonstrate appropriate clothing for the cold weather. Stay warm!

Longaker 2s: 

Time is flying by and February is almost upon us! We are looking forward to this coming month, filled with St. Valentine's Day activities, the color pink, hearts, and a focus on love and friendship. The girls have been busy working on their 1 to 5 counting books, and have already started making Valentines for Mom and Dad.


Hooper 3s: 

We all enjoyed last Friday morning with the classroom full of our Wonderful Dads....what an enthusiastic and fun loving group!!  We are staying warm inside making snowmen, penguins and mittens while strengthening our scissor and writing skills. Hickory Dickory Dock is our February nursery rhyme and Pink Hearts are our color and shape of the month! Have a cozy weekend!!


Libby 3s:

This has been the prefect weather for the 5 day 3s since we have been learning about winter animals and snow and ice! We have begun to work on writing our names without tracing. We are also finishing up our units on "Jack Be Nimble", squares and the color blue! 

Please remember that when it is very cold we will still go outside. Please send in hats and mittens (labeled) so we can get outside for at least a little while. Stay warm!
P is for Pajama Day in the 4s!
Faint 4s: 

Shiver me timbers- we just had pirate day in the Faint 4's for letter P with masks, spy glasses, parrots, a huge ship and a treasure hunt. Letter P fun continues with pajama and pancake day so next week with quality and quiet will be a bit calmer.  As winter continues, we will look at how animals behave in this cold weather and prepare for Valentine's Day. A class list and explanation of our card exchange will come home soon so that your child can send a card to each person. We love listening to the negotiations on the rug as the children  work out compromises at play time- hard work where they use their mental and verbal skills with their peers!


Loeb 4s:

We LOVED Dads and Donuts!  All our Dads came and we had a great time. We are so glad it was not snowed out!  P week began slowly, another snowy day, but we have been very busy with pirates, parrots, a treasure hunt, and hopefully, pajamas and pancakes day!  We are working very hard in our "Handwriting without Tears" book and doing well. Remember we start ALL our letters at the top!  We are cutting, drawing, painting and gluing - all those fine motor skills that will help in Kindergarten. The children also enjoyed listening to a book read by our very own Jake! We are busy little people.   


As animals are adapting to weather changes, so are we. We are working on practical/life skills with the kindergarteners. This includes things such as tying shoes, zipping coats and organizing and packing backpacks. A few ideas on how to help at home....practice tying shoes during the commercials of their favorite show, have a stuffed animal wear a jacket and have your child practice zipping the jacket and have your child pack their backpack the night before school. Mastering all of these skills will make your child feel great about themselves! 



The Pre-first boys have enjoyed comparing and contrasting the different versions of the book, The Mitten.  We have discussed main characters, main ideas, setting and sequence of events. As you read with your child each day, please point out these important aspects of a story.  We incorporated some fun math activities with this story by taking polls, counting, tally marks and graphing.  Also in Math, we continue to work on greater than and less than as well as number stories.   Next week, we will begin a study of polar bears and hibernation.  Thanks again to all the Dads and special guests we had visit. The boys and I were happy to have you and show off all their hard work!!


Lunch Bunch:

Lunch Bunch has been having fun in the snow! We have been making sure that we get outside at least for a little bit every day that we can. We have been making paintings, rubbings and necklaces. We also have had lots of colorings pages of famous works of art which the children have been enjoying.

 Thank you again for sending your children to Lunch Bunch and if you would like your child to drop in or if they will be missing a Lunch Bunch please let us know as soon as possible! We work hard to make sure every child who wants to stay for Lunch Bunch is able to stay. Thanks!


Office Notes
Car Line Reminder:
If you are waiting in the outside lane, please do not pull up ahead of the painted yellow line. We appreciate your help with this as it reduces "traffic jams" and keeps the line flowing smoothly.

Enrollment Contracts:
Contracts for 3s, Pre-k, Kindergarten and Pre-first will be mailed next week.

All 2s Contracts are due on February 13. 

If you do not plan on returning to RPDS next year, please inform the office as we maintain waiting lists in many of our classes.

Mabels Labels:
We encourage parents to label everything that comes into school!  On any given day there are 200 gloves at Redeemer. Mables Labels creates labels for the stuff kids loose. Click http://www.mabelslabels.com/ and mention Redeemer Parish Day School in the checkout.  

Upcoming Calendar Events:

Friday, February 13th- NO SCHOOL- Professional Day 

Monday, February 16th- NO SCHOOL Presidents' Day

Saturday, February 21st- WINTER CARNIVAL 10:30-1

Friday, February 27th- Parent Conferences for 5/3s, 4s, Kindergarten and Pre-first - School not in session for those students
 (The 3 Day 3s will have school that day)
Program Highlights:
Interpretation of 
Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night


The Twos 

The Threes



In preschool we recognize the privilege, responsibility and joy of educating our youngest students. Alongside their parents, we work diligently at building the foundation for their ongoing and lifelong learning. Be sure to click on theYouTube link below found in every issue to see our wonderful students in action. Enjoy!

Click here to view the new January Slideshow.

Please visit our website

Interested in learning more about our Kindergarten and 
Click here to watch a video.

Please visit:
to learn more about 
The Church of the Redeemer

RPDS Weekly Value:

Community News:
The Milkshake Band's Valentine Spectacular
Saturday, February 14
Grace Fellowship Chuch
Doors open at 9:30

Winter Carnival!
February 21st!
10:30 am-1pm

Boots for Baltimore

Spare Change Drive

to benefit

Boots for Baltimore

Contact Us
Redeemer Parish Day School
5603 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

Mary Knott, Director