"The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence." - Denis Waitley
e-RPDS                                                                                             01/16/2015
Letter from the Director

Dear Redeemer Community,


It feels like we blinked and September turned into 2015!


It is hard to think about growth and change when the ground is frozen, the temperatures are frigid and the landscape often looks grey and bleak. In preschool, though, change is happening all around us - and at what sometimes feels like breakneck speed. This is a time of tremendous growth for our students. Reflecting back to September, it is amazing to see how much our little ones have changed; they are growing in so many ways by leaps and bounds. 


As parents, it can sometimes be hard to accept that our children are growing up. Undoubtedly, we would often like to freeze time and keep them wholly dependent on us forever. But sometimes what they need most from us is to let them grow and to let go little by little, to silently stand behind and support them as they navigate their increasing independence, embracing every step of that journey.


Welcome to a new year. Happy 2015!


Best regards,

Mary Knott



Classroom Updates:

Hanna 2s: 

Mrs. Link and I enjoyed meeting with you during parent-teacher conferences and having the opportunity to let you know how much we enjoy your children. We are talking with the children about winter weather and appropriate clothing for the cold. The children have been working on a "dress the bear" project and have been practicing putting on their own coat by flipping it over their head. The children have also been working on a Twos version of Starry Night.

Longacker 2s: 

Lisa and I are thrilled to have the girls back in school after the Holiday break. Blue and white being our colors of the month and stars, the shape, the girls have been busy painting the night sky with bright stars. We've been learning "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" at circle time and revisiting all our favorites songs and rhymes from the Fall. The girls will be creating a book in the next few weeks with wintery weather and clothing in mind.


Hooper 3s: 

The 3 Day 3's are off to a great start this New Year! We continue to work on letter and number recognition, colors, shapes, sorting and opposites! Remember to read to your children and let them practice their rhyming too. We are planning many surprises for Dads and Donuts and look forward to seeing everyone. 


Libby 3s:

The 5 Day 3s are happy to be back in school.  We have been talking about snow! We have been experimenting with melting and freezing and talking about how water changes. We are also working on the color blue, rectangles and "Jack Be Nimble."

We also have been working on the letters N and O. We have begun to try and identify our letters, shapes and colors through fun games. Please remember to keep labeling everything, including gloves, mittens and hats! Stay warm!


Faint 4s: 

Faint 4's eased back into the school routine by having a Snowmanpalooza - we have used paint, glue, shaving cream, ribbon, beads, paper, foam, and a great deal of concentration and imagination to create these snowmen who now decorate our room and hall. We are moving on to letter O next week with opposites and odd numbers. Now that we are well into the school year, we will start looking more at lower case letters and providing opportunities to work with them. Hope you are seeing great cooperation at home at clean up time as we are seeing it here with your children!


Loeb 4s:

We are GLAD to have had a full week of school! It helps us back  into the routine. We've done M and N, made macaroni and cheese and 'nests' and painted snowmen and made monsters!




Winter has officially hit in kindergarten! The kindergarteners have been busy exploring hibernation and the various animals that hibernate. Next week, we will begin our penguin study and the children will create their very own penguin habitat. In language arts,we continue to work on our decoding skills as we tackle harder words containing sh,th,ch and ck. We have also been working on our reading comprehension by discussing the beginning, middle and end of stories. In math, the kindergarteners continue to build numbers, especially those "tricky teens," explore weight and capacity and work on their number grids. 



This week, Pre-first read the book, The Missing Mitten Mystery by Steven Kellogg.  We have been focusing on comprehension skills, classification and the differences between real and fantasy. In Math, we are learning about symmetry.  We learned that an object is symmetrical when it can be folded in half and both sides are exactly the same.  Some objects that we discovered that are symmetrical are: some shapes, some uppercase letters, animals and insects, people and snowmen.  Next week, we will read three different versions of the story The Mitten and analyze the differences.


Lunch Bunch:

Lunch bunch has been having fun in the chilly weather. We have been making snowflakes with stamps and crayons, and we have made winter clothing for our bulletin board. We have been talking with the children about making sure to keep track of all of their winter clothing. Lunch Bunch will go outside in cold weather and in snow. When we have snow, please send your children with boots and snow pants. If the temperature is low, we will limit our time outside. Thank you so much, and if you are missing something, please check the lost and found! 


Office Notes
Important Notice
Please do not park in any of the spaces reserved for Church or school staff. There have been repeated reports from Church staff that RPDS parents are parking in their reserved spots. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Winter Clothing
Please be sure you dress your child for the weather. RPDS students love to run and play outside - especially when there is snow on the ground! Please label all clothing!

Chapel Food

A gentle reminder to restock your child's cubby with chapel food (non-perishable, no nuts) if you'd like to support our efforts to stock the CARES food pantry. There are 18 Wednesdays left this year. 



Monday, January 19th- NO SCHOOL- MLK Day

Friday, January 23rd- 8:45-9:45 Dads & Donuts! 

Program Highlights:
Gym at RPDS

Snow and cold have kept us inside for gym, but at RPDS winter is not for hibernating!


We have been making our way through obstacle courses, motoring by our own power on floor scooters, and enjoying parachute activities. The Threes and Fours delight in the old favorites like "What Time is it Mr. Fox" and "Duck, Duck, Goose", while Kindergarten and Pre-First enjoy tag games and indoor soccer. Gym classes with your children are my favorite workouts of the week!


RPDS Students were treated to a yoga workshop this morning to rave reviews!

In preschool we recognize the privilege, responsibility and joy of educating our youngest students. Alongside their parents, we work diligently at building the foundation for their ongoing and lifelong learning. Be sure to click on theYouTube link below found in every issue to see our wonderful students in action. Enjoy!

Click here to view the RPDS Slideshow.

Please visit our website

Interested in learning more about our Kindergarten and 
Click here to watch a video.

Please visit:
to learn more about 
The Church of the Redeemer

RPDS Weekly Value:

Community News:

Congratulations to new big brother, Dominic James in the 5 Day 3s, whose sister Esther was born over the holidays and to new big sister, Caroline Guerin in the 3 Day 3s, who recently welcomed new baby brother, Henry. We are thrilled to have these two babies join our Redeemer community!

Thank you  for supporting our school!  Together, we can made a big difference.  Over the years we've raised $4,280 for our kids. Keep clipping Box Tops and send them to school no later than February 25th.

The Milkshake Band's Valentine Spectacular
Saturday, February 14
Grace Fellowship Chuch
Doors open at 9:30
Contact Us
Redeemer Parish Day School
5603 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

Mary Knott, Director