Letter from the Director
Dear Redeemer Community,
This Sunday marks a cherished tradition between the Day School and the Church of the Redeemer that goes back many, many years. PDS Sunday, a celebration of the wonderful relationship between our school and church, will be held at 10:00 am in the church.
I will admit that I had never attended a PDS Sunday until I started teaching at Redeemer. As a parent, I honestly didn't quite understand what it was or that it was even for me and my family. I was mistaken and am sorry for eight years of a missed opportunity to attend with my children while they were students here. PDS Sunday celebrates the partnership between the Day School and the Church of Redeemer. It is also an opportunity for our students to share a beloved place they visit weekly with their families. Witnessing the joy of the children as they share this special place is heartwarming.
This year, PDS Sunday will more than ever be geared towards our children. We will join the youth choir, Sunday School students and church congregation in an annual tradition which includes a visit from St. Nicholas and his story of generosity and the giving spirit of Christmas. Afterwards, we hope you will all join us for Christmas cookies and caroling. We hope to see you on Sunday!
Best regards,
Mary Knott
Classroom Updates:
Hanna 2s:
Since returning from Thanksgiving, Mrs. Link and I have been introducing the sights, sounds and stories of Christmas to the children. We are focusing on the color green and triangles this month. The children are listening to Christmas music and stories such as Star Bright by Alison McGhee. We also continue to encourage self help skills like hanging up coats, washing hands thoroughly, throwing away snack trash, and cleaning up toys.
Longaker 2s:
Deck the Halls in the Longaker Twos! HUMPTY DUMPTY (re-enacted on the felt board) and ALL AROUND THE MULBERRY BUSH still reign as the favorite group activities, but with Christmas books and CDs on loan from the Shin family and a number of holiday art projects in the works, the Christmas spirit is beginning to light up the classroom. The girls had fun working on their first group art project together while strengthening their fine-motor skills, so please check out the Christmas tree collage on our door. Many thanks to Katie Weiss, Heather Nace, Katie Mychailyszyn and Erin Nuzzi for their help at the Thanksgiving party last week!
The 3 Day 3's are busy Little Elves in our Christmas workshop. The classroom is brightly decorated and many holiday treasures are being created while listening to Christmas music. "Little Jack Horner" is our nursery rhyme for the month ; December's color is GREEN and our shape is appropriately a STAR. This is always a busy time of year; be sure to enjoy the magic of the season with your sweet little ones.
Libby 3s:
The 5 day 3s are feeling the Christmas spirit! We are working on the color green, stars, the letters L and M, the poem Little Jack Horner and of course talking about Christmas. We are refocusing on cleaning the room and sitting quietly, criss- cross applesauce during story. We hope everyone is feeling jolly this holiday season!
Faint 4's continue to work on numbers, including those tricky teens, as well as the letters through K with kings, kicks and kangaroos. As we prepare for Christmas, the children work on following directions, duplicating samples, thinking creatively, and fine motor skills as we make trees, wreaths, and other symbols of the season. We will also explore the five senses of Christmas so help your child recognize new things they are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching as you celebrate!
Loeb 4s:
We are so busy in the 4's! Not only are we working on the letter "K", but we are decorating the halls, our tree, and making gifts-sshhh! It's a secret! And singing... We are always singing!
The kindergarteners are in the holiday spirit! We are learning about the Christmas symbols through great literature. We made trees and each day we are adding a different symbol to our trees. In language arts, we are thinking of ourselves as writers. We are beginning to work on the mechanics of writing. We are encouraging the children to take risks with their writing by writing the sounds they hear in words. In math, we continue to work on our numerals and number sense by creating a book and using manipulatives.
Pre-first is in the holiday spirit learning about the signs, symbols and true meaning of Christmas. The book, Too Many Toys by David Shannon, was highlighted this week in class to discuss the concept of giving especially during this time of year. We are practicing our letter writing skills to others by writing some letters to special people including Santa. In between pageant rehearsals, we have been busy patterning, skip counting, working with ten frames and practicing place value.
Lunch bunch is very Merry! We are planning a December filled with Christmas crafts and holiday cheer. Please let is know if you would like to drop in or will be missing a Lunch Bunch, we have a busy season and would love to have all the children stay who would like to. Thank you!
Office Notes
Re-enrollment forms are due now. Please note that enrollment fees are not due until contracts are submitted in late February/early March. If your child will not be returning to the Day School next year, please notify the office.
If your child is applying to any independent schools, please send the Parent Release form for each school to the attention of Katie Poe. The Common Referral Forms, which must be completed by us between December 1 and January 15, are done electronically. We can not submit any information without the release forms.
All Cathedral Teacher Observation forms are due to Cathedral by December 16. If you have not done so yet and your child plans to apply Cathedral, please turn the forms into Katie Poe as soon as possible.
All families are welcome to attend this special service celebrating the relationship between the Day School and the Church. The service will include a visit from St. Nicholas, followed by Christmas caroling and cookies.
Friday, December 19th- 9:15 am Christmas Service in the church. Break begins after the service. No afternoon programs.
We need a home! Please stop by the red wagon and see if anything belongs to you. Items not picked up by by Friday, December 19th will be donated to Goodwill.
Program Highlights:
What has been happening at the
Day School?
The Pre-first and Kindergarten classes visited the Glen Avenue Train Garden, the longest running train garden in Baltimore. Each student brought a gift-wrapped book for a child who will spend Christmas in the hospital. They also completed a scavenger hunt and even saw the fire truck in action!
Day School students worked together to create these beautiful "hand" made Christmas wreaths.
Pre-first students concocted a snowstorm in a bottle during science class this week.
In preschool we recognize the privilege, responsibility and joy of educating our youngest students. Alongside their parents, we work diligently at building the foundation for their ongoing and lifelong learning. Be sure to click on the link below found in every issue to see our wonderful students in action. Enjoy!
Please visit our website
Interested in learning more about our
Please visit:
to learn more about
The Church of the Redeemer
The True Meaning of Christmas
Community News
Christmas Services at Redeemer
Click here for a full description of each service
Lessons & Carols December 21 5:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve Eucharist December 24 11:00 a.m.
Christmas Eve Eucharist December 24 4:00 p.m. (*Children's Pageant)
Christmas Eve Eucharist December 24 9:00 p.m. (Candlelight Service)
Christmas Day Eucharist December 25 10:00 a.m.
If you have any community news or events that might be beneficial to our Day School community, please let us know so we can communicate it here.
Contact Us
Redeemer Parish Day School
5603 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210
Mary Knott, Director