"Alone we are small. Together we are brilliant." - Steven Anderson
e-RPDS                                                                                             11/14/2014
Letter from the Director

Dear Redeemer Community,


Fortunately, the month of November offers several opportunities for interaction between our parents and teachers. One of the most significant factors to a successful educational environment is positive parent teacher relationships. We are very privileged to have this at Redeemer. 

It is hard to believe that a whole week has gone by since we gathered for our Fall Fete. The spirit and vibrancy of our community was infectious that night. Seeing so many gather to support and raise funds for our children and school was truly heartwarming. Thank you again to the many hands that made this event such a success!


Today we gather together for a different reason. While the preparation involves a great deal of time and effort, parent teacher conferences are an invaluable piece to each of our student's education. At Redeemer we are fortunate to have small student teacher ratios and class sizes that promote a great deal of individual attention. Our teachers really know our students. Not only do they have an excellent understanding of each child's learning strengths and challenges, they have a wonderful sense of each child's personality and character. With great frequency, they also know their students favorite colors, siblings' names and so many of the small details that make up their individuality. 


It takes a village. I am ever grateful for our Redeemer village!


Best regards,

Mary Knott
Fall Fete Co-chairs

Classroom Updates:
Hanna 2s:

We continue to explore fall and are focusing on the color brown and squares. We've been lucky to have several warm days, and the children have been stomping happily through the crunchy leaves on the playground and enjoying the sunshine. The children are beginning to learn symbols of Thanksgiving and have made decorative corn collages and even "stuffed" turkeys (brown paper bags). They will add eyes, beaks, feet and feathers to their turkeys next week, and we will continue to sing Thanksgiving songs and do the Turkey Pokey.


Longaker 2s: 

The past few weeks we have been busy with Fall activities, including a science project in which the girls planted pumpkin seeds in a pumpkin filled with soil and carefully examined it each day to see what would pop up. They've also discovered the magic of leaf rubbing on paper and are working on a Thanksgiving art project where they 'paint' with ornamental corn by rolling it through paint and onto paper. We've been learning a number of nursery rhymes with HUMPTY DUMPTY coming in as the favorite so far, all enacted on the felt board. With Thanksgiving coming up, we'll be spending time in the next two weeks talking about gratitude and what that means to a 2 or 3 year old.


Hooper 3s:

November is all about yellow, squares, turkeys and what we are THANKFUL FOR! Our nursery rhyme this month is Little Boy Blue. During circle time, the children have enjoyed sharing their "thankful thoughts" ....mostly about their families! We look forward to seeing you all at the Thanksgiving service on November 26th at 10:15 in the church. Kate and I are "Thankful"  for our wonderful class and enjoyed seeing you all today!  



Libby 3s: 
The 5 Day 3s have fallen into autumn. We have been making turkeys and trees and talking about signs of fall. We also have jumped into working on our new poem "Little Boy Blue", the color yellow, squares and talking about why squares love the number 4. As the weather changes please remember to dress your children in layers for the ever changing temperature and please label everything. Thank you!


Faint 4s:

The Faint 4's used this week to review the letters we have studied so far. Some children are working on names of the letters, while others are working on the sounds they make. A great deal of cooperative building has been happening using blocks, cars and even the castle. It is great to watch the negotiations involved as the children interact with new friends. We have loved these last few warm days outside working those large muscles!



Loeb 4s:

We have finished H and I, made hot cakes, iced cookies and something "icky"! We can't wait for you to see our alphabet books and our self portraits! See you at conferences. 


Kindergarten has been busy blending sounds together in Language Arts. Ask about those Tricky Teens in math. We enjoyed exploring colonial life with the help of the Maryland Historical Society traveling trunk.



Pre-First has begun learning about life long ago.  We enjoyed exploring our "traveling trunk" from the Maryland Historical Society.  Our trunk was filled with items such as breeches that boys wore, games children would play such as marbles or jacks and photographs of people and everyday life back then.  We discussed how different life was long ago and will continue to compare as we begin discussing the Pilgrims next week.  We will read books, talk about life as a pilgrim boy, discuss the interactions between the pilgrims and the Wampanoag people and write some journal entries about life as a pilgrim.  We will also discuss why Thanksgiving day is so important and what we are most thankful for.


Lunch Bunch: 

Lunch Bunch has been investigating leaves. This week we have made leaf rubbings and leaf prints. We also have made thankful leaves for our bulletin board where we name things we are thankful that we have. We are also working very hard on keeping our spots clean in the lunch room! Please remember to let us know as soon as possible if you would like to drop into Lunch Bunch or if your child will be missing on a particular day. Thanks!



Office Notes

Re-enrollment forms are due December 1. Please note that enrollment fees are not due until contracts are submitted in late February/early March. If your child will not be returning to the Day School next year, please notify the office.

Cubby Clothes/Outside play-Please make sure your child has a change of clothes for the cold winter months.  The children will play outside so please dress them appropriately.  

Irvin Simon Pictures- Due today!  If you have not turned in please submit them as soon as possible, 


Wednesday, November 26th- 9:15 am Thanksgiving Service in the church.  Break begins after the service. No afternoon programs. 

Friday, December 19th- 10:15 am Christmas Service in the church.  Break begins after the service. No afternoon programs. 

SCHOLASTIC BOOKS- Orders must be placed online by 11/20 for delivery in December for school breaks for Christmas. Books make great Christmas gifts or stocking stuffers.  You can put together a book of the month gift for your child this holiday season . To order online:  www.scholastic.com/readingclub and use the code: JB4C8. 
  • LIBRARY BOOKS-We are in looking for unwanted hardcover Barbie, Princess and Lego books.  As you are cleaning out your books please keep us in mind. 

Program Highlights:
What has been happening at the 
Day School?

The Pre-first and Kindergarten classes visited Rodgers Farm and Corn Maze.

Day School students worked alongside the Baltimore Orchard Project to plant raspberry bushes on the playground.


Mr. Vu, who was celebrating a special birthday this week, was honored by the Day School students with a surprise celebration.



Students have been able to learn more about colonial life for children through a traveling trunk from the Maryland Historical Society.

In This Issue
In preschool we recognize the privilege, responsibility and joy of educating our youngest students. Alongside their parents, we work diligently at building the foundation for their ongoing and lifelong learning. Be sure to click on the link below found in every issue to see our wonderful students in action. Enjoy!

Please visit our website

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The Church of the Redeemer


Community News

Outreach Opportunity
Here's one for the whole family!  For more than 25 years, The Church of the Redeemer has participated in Loaves & Fishes, a program in which area churches rotate the responsibility for food preparation for one Saturday each month throughout the winter.  Volunteers make seven gallons of soup, seminarians at St. Mary's provide the coffee and students from Friends School prepare the sandwiches for 250 people.  The organization then delivers the food by van to the homeless at designated drop-off points.  Many families through the years have taken a "soup day", and found it a wonderful way to include children in community outreach--with the added benefit of family time!  The open dates for which Redeemer is responsible are:  November 1; December 13; January 3; February 14; and April 4.  To volunteer for a
date, or for more information, contact: Lynn Place at

Mondays 6:30-7:30
Beginning 11/17
$10 (cash only)

Church of the Redeemer 
5603 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

Taught by:
Sarah Righter and Amber Larkin

All levels of fitness and experience welcome. Please bring your own mat.

for more information.

Contact Us
Redeemer Parish Day School
5603 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

Mary Knott, Director

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