Summertime can be a great time to catch up on work that you just don't have (or make!) time for during the rest of the year. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to travel and totally plan to take some vacation time but when I am working during the summer, especially when others are away, I like to use some of this quieter time for Community Building. Here are 5 Summertime Community Building Tasks for LinkedIn that will set you up for a strong Q4 - after you get back from that vacation!
I will be offering a MIX of webinars and call in Q&A sessions this fall on a variety of topics. Here is the list so far - please RSVP and save the dates. You can register for each individually (they are $25 and $50, depending on the session) or subscribe to the series at a discount. If you are interested in subscribing, please contact me at
Please pass this information along to anyone you know who may be interested in learning more about LinkedIn, Social Media Marketing and/or Email Marketing.
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Please send me any questions YOU would like to see answered in future enews issues and pass this email along to anyone who may need help with their Digital Marketing Presence - thank you!
LisaMarie Dias
Helping YOU leverage social media & email marketing for profitable growth!