LisaMarie Dias Designs Gamechanging Social Media & Email marketing solutions
Employed in 2014
LinkedIn for Job Seekers - 14 tips to move you forward in your job search in 2014

LinkedIn is often viewed as an online repository for resumes but when used correctly, it can be a place to establish your expertise, build and nurture a professional network, a site to help you do research and to find leads. It is also a very powerful tool to help you find a new job and to be found by people looking to fill positions.


Here are 14 easy to implement tips to help you best utilize the power of LinkedIn when you are looking for a new job.


Click here for tips
Upcoming LIVE LinkedIn Class
Linked In
Was one of your resolutions for 2014 to really figure out how to use LinkedIn to build your network, establish your expertise and grow your business? Do you need some tips to jump start your job hunt?


Join us for a LIVE class, offered through the Montclair Adult School in Montclair NJ. There will be two, 90 minute sessions on April 29th and May 6th were we will define the components of an effective Linked In profile and learn how this powerful, free tool can be used to do research, find jobs and job candidates, build your network and find warm leads.



Click here to learn more and to register
Resources for Job Seekers 
Pinterest for Job Seekers
I have started a new Pinterest board for all of my Resources for Job Seekers. Please click the link below to check them out - and note that you do NOT need to be a Pinterest member to view the board!


Click here to visit the Job Seekers Resources Board on Pinterest 
Please pass this email along to anyone who may be a job seeker and/or need help with LinkedIn - thank you!

LisaMarie Dias

LisaMarie Dias
Helping YOU leverage social media & email marketing for profitable growth!
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