LisaMarie Dias Designs Newsletter

October 2012 

October 2010 


LisaMarie Dias Designs - Connecting You to Your Customers


Practical Tips and Hints to Help YOU Optimize YOUR Online Presence

A Breakdown of Facebook's One Billion People

One BILLION on Facebook

How to LIKE a Facebook Page


Liking a Facebook Page


The other day, I was talking with someone about the recent LinkedIn changes. She was interested in learning more and I suggested that she might want to 'Like' my Facebook Business Page as I update that daily with all sorts of information on many of the social media platforms and tools.

She was using Facebook personally, but said that she really did not know how to 'Like' a business. These conversations are always a good reminder for me as I sometimes forget that every once in a while, I need to explain the basics in order to help everyone get the most out of all these tools!


On every Business PAGE, there is a small box, on the right, just below the main Cover Photo that says LIKE - see the red arrow on the photo above to see mine. If they haven't uploaded a large cover shot, it will be to the right of the small square profile photo.


Just click on that box and you will have LIKED that page. By Liking that page you essentially tell Facebook that you want to see the updates made by that person/business/brand pushed to your newsfeed.


EVERY post made will not necessarily be pushed to your stream so be sure to go back to visit the page regularly in order to see all the info shared.  And if you haven't already done so, please go visit my Facebook Business Page and LIKE it - it takes less than 30 seconds and has tons of great info posted every day - Thank you!


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E-Newsletter to anyone that might find it helpful. Thank you!




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LMD 09 
LisaMarie Dias
Our goal is to help YOU leverage social media for profitable growth!
Specializing in:
  • Effective Online Strategy Sessions
  • Identifying the Tools and Training you need to succeed
  • Introductions to Social Media including Facebook for both Business and Personal use, LinkedIn, Twitter, G+, Pinterest and more.
  • E-Newsletter Start-up, Optimization and Maintenance
  • Website Design
  • Logo Packages starting at $125
  • Business Card Packages
Visit the Website, call 973.275.9497 or email
to get started TODAY!

LinkedIn Skills - Explanation and Tutorial


Recently, LinkedIn has added a feature to allow people to 'Endorse' the skills you have included in your personal profile.  (See post below and here for how and why to use the Endorsement feature) But as a colleague recently pointed out, if your skill section is not up to date, you may be receiving endorsements for outdated or no longer appropriate 'skills'.  Or worse yet, if you have no 'skills' posted, you are not getting endorsed at all!


LinkedIn SkillsI have also noticed a number of inappropriate or just plain weird skills that I am being prompted to endorse.  Like 'Water' by someone who was neither a Hydrologist, lifeguard nor a health practitioner.


Some people think that since they once updated their profile with 'Specialties' they do not need to bother adding this section but the 'Specialties' section is gone. Yes, LinkedIn could have done a much better job letting us know that and suggesting that we now list these specialties as skills but hey, this is why I can blog almost daily, just to help you guys stay on top of all of this!


In order to make the most of your LinkedIn presence, you should always include as many relevant 'Skills' as possible. You are allowed to include up to 50 - try to make sure that you have at least a dozen. These are KEYWORDS - and you know how important those are, right? If not, definitely go back thru my blog archive for more info!


Click here to read the full post on how and why to include 'Skills' in your LinkedIn profile.



Endorsements - NEW LinkedIn Feature! 


You may have noticed that LinkedIn has introduced a new feature called 'Endorsements'.  It is a quick and easy way for you 'endorse' one or more of the 'Skills' someone has listed in their LinkedIn profile and for others to endorse those you have added to your own profile. (See above for more on 'Skills')

LinkedIn Endorsements


The "SKILLS" profile section has been around for a while but many people have not bothered to add them. This recent addition allows visitors to 'endorse' or recommend those skills you have included. People CAN endorse skills that you have not listed - there is a way to suggest skills other than the ones included by the owner of the profile - but most people will probably not take the time to do that so be sure you have added as many skills as you can (you are allowed to add up to 50!) in your profile.


Remember, these are like keywords, attracting people who are searching on these terms so be sure to take advantage of the 'Skills' function in order to make the most of the endorsements!


Click here for the full post on how and why to endorse your LinkedIn links.

Constant Contact Template Question                 
New Constant Contact Template Options

A client wrote:


You created a template for me a few years ago which I use all the time for my e-newsletter but lately, the fonts get weird and the images move - can you please make a new one for me?



Here was my reply:


Well, I am more than happy to create a new template for you - I always LOVE a chance to design and Constant Contact has introduced a bunch of fabulous new templates but to be honest, there is a really simple solution. 

Templates can get corrupted after being copied over and over each month and edited, shifted and re-edited. It IS best to start over but I am sure that when I made the template for you, I made one and called it something like 'Template 1'. I then copied THAT to get you started. You probably have been using the one I started for you and still have the clean, 'Template 1' in your account. 

While it will not have the changes you have made since, I would suggest making a copy of that one (please do NOT use that one, make a copy so you can go back to it again if you need to!) and to revise the copy as necessary. 

If you want to see all the cool new template options, go into your Constant Contact account and look under 'Email' then 'Create' - and of course, do let me know if you still want a new one - am always happy to help!

If you have the same problem but I didn't create your templates, try going back to your FIRST email and copy that - hopefully you will have the same results.
Do YOU use Constant Contact? Would you like a more attractive template? A better open rate? Would you like your photos to work with your text?  Give me a call at 973.275.9497 - I offer a free account review for both new and existing clients, giving you suggestions for improving your templates and content as well as technical and maintenance advice. 
Please pass this along to anyone you know who uses Constant Contact. Especially the ones who send you e-newsletters that clearly need help - Thank you!

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