LisaMarie Dias Designs Newsletter

September 2012 

October 2010 


LisaMarie Dias Designs - Connecting You to Your Customers


Practical Tips and Hints to Help YOU Optimize YOUR Online Presence

How is Klout Calculated? 



I am not a big Klout fan but people do often ask how the scores are calculated - click here for the most comprehensive description I have seen to date.  
My complaint with the tool is that you can do all of these (very time consuming) things and improve your 'score' without actually meeting your online goals or making connections which will lead to profitable business growth.
The real key is to be sure that you are being seen by and engaging with people that can become your clients/customers/patients. It is still too easy to game these numbers, creating a false sense of engagement or engaging just for the sake of your score. And maybe 'easy' is the wrong word as it takes quite a bit of effort - I think that effort would be better spent identifying your real target audience and truly engaging with them, without worrying if you are getting points for it. Hopefully those efforts will help you build your business which is way more valuable than any 'score'.


If you need help online, give me a call - we can identify and effectively engage with your target audience for real business growth - and a boost to your Klout score as well!


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LMD 09 
LisaMarie Dias
Our goal is to help YOU leverage social media for profitable growth!
Specializing in:
  • Effective Online Strategy Sessions
  • Identifying the Tools and Training you need to succeed
  • Introductions to Social Media including Facebook for both Business and Personal use, LinkedIn, Twitter, G+, Pinterest and more.
  • E-Newsletter Start-up, Optimization and Maintenance
  • Website Design
  • Logo Packages starting at $125
  • Business Card Packages
Visit the Website, call 973.275.9497 or email
to get started TODAY!
Are You Considering Running a Daily Deal?

Daily Deals through Constant Contact (or Groupon, Living Social or any number of other sites) can be an excellent way to grow awareness and drive new traffic to your business. They can also cause you to lose money, lose customers and drive you crazy!  
Here is a link to a great guide to running deals that really deliver for both you and your customers!

Twitter Etiquette: Saying Thank You for Retweets  

  Twitter Etiquette: Saying Thank You for Retweets

Dr. Serena H. Chen is a client of mine who is very active on Twitter.  She uses it to share valuable fertility and health related information, establishing her expertise and her place as an industry leader.


Her tweets are frequently re-tweeted by others, expanding her reach. She is grateful for this social amplification and asked me for some ideas for thanking these people who are helping her by re-tweeting her posts. Click here to see my suggestions which can work for you as well!


Linda Kay - Kay College Consulting

An E-newsletter Success Story


Linda Kay of Kay College Consulting

Name: Linda Kay M.A.

Company: Kay College Consulting




I met Linda Kay through NJAWBO (the NJ Association of Women Business Owners) back in 2009. She was interested in building awareness of her business as well as sharing important information about the colleges she was visiting.


The college visits and reviews provided her with an ongoing stream of new content that her client base would find valuable and she was interested in learning more about starting an e-newsletter.


After meeting with her, I immediately knew that she was the type of person who could really make the most of an e-newsletter. Even though she did not have a large support staff, she had all this excellent content, wrote beautifully and had the discipline and attention to detail to issue regularly!  The  template we created for her contains the same blocks each month which she then fills with her useful info and advice. This formula can work for many types of businesses - read on to see what you can learn from her success!

Another Online Privacy Question                 

The other day, a friend posted this question on my Facebook Business Page:



Can you please weigh in on this? My friend posted this and I was wondering what is your take. I can never keep up on what is public and what is private on Facebook, and how to hold the line. Thanks


"To all my FB friends, may I request you to please do something for me: I want to stay PRIVATELY connected with you. However, with the recent changes in FB, the public can now see activities in any wall. This happens when our friend hits "like" or "comment", automatically, their friends would see our posts too. Unfortunately, we cannot change this setting by ourselves because Facebook has configured it this way. So I need your help. Only you can do this for me. PLEASE place your mouse over my name above (do not click), a window will appear, now move the mouse on "FRIENDS" (also without clicking), then down to "Settings", click here and a list will appear. REMOVE the CHECK on "COMMENTS & LIKE" by clicking on it. By doing this, my activity amongst my friends and my family will no longer become public. Many thanks! Paste this on your wall so your contacts would follow suit too, that is, if you care about your privacy."

Here was my reply:

Hmmm - I not sure that this will achieve what she wants.  Those settings control what YOU see in your newsfeed.  A Like or Comment has the privacy settings of the original post. To make sure that no one sees her like or comment, the original post would have to go to only her (you can do that when you post by setting the privacy using the drop down to the lower right.) Note that your 'audience selector' as it is called, defaults to the last setting so you may have to re-set it.

Note: The audience selector is next to each post you make; it's not on a separate settings page. The tool remembers the audience you shared with the last time you posted something and uses the same audience when you share again unless you change it. You can go back and change the audience for any post you made by clicking the menu to pull down your options.

Another option is to create a group of just her and a few family members she trusts/allows and post to that group. Her likes and comments would theoretically only be visible to them. I say theoretically because honestly, I truly believe that if you want REAL privacy, as in no one seeing what you say or do, you should stick to private messages on FB or email.  And if you are serious about your privacy, meet face-to-face in your kitchen as all online activity leaves footprints!


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