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 Fitness e-Tips
JOIN TODAY!...Become a Forever Fit ...
You Should Know the New U.S. Dietary Guidelines...
What's in Your Protein Bar?...Healthy...Candy?...
Exercise Of The Month:...Gymnastics Workout!...
Being Mindful Affects Body's Stress Response..
Recipe of The Month:...Muscle Building Shake...
Frightening Bone Statistics Among Men..
15 Nutritious Breakfasts for Busy People...


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Motivational Quote
"The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results."

 ~ Anthony Robbins  
Fit Tip of the Month
It's easy to be lazy on the weekend, but use today for a functional training session. Play your favorite sport at the park or get in that long workout that is difficult during the hectic week. Also, take a few minutes to plan for the upcoming week. Choose which days might be best for your workouts, then schedule some exercise time and commit to it.
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January  2016   

,  greetings and smiles :-) 
The holiday season is long gone and you've probably started to regret the food comas and binge drinking, and have pledged to get to the gym. But the key to a healthy lifestyle is staying motivated without getting hooked on fitness routines and strict diets. 
Try to eat as clean and balanced (non processed foods, low sugars, not too much carbohydrates if not needed in your lifestyle low fatty foods,) eat the healthier types of foods in restaurants and also, eat in moderation - don't over fill yourself. Add good fruits and vegetables into your diet, making sure your diet is balanced, and remember that combining exercises with a good diet is the formula for getting back on track for the New Year!
Stay Focused and Fit!
You Should Know the New U.S. Dietary Guidelines
Healthy News   
The 2015-2020 dietary guidelines are in! Every 5 years, the U.S. government updates its official dietary guidelines with a full report of recommendations based on the latest scientific and medical knowledge.
They provide the basis for everything from individual and community medical advice to school food programs, research funding, and public health policy.
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What's in Your Protein Bar?
Healthier Candy?  
Some of the bars we eat are loaded with chemicals and artificial sweeteners that create more cravings for sweets.
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Exercise Of The Month: Gymnastics Workout!

This is a great gymnastics inspired workout that can be done any time any where and get a great total body strength training workout even if you are not a gymnast!



A new study shows that how you think and feel about what causes you stress may affect the way your body reacts to those stressors.
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Recipe of The Month: Muscle Building Shake 
          Muscle Building Protein Shake Recipe (CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY BLISS!!)

Men And Osteoporosis     
Osteoporosis is typically thought of as a "woman's disease." But a recent report published by the International Osteoporosis Foundation warns that, in certain circumstances, men may be at greater risk than women for potentially fatal bone health-related maladies.
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15 Nutritious Breakfasts for Busy People
Quick, Healthy and Yummy
If eating breakfast is part of your resolution this year check out this post.Then, read on for inspirations from a collection of nutritious breakfast recipes for busy-bees. With just a few staples like oatmeal, chia seeds, yogurt, milk, fruit and eggs you can whip up goodies that will get you scrambling out of bed. Read more

Your Fitness Is Our Business!

Katherina Colston
ACE Health Coach
ISSA Personal Trainer
BAAR Awarded Fitness Instructor
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