Nabi and I arrived in Kabul Thursday afternoon enduring the effects of 18 hours in the air and two days flying from San Francisco to Kabul, the eleven and one half hour time difference playing havoc with our internal clocks.
Basir greeted us with the news that the government had declared a high security alert and government offices had been closed for two days. Soldiers carrying AK-47's were everywhere along the route to our hotel. Also present, in greater numbers, were huge ornate wedding halls, the collateral damage of which, is an increasing number of Afghan men who can not afford to get married. The legislation previously proposed limiting the amount that families could spend on a marriage obviously didn't pass.
Our first venture out of the hotel was to Afshar, one of the nine refugee camps we have been helping by providing clothing, rice, and solar cookers. This time we were delivering "the worlds first virtually indestructible ball", invented by Tim Jahnigen. Jack Howell and I had the pleasure of spending time with Tim and the principals of One World Futbol, in Berkeley, several weeks ago. They donated 300 balls to TIE that we are distributing to refugee camps, our soccer programs, and schools we're helping.
The ball solves a worldwide problem described on their website as follows;
"the traditional soccer ball can be easily punctured or ruptured. It requires frequent inflation with a pump and needle, which are easily broken or lost. As a result, the phenomenon and waste of deflated soccer balls is a common sight in the backyards of families with soccer players at home. The short life-span of traditional balls, and the expense of replacing them, means young people in disadvantaged communities are often left to play soccer with rocks, cans, or "rag balls" made from trash, plastic bags, and string."
Their mission "is to make a meaningful impact on the lives of youth around the world through their One World Futbol, a virtually-indestructible ball that never goes flat and never needs a pump. Their goal is to bring the joy of soccer and play to youth in disadvantaged communities so that children can be children no matter where they live."To learn more about One World Futbol, click here.
Nabi and I can attest to the fact that their ball will make a huge difference to children, like those living in the Afshar camp, who play on grounds littered with sharp rocks and objects. The photos below were taken at Afshar.
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 | Do I get a ball or not? |
Here's what they have been playing with.
Now it's Afshar vs the One World Futbol. Bet on the ball.
Sleeps 7 every night. The family has been living in the camp for 7 years. They have been threatened with eviction.
In response to my question as to whether they wanted our troops to leave, everyone responded that they wished American troops could stay longer. They do, however, understand why we are leaving. I also asked the leader of the camp what he thought would happen in 2014. He said "Only God knows".
We visited Farza today to see how construction of the school for girls is coming. The good news is that they are almost done. The bad news is that a new barrier has surfaced that must be resolved before the girls will be allowed to go to the school. Afghans probably know what the barrier is. Non Afghans will need to wait for tomorrows report. I'll spare you the bad news for a day.
The great news is that Nabi and I are safely back in the hotel, having taken what is the greatest risk of this trip. Break out the Snickers bars.
There's no greater joy than bringing play, laughter, and education into their lives
ps Does anyone have Angelina Jolie's phone number? Nabi and I have a few recommendations to share with her regarding building schools in Afghanistan. Or, Brad Pitt's will do. The fact that a high profile person is weighing in, is encouraging. Too many "stars" have found their calling elsewhere. If you haven't read Afghanistan, Why Should Anyone Care, please take the time to read it now. click here