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RM Athletics and RM Booster Club News and Info -  September 8, 2016
Concession Stand in Desperate Need of Volunteers for Home Football game tomorrow night 9/9/16 and other games as well.

Can you imagine the concession stand not open for a Home Football game??   It may be a reality at some point if we don't get the volunteers we need to staff it.  Thank you to those people who always help out and have already volunteered but we need MORE!  If you have any time to help out tomorrow night or future games, etc. please click on the Sign up Genius to sign up where needed.  Besides JV and Varisity football games there are soccer and  field hockey concession sign ups needed as well.

Sign Up Genius Link is always available in the header of these emails or the bottom of the Home Page.  

Thank you RM community!

Concession stand proceeds benefit RM Athletics 
RMHS Athletic Booster Club, Inc. a 501(c)3 charitable organization
Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law