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RM Athletics and RM Booster Club News and Info - August 15, 2016
RM Athletics Needs Your Help -  

We have several new projects designed to promote RM Athletics as well as raise much needed funds for the program. If you have even a couple hours to spare, we can use your help.  

Some Specific Needs
  • Help with food prep at the 8/19 Football Scrimmage - Sign Up Genius 
  • Help with food prep at the 8/25 New Family BBQ - Sign Up Genius
  • Someone to help open the concession stands during field hockey and soccer games.  We will need someone that can come before games start to make sure the stand is open and ready for volunteers. 
  • Meet with local merchants to sell sponsorship opportunities
  • Work with our sponsors to collect banner graphics and other marketing info and coordinate the banner printing process - Takes a few hours in August & September. 
  • Help organize & promote the sale of Rockville Reward Cards in the Fall - About two hours of organizing time
  • Work with Athletics and SGA plan promotions for football and other sports 
  • Work on a spring fundraiser - ideas include - Silent Auction, Sport Open House, Memory Wall Fundraiser - We need 4 or so volunteers to plan this event.  
  • Help with website - Takes an hour or so, once or twice a month
  • Help with Coach/Player/Parent communication and TeamSnap - Takes an hour or two each season to make sure coaches get matched up with Team Parents
  • Help with the parent donation program - Takes a few hours at the start of each season
The 2016-2017 RMHS Athletic Booster Club Volunteer Officer list is
  • President - Steve Schuck  
  • VP Fundraising - Rob Perks
  • VP Programs - Open
  • Treasurer - Andre Santiago
  • Events Treasurer - Jill Unger
  • Recording Secretary- Gillian Martin
  • Correspondence Secretary - Lorin Umbel  
If you want more information about helping out, please contact Steve Schuck  or any other Booster officer.   
Fall Sports - Meet the Coach Night  Wednesday 8/31 at 7pm - Cafeteria  
Parents of Players for: Cheer, Cross Country, Field Hockey, Golf, Poms, Soccer, Girls Tennis, Girls Volleyball
To get the season off to a good start, coaches request that you leave your athlete at home and have at least one parent for each player come to the parent meeting night.  At the event you will:

Go over game and practice schedules
Get team apparel info
Learn about carpool and travel arrangements
Get info on Parent/Player/Coach communication
Get info on how to support RM Athletics thru RMHS Athletic Booster Club.  

You can save time and Donate Now if you if you want

Get $5 off Spirit Shack Coupon for each $40 donated.   
The Spirit Shack will be open
(cash, checks and credit cards are accepted for spirit shack and donations)

7:00 - Check in, Chat w/the Coach, Spirit Shack Sale, Donation Drop, Refreshments


7:30 - All Sports Meeting & then Team Meetings


9:00 - Spirit Shack closes  

TeamSnap Tips

Most RM teams are using TeamSnap to help with communication. If your student athlete's team is using Teamsnap, here are a few simple tips.

Once rosters are set, coaches will invite any players that aren't in TeamSnap to join their TeamSnap team.

When a player joins, make sure parent contact info gets entered. While doing this, parents can get their own account by granting a parent "Shared Access". This is helpful if your child is on more than one team that uses TeamSnap or if you have more than one child on teams that use TeamSnap. 
If you have a smartphone, once in TeamSnap, download the free TeamSnap app and login.

Save time by not entering scheduled activities in your calendar and subscribe to the calendar that your coach has entered.

For Android Phones - Most require to first subscribe to Google Calendar  Android Directions
For iPhones - iPhone Directions
Promote your business to the RM Community
The Booster Club organizes and sells Athletic Depart sponsorship packages.  We have a wide variety of marketing options that can help promote your business.  

Contact Rob Perks or Steve Schuck for more info    

RM Spirit Wear Available Online
The Booster Club has a great team of volunteers that work all year long to help create and sell all sorts of RM spirit wear. Now they have partnered with an online store to offer even more RM clothing and the ability to order online anytime.  Simply click this link or you can always link to it off the Home Page.   

RM's Spirit Shack will be open on  8/25 at the new Family BBQ and on 8/31 at the Meet the Coach Night event.  

RMHS Athletic Booster Club, Inc. a 501(c)3 charitable organization
Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law