January 3, 2014
Greater Pittsburgh Federal Credit Union
Credit Union Chatter 
Happy New Year! 

Quick Links
Main Office - Oakland
Monday - Friday
9:30am - 4:00pm
Phone - 412.621.6800
Fax - 412.681.7421
Toll Free - 1.888.673.7224
North Hills - UPMC Passavant Hospital
Monday - Friday 
9:00am - 5:00pm
No Transaction after 4pm
Phone - 412.748.6338
Fax - 412.367.6658
UPMC Presbyterian 
Hospital Office
Monday and Wednesday
7:30am - 3:30pm
7:30am - 3:00pm
Phone - 412.647.6337
UPMC Children's Hospital Office
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 
7:30am - 3:30pm
Phone - 412.688.0442
UPMC Mercy Hospital Office
8:30am - 12:30pm
11:30am - 3:30pm
Phone - 412.232.7717
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Have you started working on your 2014 resolutions yet? You bet we have! 
Our New Year's Resolution here at GPFCU is to not only continue providing excellent service to our members, but to help you improve your financial situation in any way we can!  
In this issue of the Credit Union Chatter, we have an announcement from the Board of Directors and some tips on Financial Security; as many of our members have been affected in the wake of the unfortunate breach of information at Target stores over the holidays.  We have been in contact with members whose GPFCU VISA credit or debit cards that may have been compromised.  
As always, if you are ever concerned that your account(s) have been compromised please contact us and we can discuss your options.  
We wish you a very Happy New Year and don't forget to bundle up!
Greater Pittsburgh FCU Staff 
A Special Message from Your Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Greater Pittsburgh Federal Credit Union sadly announces the retirement of Patricia Juliano, our President/CEO, effective January 17, 2014.

We want to take this opportunity to say, "Thank you!" to Pat for her more than 35 years of service to the credit union and its members. Her dedication to our staff, the Board and all who depended on her was constant.  We invite our members and all those who know Pat personally and professionally to stop in over the next two weeks to wish her well and say goodbye.  

We wish Pat good health, happiness and most of all a relaxing retirement.  She has earned it. 

Trudy Melzer, Chairman 
Board of Directors 
It's Still On! 


Go overboard on holiday spending this year?  
Don't pay more interest than you need to!  
3.99% for 24 months 
Up to $2,500.00

This rate will be GONE after January 31, 2014!
Get your application in HERE.


Protect Your Financial ID 


It only takes a few seconds to become a victim of financial fraud. But it often takes months to recover. 

Armed with discarded credit card receipts, checks, or deposit slips, today's crooks are making unauthorized transactions from victims' accounts, and even opening new--fraudulent--credit card and checking accounts.

There are steps you can take to prevent your identity from theft.

* Examine all your financial statements. Promptly reconcile your monthly share draft account statement. Save check stubs and credit, debit, and ATM (automated teller machine) receipts. Report discrepancies between your records and monthly statements to the appropriate company. Check credit bureau reports at least once a year. 

  * Limit the paper trail. Store receipts and share draft carbons in a safe place. Or rip them up, especially areas where account numbers are visible. Destroy blank checks from closed-out accounts and expired or unused credit cards. And tear up any credit card receipt carbons.

* Guard your purse or wallet. Thieves often target unoccupied vehicles, unlocked office drawers, and health club locker rooms.

* Protect your personal identification number (PIN). Never keep your ATM PIN in the same place as your card.

* Beware of phone scams. Never give your PIN or any other personal financial information to an unknown caller.

* Check your mail. If you haven't received mail for a few days, you may be the victim of mail diversion fraud. This scam involves a crook forging an individual's signature on a change-of-address form to divert your mail and obtain financial information. If you suspect your address has been changed without your permission, contact the post office.

* Track financial statements. Find out when financial statements and plastic cards are due to arrive. If they're late, contact your credit union or appropriate issuer.

* Protect yourself online. New technology allows online vendors to assure customers reasonable security from online theft. If you doubt the security of the vendor, order the items over the telephone.

* Visit the Federal Trade Commission identity theft Web site (ftc.gov/bcp/edu/microsites/idtheft/) to view a copy of its publication, "Take Charge: Fighting Back Against Identity Theft."
President's Corner

As I make my final statement to you as President/CEO of the credit union, I wish to express my deep appreciation for your kindness and support over these many years. 

Since I began my career with the credit union in July of 1978, I have had the privilege of meeting so many wonderful people who have supported the credit union and me as well.  To the many folks who served on our Board, to the staff members who worked with and for me, I extend my thanks.  Both personally and professionally, you were there for me.
I wish you all a very Happy New Year and a life of success and peace.  I ask that you continue your support of the credit union, the Board and our wonderful staff.  I wish my successor the best as well.  

Patricia Juliano

Greater Pittsburgh Federal Credit Union