December 2015




I hope this note finds you in a celebratory mood as we work our way through the holiday season. Regardless of your sect or creed, it's important to take some time to be grateful for what has passed and to look forward to what's to come. It's also fun to hang some shiny things around the house to brighten up the place during the shortest days of the year. You could just put on your footy pajamas and tuck your head under the covers for a few months, but that's probably not as much fun as shiny things.

The fall pledge drive is behind us and was, once again, a tremendous success. We still need it to be a little more tremendous, so it would be much appreciated if you could include us in your  end-of-year financial planning. We'd appreciate the effort even if you don't do any planning at all. We won't be too judgmental about your organizational skills either way. The Schoolhouse squirrels will be very disappointed if we don't get a few more acorns stashed for winter. Nobody likes an angry squirrel. Trust us.

There's No Business Like...... 

Lower Cape Communications, Inc. (that's us) had its annual business meeting on Saturday, November 21, at Napi's Restuarant in Provincetown. In addition to receiving reports from the Board of Directors and the various subcommittees, it was a great opportunity to get everybody together and share a smile. Some may question the wisdom of putting so many radio people in one place at the same time, but most of us are really quite tame. The slate of candidates for the Board of Directors consisted entirely of incumbents, and passed by acclaim. Term limits that were originally agreed upon several years ago will start to take effect next year, so things will get more interesting then. If you know someone that would be a good candidate for the WOMR Board of Directors, please get in touch with John Braden in the office. More immediately, there are plenty of other opportunities for folks to get involved with running the station. There are openings on the Community Advisory Board, the Program Committee and others. Again, get in touch with John Braden if you'd like to sit on a committee. It's actually a lot more fun than it sounds.

Movies, Films and Flicks

Our global media empire is expanding beyond the realm of the radio into the world of cinema. The WOMR/WFMR Fall and Winter Benefit Film Series hosted by Brad Moore continues in its 11th year in the Davis Space at The Schoolhouse. You can get into the spirit of the season on Thursday December 17 as Brad screens It's A Wonderful Life.

The Live and Wired film series at Preservation Hall had another successful installment with the showing of the new Frank Zappa concert film Roxy: The Movie at Wellfleet Preservation Hall on December 3. Tony Scungilli and Vanessa at the Hall are currently scratching their heads to figure out where to take that series next. Look for an announcement to come soon.

There's also an idea for a film series germinating in the head of DJ Ryan Cooke. In addition to his work with WOMR and his radio show, Reel Music, Ryan is an avid film buff. Ryan is planning to combine his interests with the showing of a film that we can all sing along with. The title and time for the party will come soon.

The documentary film about WOMR continues to make its way around the festival circuit as well. Outermost Radio: The Film recently showed at the Hamptons Take 2 Documentary Film Festival after having been shown at the Kansas and St. Louis International Film Festivals. Thanks to Alan Chebot and the whole crew at Parallax Productions for putting the shine on our star.

Fixer Upper 

We are happy to be able to report that improvements are underway at the Schoolhouse. Thanks to a grant from the Provincetown Community Preservation Fund, we we are replacing all of the windows in our beautiful building. The project comes just in the nick of time. Really cold weather is probably right around the corner, and the old windows had pretty much stopped keeping the weather out. The place should be a lot more comfortable once the job is done and it will make a big difference in our energy bill. In other grant-related news, there's an ongoing process of strategic planning thanks to a grant from the Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Charitable Foundation Trust. Staff and Board members spent a whole day with consultant Sky Freyss-Cole setting priorities and developing strategies for achieving those goals. You can expect to see the results of the process throughout the coming year and beyond. We also received a grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council Facilities Fund to look specifically at the Schoolhouse and how it could better serve the community. We look forward to using the results of that study to guide us in planning the future of our building.

In This Issue
All Business
Movies and Films
Self Improvement
Poetry Prizes
Program Notes
Jeannette de Beauvoir
Joe Gouveia

Outermost Poetry Contest 

Your poetry doesn't have to be outermost, but the contest certainly is. The deadline is approaching for submissions. Click on the link above for the details on how to get your work reviewed by Marge Piercy and be eligible to win cash prizes. That's right, you could get actual cash for your poems. Winners will have their work featured on the Poets' Corner radio show which airs on 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 12:30pm.

Program Notes

Response to our call for volunteers to carry on the tradition of opera and classical programming has been overwhelming. We will always keep the memory of Howard Weiner close to our hearts as we welcome new voices to the WOMR Opera House and Cafe Classicale. Huge thanks go out to Kent Isham and Reed Boland for stepping up on short notice to host those programs on an interim basis. Listen for a regular rotation of hosts to be established in the coming weeks.

In other programming news, we are in talks with Provincetown Town Manager David Panagore to develop a program addressing issues  affecting our flamboyant village at the end of the peninsula. We also expect to begin a new program focusing on the dune culture of the outer cape which will complement the Joyce Johnson archives of Sands of Time which we continue to draw upon. Both of these shows will help us serve our mission of representing our community with fresh radio made by real people.

Fond Farewell

It's so long but not goodbye to our good friend Jeannette de Beauvoir. You may know Jeannette from her work on the Arts Week program, but that only scratches the surface of Jeannette's contributions to the station. She has been one of our most dedicated volunteers during pledge drives, and we have relied upon her gifts as a writer to help us with our wordy things. We wish her good luck as she embarks on an adventure in the big city. We are actively seeking her replacement on the arts beat, so get in touch with Matty if you'd like to host a talk show about the local arts scene.

Thanks to Maghi Geary at Provincetown Florist for the holiday bling

'Tis the season to share the love

John Braden, Executive Director 
Matthew Dunn, Operations Manager

Chris Boles, Office Manager

Justine Alten, Development Manager

Tony Pasquale, Underwriting Representative


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WOMR/WFMR | PO Box 975 | 494 Commercial Street | Provincetown | MA | 02657