July 2013




John Braden
Executive Director
John Braden
Wow, it's been so busy around here that it's been a while since our last newsletter. How have you been? It's nice to speak with you again. We can almost say that we haven't had any problems with the signal since the last edition of AirTime. There was some trouble last Friday afternoon when there were outrageous brownouts and power flickers here in Provincetown. It turns out that having a generator doesn't quite solve all of the potential power-related problems. The good news is that we seem to have gotten through it with no lasting issues. We are still waiting for delivery of the final pieces required to get 92.1 back to 100%, but given our recent history, we're thrilled to be operating at 90%. 91.3 in Orleans is sounding great, and our friends across the bay in Plymouth County should be receiving our signal loud and clear.
Giggity Giggity

If you're lucky, you will be reading this in time to go to The Duhks at Payomet Performing Arts Center tonight, Tuesday July 23 at 8pm. The Duhks are a crazy-talented quintet of absurdly nice Canadians from Winnipeg. They bring all sorts of contemporary and historical influences to their repertoire performed on traditional instruments. If you missed the show (or even if you didn't), you can hear The Duhks perform live in the Schoolhouse hosted by DJ Carol Courneen on our website at womr.org. Next up, we've got The Wolverine Jazz Band Quintet coming to Wellfleet Preservation Hall on Thursday August 1 at 7:30. The Wolverines are a Boston group that plays old-time traditional and dixieland jazz with the best of them. Thanks to Henry and Jane Fischer for making this show possible. Get your tickets in advance by calling the WOMR office at 508-487-2619.
Prepare to Jam  

Debo Band
Lurking just over the horizon is the 3rd or 4th annual CranJam at the Harwich Cranberry Arts & Music Festival taking place September 14 and 15 at Brooks Park in Harwich Center. It's after Labor Day, and that can be hard to see from this side of the divide, but planning is almost complete. Look for some very exciting changes at this years version of the festival. We'll keep you in suspense for now on all of the details, but we'll let you in on some of what we've got in store. We are very lucky to be able to welcome Sub Pop recording artists  Debo Band from Boston. Debo Band starts with an Ethiopian base and blends it with some Eastern European influences as well as some good old American soul and funk. Also hailing from Boston and appearing at this year's festival is the Adam Ezra Band. Adam and the band play a version of roots rock that has been tearing up the festival circuit and winning critical acclaim for the last several years. At this point, they have gained enough attention to have outgrown the label "up and coming." Last but definitely not least, we are thrilled to welcome The Incredible Casuals to the party. Those of you who know can fill in everybody else on what these local legends are all about. A 30 year residency at The Wellfleet Beachcomber pretty much says it all.
In This Issue
Giggity Giggity
Prepare to Jam
Website Update
Lower Cape Sprint Triathlon
Summer Pledge Drive

Website Update

If you haven't checked out our website at womr.org recently, you should cruise on by and prepare to have your mind blown. Thanks to Josiah Cole and his team at ColeWebDev, our web presence has taken on a considerable shine. Features like the Community Events Calendar and podcasts have made the transition to the new real estate with a renewed sense of vigor. The live stream of the broadcast has been upgraded too, so be sure to update your bookmarks to be sure that you're getting the best results. In the near future we'll be rolling out some web-only content in the podcast section. Look for Billy the Computer Guy, Raven's SuperSnazzy comedy show, and the Cape Cod Radio Mystery Theater, among other things. You can also access some of the great performances that have happened at the Schoolhouse. There's a Listener Survey for you to give us a piece of your mind, and (of course) you can become a member. Coming soon will be a new version of our online store where you'll be able to stock up on WOMR merchandise and buy tickets to any events that we produce. It's your community radio station keeping up with the pace of the internet. We don't have any cute kitten pictures there yet, though. We'll have to work on that. 

Triathlon 2012

Lower Cape 
Sprint Triathlon 
The Lower Cape Sprint Triathlon conducted on June 22 at Long Pond in Wellfleet was a huge success. There were more than three times as many athletes this year as last year, and we managed to avoid any tremendous logistical problems that might have arisen as a result. We also managed to avoid any major injuries, which we will always take as a sign of a successful event. Much money was raised, and we are taking notes on how to make it even better for next year. Super duper community radio love goes out to Myya Beck of Heart Core Fitness in Wellfleet for producing this event for us. Thanks also to the Town of Wellfleet and all of the great sponsors that contributed to the event.

Summer Pledge Drive

Be sure to participate in our upcoming summer pledge drive. Show how much you love Cape Cod by supporting an organization that's working hard to strengthen the bonds of community that tie us all together. Your pledge now will help us achieve our goal that much sooner.

John Braden, Executive Director 
Matthew Dunn, Operations Manager
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