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Carleen headshot
Dear Cool the Earth Community,


It's well known good news doesn't get as much coverage as the bad.  In doing my own small part to disrupt this trend I am gleefully spreading the news about the proposed rules to reduce power plant emissions by 30%.  Better yet, this is not another European country or a progressive U.S. state proposing the rules.  This is a rule affecting every state in our nation. Fantastic!  At last we have a serious start to addressing our climate change issue.  

Many obstacles and battles lie ahead before the rules are finalized.  Science tells us the reduction target is too little too late.  Still, we all should be heartened by the historic action. While the new proposal is coming from our President, let us understand the forces that built and/or tried to hinder the effort.  We have industry, science and politics.  Most importantly, we have consumers and voters.  Few, if any, national movements have been successful without a strong and engaged citizenry.

At Cool the Earth, our parent and teacher volunteers  have engaged 200,000 families in taking climate action.  Kids and parents have reduced their carbon footprints, boosted green consumer markets and engaged in civic action.  

As the school year comes to a close, let's enjoy the fruits of our collective work and renew our commitment to making a difference in our communities in the new school year.

Happy day and happy summer!


Founder and Executive Director

Cool the Earth 


tip of month icon

FLASH SALE: Buy an EV Charging Station to support CTE
Schneider Electric has generously donated an EVLink Charging Station to Cool the Earth, and you can buy it now. Get an amazing deal on a level 2 charging station and support Cool the Earth's work to engage kids and families in reducing their carbon footprint. 
Tell your EV-driving friends! 


See how Schneider Electric is changing the world by charging the world in this video

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Team Leader Amy Owen

A third grader from New Jersey was the spark that inspired Amy Owen to bring the Cool the Earth program to her school in Los Angeles.  Amy was talking to her friend's daughter, Ella, who had been inspired by the program at  Unity Charter School in New Jersey, and according to her mom, had "blossomed into an environmental activist."    Amy loved the sound of the program, with teachers dressing up in polar bear costumes to teach them about climate change. She launched the program at Crescent Heights Language Arts and Social Justice Magnet School and has run the program for 3 years, inspiring hundreds of students and families to take carbon-reducing actions. 


Amy's favorite part of being a team leader is hearing the kids comments. ""Ms. Owen, we changed our lightbulbs!"  "I walk to school EVERY day!"  "At my house we recycle more better now!" "Paper is a tree, don't waste it!"  These grammatically imperfect nuggets of enthusiastic environmentalism really encourage me for our future," Amy says.


Cool the Earth has been an important component in her school's commitment to work on Millenium Development Goals that include Environmental Sustainability.   Amy has gone the extra mile and created a weebly page to keep her school community informed about the program and help them access the Cool the Earth program materials.


As Amy and Ella's stories both demonstrate, one person--no matter how little--can make a huge difference!



Cool the Earth engages kids and their families in climate change solutions, by increasing awareness about global warming, and inspiring people to take simple actions to reduce their carbon emissions. You can share in our commitment to inspire and empower kids and families to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through a one time or recurring monthly donation. For more information or to support our programs visit
In this Issue

Letter from Founder
Tip of the Month
In the Spotlight
Support Cool the Earth
total actions icon
 Total Actions
Total Carbon
217,549,345 lbs


total schools icon
 Total Schools
total students icon Total Students
Cool the Earth EV Rally - April 26, 2014
Cool the Earth EV Rally 
April 26, 2014
35 EVs
9 makes and models
3 counties
0 emissions

Thank you to the 35 EV drivers who came out to celebrate EV driving EV driving and show the North Bay how many fun, zippy, options are available for every lifestyle and budget. Watch this video and you'll surely be inspired!
Don't own an EV yet? In the Bay Area, you don't need to own one to enjoy EV driving any time. Join the DriveNow program, BMW's premium car-sharing service, and you can drive an all electric, emissions-free BMW any time you want. To or from the airports? Out for a date? With lots of pick-up and drop-off locations, no penalties for one-way trips, and no time limits, you can enjoy driving electric however you please.

Join during the month of June and get lifetime membership for half price: $19.99. Use code Electric6 to receive this discount. 


We're thankful to our many partners and supporters who have enabled Cool the Earth to grow and reach the milestone of reducing over 217 million lbs of carbon.