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Beacon Bits

A Weekly Publication of 
Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church

August 3, 2016

Join Us This Sunday

August 7, 2016 at 10:30am


The Future of Youth Ministry
Jeff Graeber will talk about how religious programs for our teenagers have had to change and will have to keep changing in order to remain relevant.

with music by

Judy Middleton

Religious Education this Sunday:

Children's Chapel will meet in room 10 upstairs. We will continue to practice our weekly rituals while exploring the living traditions and principles of our faith through our ongoing Seuss-tastic series.

Parents and other adults are welcome to come observe or join us. We always leave an empty chair for those who would like to join us.

Summer Service Schedule:

Northwoods is now on our summer service schedule. We will have ONE SERVICE at 10:30 AM. The church will be open for coffee and conversation at 9:30. 

We will return to our normal schedule for the Water Communion on August 21st:
Service times at 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM, with coffee and conversation at 10:30 AM.

From the Minister
Hello dear congregants.

This week, August 1-5, I am at the second part of the three part Interim Training to be certified as an official Interim Minister. Last year in our UU world we had more need for interims than we had fully trained interims. The first part that we all had last year was 'The Work of the Leader'. This one I'm in this week is 'The Work of the Congregation'.

I am the only UU here, and we just finished a section on what the congregation's sacred story is that called it into being. It was quite fun listening to the mostly Christian pastors (there are also two Reform Jew Rabbis in the training) try to wrap their heads around what Northwoods could use as its sacred story. We also today talked about the importance of behavioral covenants, and that seemed like a new concept to this group. I was quite proud of Northwoods and appreciated the synchronicity that we just talked about our covenant in worship last week. What we're talking about next is mission and vision work. Again, for me the synchronicity is there again, and I am so glad I chose to come to this training now instead of in October, since Northwoods will start this work in September and October. So I ask you to begin thinking about two things. First are these three questions: Who are we? Who is our neighbor? What are we (is God calling us) being called to do? The other, is what are our top five values? I invite you all to begin thinking about these questions, on this next exciting part of our journey together.

Rev. Donna
Foundational Ministry
Save the Date

The Woodlands Police Department will be hosting a church-wide Safety

Training on Sunday, August 28th after the second service. More details will follow.

Spiritual Life

CUUPS Presents: Pagan Leadership & Community Building

Sunday, August 7
1 PM in the Sanctuary

How do you build the kind of community you want to be in? Pagan groups face many challenges-power struggles, burn out, drama, gossip, groups rising and falling, betrayal. How can we constructively look at problems and find ways to build healthy communities? Whether you're a seasoned leader, or you want to support healthy community, join us to explore techniques for building sustainable communities including communication, group structures/dynamics, power, boundaries, needs, integrity, responsibility for impact, conflict resolution, and more. For more information contact Tess Bennett (tbennett702@gmail.com) or visit our Facebook event page.
Congregational Life

The Wall is Evolving:  

Every one is going to the Wall!!!

Our Northwoods Musicians have been featured.  Now we want to honor the Sunday support offered by The Lay Leaders, Greeters, BrUU Crew, Lunch Bunch leaders, and Sunday Set Up folks.  If you serve Northwoods in one of these positions, send a selfie to Hallie (hmoore70@att.net) or Susan H. (susan.hammond.mail@gmail.com).  Our deadline is August 5.  Please click and send your best, your silliest, your This is the Real Me photo.  

To move the project along, Krista Henkel-Selph will be taking photos on last time in the library from 9:30-10:30 and from 11:30-12:30 THIS SUNDAY.

Bring any fun prop that you might want for your photo.  But... do drop by.  It will just take a moment.  We want you recognized on THE WALL!
Save the Date! 

Arts in Action: August 20, 2016

Save the date for the 2nd Annual SEE Justice Ministry Fundraiser, ARTS IN ACTION: STANDING ON THE SIDE OF LOVE.

Northwoods Musicians, poets, story-tellers, and stand-up comedians will provide an evening of lively entertainment. In addition, we will be selling tickets for an "Art Dash." Ticketholders' names will be drawn at random; when your name is called, you can choose and take home any of the 50 pieces of art remaining. Art is provided by artists from Northwoods and the surrounding community.

Doors open at 6:30, with the program starting around 7pm. Entry is a donation (size of your choosing) to one of 4 local charities.

You don't want to miss this event!

The Arts in Action: Standing on the Side of Love!

This annual fundraiser of art and entertainment supports 4 local charities that are chosen by SEE Justice. The festivities will take place at Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church in The Woodlands, Saturday, August 20th, doors open at 6:00pm. 

ART FOR THE DASH: We are reaching out to our artist friends and art lovers who can contribute fine art to the Art Dash. Many of us have an original piece of our own art (preferable) that we are willing to let go of or a once loved painting now languishing in a closet or a decorative treasure that no longer fits our decor. Please offer them to The Arts in Action event! Your contribution will serve a good cause and is tax deductible.

THE DASH: This exciting event offers a selection of 50 pieces of fine art. Participants purchase a ticket for $35, which entitles them to enter The Dash. When their ticket number is called, they may choose from any of the remaining art pieces. Only 50 tickets will be sold, guaranteeing all ticket holders a piece of art. THE ART: We are asking that any contribution have a minimum value of $40.

TO DONATE: If you have suitable art to donate, please give a shout out to Kate Rhoad. Past years have been wildly successful. Join us, buy a Dash ticket, invite your family and friends and enjoy an evening of rare entertainment.

Avant Garden Gallery Change Out and Reception

This show overlaps our "special" Mail Art show and reception with the theme "Refuge: Safety. Shelter. Sanctuary". Though it is not required to have artwork with the same theme - should you be so moved to display works with this idea we welcome them! Please let us know in the description how your work fits in with this subject matter.

Dates for the change-out are:

August 5 Change out -Pick up displayed and or drop off new art 10 - 3

August 7 Change out -Pick up displayed and or drop off new art 12:30- 1:30

August 8 Change out -Pick up displayed and or drop off new art 9:30 - 10:30

Please make sure your paperwork and such is in order and attached to your work. Here are copies for your convenience.

Don't Miss the Reception: August 13 6PM - 7:30

Bring your friends and family and a light appetizer to share. If you are bringing smalls for sale please RSVP to Doni. Please be there by 5:30pm to set up. Let Doni know if you plan to bring smalls to the reception. 

Special Show and Fundraiser
Call for "Mail Art"
Refuge: Safety. Shelter. Sanctuary. 

We are calling for "mail art" donations - that art done on envelopes, or other items that can be mailed simply through the post or on paper placed within the envelopes. Your ideas of refuge should be depicted in any manner that can be mailed - including but not limited to collage, watercolor, pencil, marker, stamps etc...

All art will be scanned in to an internet site so that all participants may view the artworks sent - particularly those who cannot attend the reception. Those links will be provided to participants.

Proceeds from donations at the reception and or sales of mail art will go to The Unitarian Universalists Association Refugee Fund and/or other local areas that provide refuge for so many.
Mail your art to:
Northwoods UU Church
1370 North Millbend
The Woodlands, TX 77380
Attention: Doni

Lunch Bunch

Join us on August 7 at Berryhill Baja Grill on Market Street near Six Pines. Good solid Tex-Mex. 

Questions? Please ask Beth Marshall.

Letters to the Minister

Reverend Donna would like to provide every opportunity possible to be open to the congregation. She has a private phone line (281-641-4800) and is also available by email (revdonna@northwoodsuu.org) and text (732-513-8867). We have recently installed a mailbox outside of her office if you would like to deliver a letter to her. She is the only person with a key to the box, and letters will be kept confidential. 

Religious Education

Camp Fun

Northwoods' Around the World in Five Days Summer Camp kicked off to a great start. Kids have enjoyed a bouncy castle, fishing, crafts, science projects, and the company of friends as they learn hands-on about cultures from all around the world.  Daily guest speakers are teaching them about world religions, and snacks give them a taste of other cultures. The children have been all smiles so far this week, and the counselors and volunteers have too. More updates in next week's Beacon Bits. 

SEE Justice

Millbend Coffeehouse Presents

August 13th @ 7:30pm

Traveler consists of Carol Hendrix Burrus, Charlie Burrus, and Andy Black. Carol is foremost a songwriter. Her songs, sometimes political or spiritual and sometimes simply about love, seem to speak to the thoughtful crowd that gathers at Traveler performances. Charlie brings his background in rock, rhythm & blues and bluegrass to the musical mix. In addition to playing acoustic and electric guitar, he arranges many of the songs, contributing piano, organ, accordion, melodica, percussion, ukulele, and mandolin. Andy brings his solid, creative bass playing and clear tenor voice to complete the Traveler sound. Moth StorySLAM winning storyteller Greg Audel will open the concert with one of his amazing stories. This concert will be a fund-raiser for Fill the Gap, a local charity that helps homeless and economically disadvantaged residents.

Millbend Thanks

Many thanks to all who helped at the latest Millbend Coffeehouse events -- including Karen Williams (who recruited Davodis Bowman on July 9th), Charlie Lindahl in the kitchen, Bob Long and Tomi Phillips at the gate, Cyndie Mahaney (greeter), and Paul Klein in the sound booth.

About 15 members of Unity Circle of Light in The Woodlands (who had recommended Jon Scott) had a most enjoyable evening on July 9th. Jon and Brian Powers (from Nashville) expressed real appreciation for our kind treatment and opportunity to perform in our venue. Roy Zimmerman performed on July 16 and is ever grateful to UUs who have a great sense of humor and listen attentively to his music.

Millbend raised $220 for Houston Audubon Society and @ $600 for KPFT Radio.

For More Information

Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church
1370 North Millbend, The Woodlands, Texas 77380

Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church | 1370 N. Millbend Dr | The Woodlands | TX | 77380