


A weekly publication of Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church

NW Color Logo w Name  

November 4, 2015 


We hope that you can join us on
Sunday, November 8, 2015 for

Are You a Faithiest?

by  Interim Minister
Donna Renfro
with music by
Christy Storslett and Friends

Religious Education this Sunday:

9:30 & 11:30 Services:
2- and 3-year-olds: Celebrate! Class - Childcare room
pre-K and kindergartners (ages 4-6): Spirit Play - Spirit Play Classroom
1st through 3rd grade (ages 7-9): Explorers I - Explorers I class, next to library
4th through 6th grade (ages 10-12): Explorers II - Room 10, upstairs

9:30 Service Only:
7th and 8th grade: ChUUse Your Own Adventure- teen room
9th-12th grade: ChUUse Your Own Adventure- teen room

11:30 Service Only:
7th and 8th grade: WhUU Are YUU? UU Identity Program - garden room
9th-12th grade: YRUU - teen room 
Childcare for our youngest friends is available in the childcare room.
Hearing assistance equipment available at the Membership table.

Adult Forum in the Garden Room, between services:

We All Have Ways of Understanding the World: Respecting Humanism and Spirituality
We are all human and we all have ways of understanding the world. Vicki Bradley wants to share her ideas about our human community with you - the Northwods community. Vicki's goal is to help us think about our differences and communicate respectfully with each other. Join us for Vicki's brief talk and, then, break into small groups to discuss Vicki's ideas. 

Hearing assistance equipment available at the Membership table.

First Service: 9:30am 
Coffee and Conversation: 10:30am 
Second Service: 11:30am
In This Issue
Top Story
Covenant of Right Relationships
A Message from President Elect, Lisa Cronce

I have participated in many workshops, meetings and covenant groups where I have agreed to follow specific statements of behavior during these workplace and church occasions. The statements have been called norms, working agreements, rules, and covenants, and they have been helpful. Today, I am excited about this Covenant of Right Relationships.

May you read the words, digest the words within your being, and engage with others to bring the words to life.  As you live out the meaning(s) of the Covenant of Right Relationships, you will find what is of most value to you.  Maybe you'll even learn something about yourself.

The words of the Reverend Sue Phillips express my thoughts about a Covenant of Right Relationships. She wrote (with my words in parentheses):  

The path our ancestors laid for us is covenant.

Covenant is the collection of sacred promises we make to ourselves, to the Holy (or whatever connects us all), and to each other on the journey of a faithful life. It is the explicit declaration of our deepest intentions. As powerful as those promises are, our ancestors knew that covenant is more than a thing, more than a noun. They knew that covenant is also a verb-the process of making, practicing, failing at and re-making those promises.

We are not alone in this journey of life. May the Covenant of Right Relationships be a reminder of how to be together as we engage in the work of Unitarian Universalists.

As you experience the Covenant of Right Relationships with others during these next few months, please feel free to gather your thoughts, comments and suggestions. Then, please e-mail them to Kate Rhoad at, as she has graciously agreed to collect them. An e-mail or printed letter is preferred, so Kate can effectively and accurately gather all responses. However, she has also offered for you to reach her via phone calls or texts on her cell, 281-451-7185.  All the responses will help us have a Covenant of Right Relationships that we are proud to vote upon in May at our Annual Congregational Meeting.  


Lisa Cronce
Board of Trustees
From Rev. Donna
Hello Northwoods friends and members,

It has become the practice of many UU congregations to have worship, small group ministries and sometimes even RE to have a monthly theme. When Rusty Rhoad and I started planning worship for this year, we decided not to follow a set monthly theme. Rusty suggested sermon series throughout the year, and even though neither of us had done that before, it seemed like a good way to pace the year with the subjects that need to be addressed in a time of transition.
The first one we didn't call your attention to, and it was 'Getting to Know You', so you could learn more about me, as I was learning about who you are as individuals, and as a congregation.
We will begin the first named series this Sunday, 'God is NOT a Four Letter Word'. Each Sunday we will look at the theologies that make up this congregation, and I will invite a congregant to share the pulpit with me. This Sunday it will be Wally Gardner, and the title of the worship service is 'Are you a Faitheist?' We will look at Atheism and Humanism, through our words and some outstanding music by Christie Storslett, Mary Branson, and 'The Band', accompanied on piano by Judy Middleton.
Last Sunday in the all ages worship service we addressed death, grief and loss. I invite adults, parents, and children and teens to continue or start a discussion about what you think happens after death or loss. I have noticed there is still a certain amount of grief and loss in this congregation after the changes of the last two years. I invite you to think about where you are on a continuum starting from denial and grieving; through anxiety, anger, and resistance; to hope, reaffirmation and reality.
Yes, these are big questions and big topics, and that, dear ones, is the work of a religion, a congregation, that is lightened by the fun and fellowship and caring among congregants. And on that ending note, let me say thanks to all who participated in the auction - it was Great Fun, and I believe may be your highest total ever! You are an amazing group of people!

Peace and blessings,

Rev. Donna
Reverend Donna's Phone Number

Reverend Donna now has a private phone line at the church. The phone number is 281-651-4800. Please save this phone number! Since this is a private line, church members can feel comfortable about leaving sensitive voicemails. Rev. Donna is the only person who can access messages.
Foundational Ministry
Board of Trustees Agenda 
The Board of Trustees will meet this Sunday. A copy of the agenda is available for review here.
UU Network of Houston Luncheon
The UU Network of Houston is hosting a Leadership Luncheon and Workshops for all area Unitarian Universalists on Saturday, November 14 from 11am to 3pm at Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church (in the Westwood Hall Building.) A light lunch will be provided, during which Rev. Bonnie Vegiard will talk on the UU Voice for Justice activities, and a video presentation will be made by Natalie Briscoe and Rev. Carlton Elliot Smith on social justice in the Southern Region.
Three workshops will follow the luncheon:
  • UUV4J four "Action Alert" Issues
  • Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry (TXUUJM) Activities  [Rev. Chuck Freeman, Executive Director]
  • UUV4J "Action Alert" Training for those who have not completed it or want a refresher 
This conference is  open to all Unitarian Universalists in the Houston are. For more information and to RSVP by November 13, 2015, click here.

UUA's Fall Conference
Glen Rose, Texas
November 13th - 15th, 2015

The theme for this year's UUA Fall Conference is "Into the FUUture!" We will be exploring the 21st century church from a variety viewpoints, including youth ministry, mission and vision, cultural changes, congregational faith development, and relationship! This year is a great opportunity to chart a course for the future of your congregation and get tools for bringing your values into the world.

  • Are We There Yet? Planning As Spiritual Practice with Rev. Susan M. Smith
  • Compassionate Communication: An Introduction with Rev. Carlton Elliott Smith and Carrie Stewart
  • Facilitating Cultural Change with Kathy McGowan and Lewis Morris
  • Youth Ministry for the 21st Century with our NEW team of Youth Ministry Consultants
  • Covenant, Conflict, Community with Connie Goodbread
  • Young Adult Convocation with Montana Steele
  • EvolUUtion Camp, a Unitarian Universalist Creation Camp with Sean Briscoe and Rachel Finley (Ages 5 - 14)
  • The Littles with Tina Harmuth (Under 5 years)

For full program descriptions and registration, click here.

If you are interested in attending or know that you are going to attend,please contact Rev. Donna at 281-298-2780.

New to Northwoods?

Considering membership?  

Want to catch up on your UU history and theology?  


Join us for Pathways to Membership class. The next class will be in October. This class is recommended as a prerequisite for signing our Membership Book. Please register by contacting the church office. Childcare available upon request


Board of Trustees
The Northwoods UU Church Board of Trustees meets at 1 p.m. on the second Sunday of each month.  The Board is responsible for governing policies, finances, human resources, buildings and grounds, and congregational communication.  The Current Members of the Board are:  


Ann McAlpin



Lisa Cronce 



Larry Loomis-Price 

Past President 


Rud Merriam



Bob Long 



Cyndie Mahaney 


John DeCaire

At Large


Kate Rhoad 

At Large 

Committee on Ministry

The Committee on Ministry meets on the fourth Sunday of each month and is responsible for the shared ministry of the congregation in the areas of Spiritual Life, Congregational Life, Religious Education, and Social Justice and Outreach (SEE Justice). Current Members of the Committee on Ministry are:


Linda Nadler 



Mary Chimarusti
Sharon Ossowski

Jeff Graeber
David Shontz 

Beth Marshall 

Congregational Life

Temporary Chair: 
Sharron Ossowski

Membership Coordinator: 
Helen Sherwood
Ministries Meetings and Groups
Leadership Development Committee

Dorothy Kennedy
Carol Hensley
Hal Meyers
Spiritual Life
Asimov Humanists: Meets 2nd Saturday each month, 10am-12 in The Garden Room. Contact Karyl Paige 281-435-2644
Drum Circle:
Contact the church office for more information. 
CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans).
Meets every 2nd Sunday of the month in the Sanctuary at 1 pm. Contact Tess Bennett.  
Northwoods Progressive Christian Fellowship:  Meets several times in the fall, winter, and spring for discussion, study, and fellowship, and sponsors vespers services for Advent and Good Friday. For  more information and dates, contact Bob Long.  
Zen Mind Buddhist:  
A meditation and discussion group that meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 6pm.  For information, contact Carolyn Cash. 
Blue Mountain Meditation: Meets Tuesdays at 5:00 pm at Northwoods.
Contact Hallie Moore .

Folk Choir Rehearsal:
Meets on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Contact Rusty Rhoad at 281-419-1984.  

Congregational Life 

Avant Garden Gallery:
Artists are invited to display their works in the gallery.  For scheduling, click  here. 
Coffee Hour:  
Between church services (10:30-11:30 a.m.) every Sunday.

Courageously Coed Book Group: 
Meets on the second Monday at 7pm in the Garden room.  Click here
for the 2015 book list.  Contact John Hammond
for more information.

Men's Group:  
Meets the first Thursday of the month.  Contact Mark Smith.
Men's Book Club:
Meets the first Saturday of the month at 10:00am in the Garden room.  Click here for the 2014 book list, or  here for the 2015 book list.  Contact Wally Gardner.
Women's Book Club:
Meets the third Saturday of the month at 10:00am in the Garden Room.  For more information contact Shirley Locke.

wUU hUU:   
Contact Darbi Hamilton or Kristin Ongeri for more information about the Young Adult Group.
Northwoods Writers' Group:   
Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays. Bring something you've written to read. For information contact Rusty Rhoad at 281-419-1984.
The Ewe Ewe Knitting Ministry:  
Meets on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Thursday of each month in the room 3. Contact Cyndie Mahaney
Northwoods Playgroup: Meets Fridays at 10:30am. For more information please contact Carrie Smith.  
SEE Justice

Monthly meeting the first Sunday of the month 12:30-2 pm in the Garden Room. Contact  Paul Nelson  for more information.
If you would like to nominate an organization to be the recipient of Share the Plate Sunday, click here for more information on how to do so. 
Millbend Coffee House:  Live music every second Saturday at 7:30 pm at the church. This event is sponsored by Northwoods and is open to the community. Contact Teresa Allen at 281-350-3052.
Spiritual Life
Sermon Series Beginning This Week

Sunday November 8th we will begin our 5-week sermon series, "God is not a 4-letter word." This series is designed to:

-   Affirm our commitment to our 4th principle, "Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations."

-   Openly discuss differences between our humanist and theist congregants, while affirming that we're not all that different.

-   Recognizing that there is no "agenda" for more god, less god, or anything to do with favoring one set of beliefs over another.

*** In support of this series, we are looking for a guest speaker for Sunday November 29th. Please contact Rusty Rhoad to express your interest.
 17th Annual Giving Thanks Observance in The Woodlands

Singers Needed

InterFaith is excited to once again create an adult all faiths choir for the Thanksgiving observance this year. Singers are encouraged to attend the rehearsals, but it is not a problem if they have to miss some. Everyone is welcome...they want as many voices as possible!!
The observance will take place on Tuesday, November 17th at 7:30pm at the Trinity Episcopal Church (3901 South Panther Creek Drive, The Woodlands.)
There will be three rehearsals held at Trinity Episcopal Church:
Thursday, Nov. 5th, 7:30pm
Thursday, Nov. 12th, 7:30pm
Monday, Nov. 16th, 6:30pm
Digital copies of the two songs the choir will sing are available (Look at the World and One World.) If  possible, print out copies of the songs and bring them with you to the rehearsals. John Rutter's song, Look at the World is on YouTube with lyrics.
Christian Fellowship Dinner Meeting
Please join The Northwoods Christian Fellowship affinity group this Sunday evening, November 8, at 6:00pm, for an evening of fellowship and excellent Italian food at Pallotta's Italian Grill (27606 I-45 North, Conroe, TX 77385.) If you haven't been to Pallotta's before, the restaurant is located in a strip center on the northbound feeder road of I-45, about half mile north of the Woodlands Pkwy and Robinson Road interchange.
If you plan on joining us, please email Bob Long at so we can reserve a large enough table to accommodate everyone.

Congregational Life
Call for Art!
Artists! The Avant Garden Gallery change out is approaching. Have your art ready to hang and all of your agreements signed by Monday morning, November 9. Drop off times are:
  • Friday, November 6 between 10am and 3:30pm
  • Sunday,  November 8 before 1pm
  • Monday, November 9 at 10am
Artists, knitters, crafters, and free trade folks: Start working on those gift-sized goodies for our second holiday reception on Saturday, December 12, followed by a special Millbend performance by Rusty Rhoad, Molli McMills, and Klay Vage!

Artists Reception
Stop, Shop, and Listen
 Artists host a reception on Saturday, November 14 from 6pm to 7:30pm. Members of the church and the community, and friends and fans of the artists are invited to see the art. This will be a special holiday reception, with plenty of "smalls" that make perfect holiday gifts.

Stay after the reception for a feast for ears with Chuck Pyle at Millbend Coffee House.

Hospitality/Special Events Coordinator Needed

The newly formed Hospitality/Special Events Committee is looking for a Coordinator to help with events such as weddings, memorial services, and receptions. This is a great way to be of service and to get to know other members of the Northwood's family. The position involves contacting church members to assist with events by bringing food, and greeting and helping with set-up and cleanup as needed.  Both Barbara Madera, Chair of Congregational Life and Sharon Ossowski, Congregational Life Liaison to the Committee on Ministry, are available to help as needed and will provide training and a list of responsibilities. If you have questions or would be willing to accept this position, please email Sharon Ossowski at  

Lunch Bunch Returns to a Favorite

Caf� Express is a favorite Lunch Bunch locale, near the corner of Market Street and Six Pines. Join us!

Questions? Ask Beth or Phil Marshall.

For weekly updates and photos, check out and like/follow our Facebook page: Lunch Bunch Facebook.

Local Craft Show featuring Vicki Bradley
Saturday, November 7 From 9am to 3pm

Please join Vicki Bradley for her first Tamarac Pines Residents' Association Craft Show! The annual craft show features hand-made jewelry, fabric crafts, decorations, and home-baked goods. There will also be grab bags for sale and door prizes. Vicki's crafts will include her Self-Care Reminders for Caregivers cards, books, greeting cards, and her famous two-strand colorful knitted items.

The craft show is at the Tamarac Pines Apartments (10510 Six Pines Drive.) Turn right at the 1st driveway on Woodstead Court. The community room is the one-story building on the left. Plenty of parking!
REMinistryReligious Education
Christmas Pageant Try-Outs Soon

Halloween is over and you know what that means: It's time to start thinking about Christmas!

This year out children will be performing The Best Christmas Pageant Ever on December 13.  Keri Richards will be directing again.

Try Outs will be between services, in Room 10, on November 8. If your
child is interested in participating with a speaking part, please plan to attend the try outs.  If you are interested in a speaking part but cannot attend tryouts please contact Keri at

Rehearsals will be Practice November 15, 22, 29 and December 6.

All children will be invited to participate as part of the choir. These rehearsals will take place during RE class times.
Attention Babysitters!

Northwoods Religious Education is looking towards compiling a list of willing, experienced babysitters and child care providers. This information will be provided both to persons sponsoring functions at Northwoods for larger group childcare and to Northwoods parents for in-home family sitting.

Anybody 13 years and older with YMCA (or similar) training who is interested in being included in this venture please sign up this Sunday or contact Jenn Simpson at
SEE Justice
Millbend Coffeehouse Presents
Chuck Pyle
November 14th @ 7:30pm

The one and only "Zen Cowboy" comes back to play Millbend Coffeehouse.  A Chuck Pyle concert features his flawless guitar mastery, a smooth yet soulful voice, and songwriting that ranges from thought-provoking and philosophical to whimsical and humorous. He mixes infectiously hummable melodies with straight-from-the-saddle poetry, quoting bumper stickers, proverbs, world leaders and old cowboys. Chuck's songs have been recorded by John Denver, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Suzy Bog-guss, Chris LeDoux, and Jerry Jeff Walker. Dynamic young singer-songwriter Tommy Williams will open the concert with his own original music.

A New LGBTQ Resource
GREAT NEWS! A LGBTQ support group is coming to our area! As you know, the need for support in these communities is great and growing. Our Montgomery PFLAG Chapter, which meets in Conroe, has been visited by a large number of transgender individuals and the parents of same, looking for community.
Do you have a loved one or friend who is a part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender community? We are interested starting a group for friends and family members of those in the LGBT community for support, information and fellowship. We are having an introductory meeting on Nov. 3 from 6:30 to 8pm. and invite anyone interested in these issues to join us. Please join us at Lord of Life in the library on November 3. This support group is open to anyone, regardless of religious affiliation.
Please contact Kirsten Beckler at 832-563-3821 for more information.
Location: Lord of Life Lutheran Church.
3801 S Panther Creek Dr
The Woodlands, TX 77381
Date and Time: Inaugural meeting - November 3 at 6:30 PM
Food Collections

The hungry aren't only hungry at Christmas and Thanksgiving.  They are hungry all year long and you can do something to help.  Food donations have been very low lately.  Please bring a non-perishable food item to church on Sunday and drop it in the basket in the hallway next to the office. 
Calendar, Beacon Bits Submission Policy, and Contact Information
Save the Date

Saturday, April 2, 2016
Northwoods Mega Rummage Sale
Donations being taken now.

Coming Up At Northwoods

Thursday November 5, 2015
6:30 PM        Paul Klein & Klay Vage Rehearsal
7:00 PM        Ewe Ewe Knitting Ministry
                       Northwoods Men's Group

Friday November 6, 2015
10:00 AM     Northwoods Play Group

Saturday November 7, 2015
9:00 AM        OWL Training
10:00 AM      Men's Book Group
1:00 PM        Music Rehearsal

Sunday November 8, 2015
11:30 AM     Cakes for the Queen of Heaven
1:00 PM        Board of Trustees
6:00 PM        Progressive Christian Fellowship Gathering
                       Sangha and Meditation Group

Monday November 9, 2015
Call for Art: Art Change-Out
7:00 PM        Courageously Coed Book Group

Tuesday November 10, 2015
5:00 PM        Blue Mountain Meditation
7:00 PM        Folk Choir Rehearsal

Wednesday November 11, 2015
Veterans Day
7:00 PM        Music Rehearsal

Thursday November 12, 2015
6:30 PM        Paul Klein & Klay Vage Rehearsal

Friday November 13, 2015
10:00 AM     Northwoods Play Group

Saturday November 14, 2015
10:00 AM     The Humanist Group
6:00 PM        Artists Reception
7:30 PM        Millbend Coffeehouse

Sunday November 15, 2015
1:00 PM        Music Rehearsal

Submission Policy

Send submissions for the next issue of The Beacon Bits to no later than 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday. Any member of the Northwoods family may submit material to the Beacon Bits.  Ideally, most submissions will come from a contact person or chairperson of a group or ministry team. The Beacon Bits will not publish any advertisement or notices promoting individuals or businesses.
Contact Information
Interim Minister: Reverend Donna Renfro
Phone 281-298-2780
Office Hours:

Monday: Sabbath and day of rest. Emergency calls only, please.

Tuesday: Thursday 10am to 3pm

Friday: Sermon Writing Day, 10am to 3pm, by appointment only

Saturday: by appointment only

Sunday: Worship

Congregational Administrator: Jamie Thompson
Phone 281-298-2780   
Church Office Hours:  Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 am- 3pm 
Coordinator of Lifespan Faith Development: Jennifer Simpson
Phone 281-298-2780

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