


A weekly publication of Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church

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October 14, 2015 


We hope that you can join us on
Sunday, October 18, 2015


UU Doctrine of Rediscovery

by Interim Minister
Rev. Donna Renfro
with music by
Folk Choir

Religious Education this Sunday:

9:30 service & 11:30 services:
Children in kindergarten through 6th grade will attend
Children's Chapel in garden room
11:30 service:
7th and 8th grade: WhUU Are YUU? UU Identity Program - library
9th-12th grade: YRUU - teen room
Childcare for our youngest friends is available in the childcare room.
Adult Forum in the Garden Room, between services:
How Poetry Reveals the Sacred
by Hallie Moore 
The literal, human mind struggles to enter a transcendent world.  It is poetry's language that offers a vehicle to journey into that world. Let's consider some poems which help us make that leap.  

Hearing assistance equipment available at the Membership table.

First Service: 9:30am 
Coffee and Conversation: 10:30am 
Second Service: 11:30am
In This Issue
From Rev. Donna
Hello Northwoods friends and members,

To balance all that is required to be the regular minister of a congregation, with worship, administrative, and regular pastoral duties, along with what could be considered a full time consultant job, known as interim ministry, is challenging, to say the least. The interim minister training really brought this to our attention. Please know that I am available for pastoral care around any situation, and especially for anything that might arise from my preaching. The people who told me how brave I was made me realize I had not made this clear again, to please reach out to me for pastoral counseling if my words brought something up for you.

Consider the following situations for interim ministry that might apply to Northwoods:

1.    a previous minister is departing . . .
  • after serving the church for five years or more-long enough, if a senior or sole ministry, for a significant number of the congregation to identify the church with the departed minister
  • under pressure, with tension and resentment filling the air
  • in the midst of conflict:  a congregation racked with mutual disappointment, mistrust, and anger is in no condition to enter into a new relationship
2.    the ministerial position is coming open at a time of year that makes a search for a called minister impracticable.  Generally speaking, a settled minister search committee should be formed a year in advance of candidating week, and candidating week, almost always in April or May, is usually three or four months before the minister begins service.

3.    a growth-oriented, goal-oriented congregation wants a ministerial "coach" for the purpose of stepping beyond its current size dynamic

4.    factors such as small size, remote location, and limited finances make success in the called minister search process unlikely; such factors lead to disappointment in attempts to secure an interim minister, as well

5.    the congregation is at a challenging stage in its development.  Whether due to deep differences, chronic conflict, serious financial problems, or an inability to agree on mission and vision, the congregation may need three to five years to get its house in order before it seeks to call a minister.

When you meet with me individually or in small groups, the situations above, and others, are what I want your understanding of where Northwoods is now.

Overall, these are the things we will be doing in our shared interim ministry -  seek to enable this church to  claim and honor its past by engaging and honoring its griefs and conflicts; to heal and to enrich the sense of religious community; to  recognize its unique identity and its strengths, needs, and challenges; to  model a different but still successful style of ministry, showing the congregation that more than one ministerial style can be effective; so that the church can  proudly come into possession of a renewed vision and strong stewardship, prepared for new growth and new professional leadership, ready to embrace the future with anticipation and zest.

Peace and blessings,

Rev. Donna
Reverend Donna's Phone Number

Reverend Donna now has a private phone line at the church. The phone number is 281-651-4800. Please save this phone number! Since this is a private line, church members can feel comfortable about leaving sensitive voicemails. Rev. Donna is the only person who can access messages.
Mission: Possible!!!
Service Auction Updates 
Mission Possible!!!
The Count Down Begins 

 Northwoods Service Auction is in ten days!

This Sunday is the last day to turn in your contracts. Stop by the Service Auction table this weekend for your last chance to fill out a contract, or get a head start by completing the contract here.

Soon our team of super spy agents will start putting together baskets and creating the anticipated Service Auction catalog. The catalog will be sent out sometime next week. Keep an eye on your inbox for it!

Pick your Service Auction items and then come out and play with us October 24th for costumes, food, and fun!  
Service Auction Links:
Keep up to date with Service Auction events by visiting the Service Auction calendar.   
If you would like to make a donation for the Service Auction, please complete this online form, or print and complete this paper form.

Ideas on how you can participate

Mission: Possible!!
Saturday October 24, 2015 
Costumes: Encouraged but not required 
Food: Bring some to share 
Fun: Affirmative! 
Entertainment Value: Explosive!

Service Auction Team Still Looking for
Explosive Service Auction Items
The SAC (Service Auction Committee) is requesting the cooperation of all assets (Northwoods members and friends) in a mission of great importance. The mission, should you choose to accept, is to offer engagements that will be of interest to other Northwoods assets for the purpose of increasing loot at the Service Auction event. To be prepared for this mission, assets should review this material, use their guile and wit to create Service Auction events, and send their contributions via this online form.
Foundational Ministry
BOT Meeting Minutes

The September Board of Trustees meeting minutes are available for review here
Library Caretaker Needed

We are looking for someone (or a group) willing to monitor the books in the library.  We can better utilize the books if they are organized and accessible.  Perfection is not required.

Contact Teresa Allen  281-350-3052
Spiritual Life
Covenant of UU Pagans Celebrates the Day of the Dead
CUUPS invites you to join a Day of the Dead celebration on Sunday, October 18 at 2:00pm. Come and celebrate the memories of your loved ones. Bring a photo or memento of your loved ones past. The ceremony will be followed by a dinner with the dead. Please bring  a potluck offering for dinner to share as you are willing and able.

Planning for Gorilla Sunday

It is planning time for our 2016 Gorilla Sunday Service. The first planning meeting will be on Thursday, October 29 at 7:00pm. Anyone who is interested in getting more involved is free to come. Gorilla Sunday is a lot of fun and a great way to get involved.

For more information contact Jerry Hensel: 832-928-1667 or email at [email protected].

Come one, come all!

Congregational Life
Like Us on Facebook!

Want to stay connected and be up to date with Northwoods Events? Like us on Facebook. To access the Northwoods Facebook page, click here.
Pizza with the Lunch Bunch

Join us at Crust Pizza in Panther Creek this Sunday after the second service.

Questions? Ask Beth or Phil Marshall.

For weekly updates and photos, check out and like/follow our Facebook page: Lunch Bunch Facebook.


New to Northwoods?

Considering membership?  

Want to catch up on your UU history and theology?  


Join us for Pathways to Membership class. The next class will be in October. This class is recommended as a prerequisite for signing our Membership Book. Please register by contacting the church office. Childcare available upon request


Board of Trustees
The Northwoods UU Church Board of Trustees meets at 1 p.m. on the second Sunday of each month.  The Board is responsible for governing policies, finances, human resources, buildings and grounds, and congregational communication.  The Current Members of the Board are:  


Ann McAlpin



Lisa Cronce 



Larry Loomis-Price 

Past President 


Rud Merriam



Bob Long 



Cyndie Mahaney 


John DeCaire

At Large


Kate Rhoad 

At Large 

Committee on Ministry

The Committee on Ministry meets on the fourth Sunday of each month and is responsible for the shared ministry of the congregation in the areas of Spiritual Life, Congregational Life, Religious Education, and Social Justice and Outreach (SEE Justice). Current Members of the Committee on Ministry are:


Linda Nadler 



Mary Chimarusti
Sharon Ossowski

Jeff Graeber
David Shontz 

Beth Marshall 

Congregational Life

Temporary Chair: 
Sharron Ossowski

Membership Coordinator: 
Helen Sherwood
Ministries Meetings and Groups
Leadership Development Committee

Dorothy Kennedy
Carol Hensley
Hal Meyers
Spiritual Life
Asimov Humanists: Meets 2nd Saturday each month, 10am-12 in The Garden Room. Contact Karyl Paige 281-435-2644
Drum Circle:
Contact the church office for more information. 
CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans).
Meets every 2nd Sunday of the month in the Sanctuary at 1 pm. Contact Tess Bennett.  
Northwoods Progressive Christian Fellowship:  Meets several times in the fall, winter, and spring for discussion, study, and fellowship, and sponsors vespers services for Advent and Good Friday. For  more information and dates, contact Bob Long.  
Zen Mind Buddhist:  
A meditation and discussion group that meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 6pm.  For information, contact Carolyn Cash. 
Blue Mountain Meditation: Meets Tuesdays at 5:00 pm at Northwoods.
Contact Hallie Moore .

Folk Choir Rehearsal:
Meets on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Contact Rusty Rhoad at 281-419-1984.  

Congregational Life 

Avant Garden Gallery:
Artists are invited to display their works in the gallery.  For scheduling, click  here. 
Coffee Hour:  
Between church services (10:30-11:30 a.m.) every Sunday.

Courageously Coed Book Group: 
Meets on the second Monday at 7pm in the Garden room.  Click here
for the 2015 book list.  Contact John Hammond
for more information.

Men's Group:  
Meets the first Thursday of the month.  Contact Mark Smith.
Men's Book Club:
Meets the first Saturday of the month at 10:00am in the Garden room.  Click here for the 2014 book list, or  here for the 2015 book list.  Contact Wally Gardner.
Women's Book Club:
Meets the third Saturday of the month at 10:00am in the Garden Room.  For more information contact Shirley Locke.

wUU hUU:   
Contact Darbi Hamilton or Kristin Ongeri for more information about the Young Adult Group.
Northwoods Writers' Group:   
Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays. Bring something you've written to read. For information contact Rusty Rhoad at 281-419-1984.
The Ewe Ewe Knitting Ministry:  
Meets on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Thursday of each month in the room 3. Contact Cyndie Mahaney
Northwoods Playgroup: Meets Fridays at 10:30am. For more information please contact Carrie Smith.  
SEE Justice

Monthly meeting the first Sunday of the month 12:30-2 pm in the Garden Room. Contact  Paul Nelson  for more information.
If you would like to nominate an organization to be the recipient of Share the Plate Sunday, click here for more information on how to do so. 
Millbend Coffee House:  Live music every second Saturday at 7:30 pm at the church. This event is sponsored by Northwoods and is open to the community. Contact Teresa Allen at 281-350-3052.
REMinistryReligious Education
Trunk or Treat
Between Services on November 1
Who says the decorations have to be taken down when Halloween's passed?

Extend the fun with your Northwoods family and participate in "Trunk-or-Treat" November 1st in the church parking lot between services.

Kids (and kids at heart) come in costume and prepare to be treated to a fun time!
Adults (folk old enough to drive a car to church) who are interested in participating, decorate your trunk in all its Halloween glory and bring the leftover candies that you've vowed not to eat this year. During coffee and conversation between services we'll open our fantastically decorated trunks and gift our family and friends to a tasty treat for the eyes and tummy as they "trunk or treat" through our seasonal automotive art walk.
(I'm so excited!!!!)
Attention Babysitters!

Northwoods Religious Education is looking towards compiling a list of willing, experienced babysitters and child care providers. This information will be provided both to persons sponsoring functions at Northwoods for larger group childcare and to Northwoods parents for in-home family sitting.

Anybody 13 years and older with YMCA (or similar) training who is interested in being included in this venture please sign up this Sunday or contact Jenn Simpson at  
[email protected].
Calling All Youth, Fifth Grade and Older!

We are excited to announce that we are planning to change things up a little bit in our monthly inter-generational services by having our younger members help with Sunday services. Specifically, we are looking for younger members of our Northwoods family who are interested in being Youth Lay Leaders, assisting Reverend Donna, or serving as guest speakers during services.

There will be a short overview of the job this Sunday, October 18 between services. 
Please listen to announcements during church and/or contact Jenn Simpson at [email protected] for more information. 

Religious Education and Exploration - Contacts

Jennifer Simpson is our new Coordinator for Lifespan Faith Development starting September 20th. Jenn can be reached by email ([email protected]) or phone (281-298-2780). She is available from 1pm to 3:30pm on Thursdays and Fridays by appointment, and on Sundays. Jenn's focus will be coordinating the efforts for religious education and exploration for children and teens, and she will work closely with the RE Committee Chair, Brenda Hutchinson to continue to provide quality RE for Northwoods children.

Rev Donna Renfro will consult with Sue Powell for Adult RE programs and Small Group Ministry.
Spiral Scouts

If your children are interested in participating in Spiral Scouts, please contact Cyndie Mahaney ([email protected]) for a meeting schedule.  Spriral Scouts is a co-ed, Pagan based scouting program for all ages.


SEE Justice
Food Collections

The hungry aren't only hungry at Christmas and Thanksgiving.  They are hungry all year long and you can do something to help.  Food donations have been very low lately.  Please bring a non-perishable food item to church on Sunday and drop it in the basket in the hallway next to the office. 
Calendar, Beacon Bits Submission Policy, and Contact Information
Save the Date

Saturday, April 2, 2016
Northwoods Mega Rummage Sale
Donations being taken now.

Coming Up At Northwoods

Thursday October 15, 2015
 6:30 PM    Paul Klein & Klay Vage Rehearsal
 7:00PM    Ewe Ewe Knitting Ministry

Friday October 16, 2015
10:00 AM    Northwoods Play Group

Saturday October 17, 2015
10:00 AM    Women's Book Group

Sunday October 18, 2015
1:00 PM    Spiral Scouts
2:00 PM    CUUPS Day of the Dead Celebration and Potluck

Monday October 19, 2015
7:00 PM    Northwoods Writers' Group

Tuesday October 20, 2015
5:00 PM    Blue Mountain Meditation  
7:00 PM    Folk Choir Rehearsal
Thursday October 22, 2015
12:00 PM    Toastmasters
6:30 PM    Paul Klein & Klay Vage Rehearsal

Friday October 23, 2015
10:00 AM    Northwoods Play Group

Saturday October 24, 2015
5:00 PM    Service Auction Event

Sunday October 25, 2015
1:00 PM    Committee on Ministry
6:00 PM    Progressive Christian Fellowship Gathering
                   Sangha and Meditation Group - Open to Northwoods friends and members

Submission Policy

Send submissions for the next issue of The Beacon Bits to [email protected] no later than 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday. Any member of the Northwoods family may submit material to the Beacon Bits.  Ideally, most submissions will come from a contact person or chairperson of a group or ministry team. The Beacon Bits will not publish any advertisement or notices promoting individuals or businesses.
Contact Information
Interim Minister: Reverend Donna Renfro
Phone 281-298-2780
Office Hours:

Monday: Sabbath and day of rest. Emergency calls only, please.

Tuesday: Thursday 10am to 3pm

Friday: Sermon Writing Day, 10am to 3pm, by appointment only

Saturday: by appointment only

Sunday: Worship

Congregational Administrator: Jamie Thompson
Phone 281-298-2780   
Church Office Hours:  Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 am- 3pm 
Coordinator of Lifespan Faith Development: Jennifer Simpson
[email protected]
Phone 281-298-2780

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