


A weekly publication of Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church

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September 23, 2015 


We hope that you can join us on
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Loving the Hell Out of the World

by Interim Minister
Rev. Donna Renfro
with music by
Paul Klein and Klay Vage

Religious Education this Sunday:

9:30 Service:
2- and 3-year-olds: Celebrate! Class - Childcare room
pre-K and kindergartners (ages 4-6): Spirit Play - Spirit Play Classroom
1st through 3rd grade (ages 7-9): Explorers I - Explorers I class, next to library
4th through 6th grade (ages 10-12): Explorers II - Room 10, upstairs
7th and 8th grade: ChUUse Your Own Adventure- teen room
9th-12th grade: ChUUse Your Own Adventure- teen room

Adult Forum, between services: 
Mission Possible: An Overview of Northwoods' Service Auction
by Shari Wood-Merriam
The Service Auction Committee has been working most Fridays all year to create for you the best Service Auction possible. We will explain what it is and how it works.

11:30 Service:
2- and 3-year-olds: Celebrate! Class - Childcare room
pre-K and kindergartners (ages 4-6): Spirit Play- Spirit Play Classroom
1st through 3rd grade (ages 7-9): Explorers I - Explorers I class, next to library
4th through 6th grade (ages 10-12): Explorers II - Room 10, upstairs
7th and 8th grade: WhUU Are YUU? UU Identity Program - garden room
9th-12th grade: YRUU - teen room

Hearing assistance equipment available at the Membership table.

First Service: 9:30am 
Coffee and Conversation: 10:30am 
Second Service: 11:30am
In This Issue
Top Story
Coming Out For Love

The 3rd Annual National Coming Out Day Celebration at Northwoods will be held Saturday, October 10 from 1-3pm.

The event will feature personal stories, music, and share information to celebrate this day.  Speakers will discuss the difference that coming out and finally being open about yourself can make. We will also have information and presentations about support groups and resources that are available.  The celebration will wrap up with a session on being a good ally to someone when they come out. This event is open to all church members and guests, and will cover all aspects of the Gay/Lesbian/Transgender/Queer/Questioning spectrum.
We will be taking a collection to benefit Montgomery County PFLAG.

Volunteers are needed to help make this event work, including set up, clean up, kitchen aid, greeters and help with parking.  We would also appreciate it if any one can bring finger foods or drinks for snacks during the breaks.

If you can help please speak to Jerry Hensel (832-928-1667 or  
From Rev. Donna
Hello Northwoods friends and members,
On Monday I attended a meeting of the Faiths Together group here in the Woodlands. I was pleased to see the group was mostly women leaders, unlike the other Interfaith group here in the Woodlands.

Faiths Together was started by Northwood's first called Minister, Rev. Don Vaughn-Foerster, and the leaders of two other non- Christian identified religious groups. Typically interfaith groups are really ecumenical, and only occasionally allowing non-Christian faiths to participate.

Unitarian Universalists have a long history of starting Interfaith groups in their local areas, and even internationally. The World Parliament of Religions  and the International Association for Religious Freedom had prominent UU's in the very beginnings of those organizations. Both of these groups included women from the very beginning as well.

I have been thrilled with the acceptance of others' beliefs here at Northwoods. It is one of the most accepting I have seen in the churches I have served. I encourage you to participate in the Faiths Together activities. They are sponsoring a World Religions class every Friday through Oct. 15 for ALL. The annual Thanksgiving celebration will be Nov. 17. One of the possibilities is a skit from each faith about how others make fun of the faith. The Presbyterians will use the 'Frozen Chosen' remarks. Write me about what remarks you have heard about Unitarian Universalists, at

Peace and Blessings,

Rev. Donna
Foundations: Church Governance
Northwoods Service Auction - Mission Possible!
Just Released: Operation Create and Engage
The SAC (Service Auction Committee) is requesting the cooperation of all assets (Northwoods members and friends) in a mission of great importance. The mission, should you choose to accept, is to offer engagements that will be of interest to other Northwoods assets for the purpose of increasing loot at the Service Auction event. To be prepared for this mission, assets should review this material, use their guile and wit to create Service Auction events, and send their contributions via this online form.

Not understanding all of this SAC propaganda? Have questions about the Service Auction or how you can participate? Please stop by the Service Auction table between services each Sunday until October 24th to complete your service auction contracts, ask questions, and get excited about the explosive event that is coming our way so very soon! 

Agents, if you have never been to the Service Auction, let us know -- we'll give you a valuable coupon ($10 off your total purchase)!! 
Agents who get a head start on Operation Create and Engage will be rewarded. The earlier you turn in your contract, the more raffle tickets you receive.

Mission: Possible
Date: Saturday October 24, 2015
Costumes: Encouraged but not required
Food: Bring some to share
Fun: Affirmative!
Entertainment Value: Explosive!

Service Auction Links:
Any questions?  Email:
Service Auction Contracts - If you have a service to donate click here, print out the form, and look for the Service Auction table at church to turn it in, or email it the address above.

Service Auction Directives:
Seek Out, Collect, Return

The Service Auction has a mission for all agents (aka Northwoods members and friends.) Your mission is simple: collect and return as many paper towel and wrapping tubes as possible. This mission is top secret and further details of the mission will not be released at this time.  The drop zone for the tubes is the church office.
 Service Auction
LAST CHANCE for the 2014-2015 Year

Only one party has openings in October.  If you want to attend, please contact the office ( ) to sign up.

Open Mike for Musicians:  This experimental version of open mike night is for musicians to perform. Any music is fair game--a  Beethoven sonata to an a cappella rendition of "Roll Me Over in the Clover" and anything in between--as long as YOU perform it. A house concert where you provide the concert, if you will. Comes with the usual assortment of appetizers, desserts, and drinks. NOTE: If you sign up for one of these slots, you are expected to perform.  Saturday, October 3 at 6:30pm.  Kate & Rusty Rhoad and Susan Ridgeway. $30.

Rummage Sale Update

The date for the Rummage Sale has officially been announced. Save the date! The 2016 Rummage Sale will be on Saturday, April 2. Set up will take place on Friday, April 1. Mark your calendars to help out on Friday and shop on Saturday. 

The Rummage sale might be many months away but the donations are already coming in. If you have items to donate, or if you have ideas for storage solutions for the many donations already received, contact Kate Rhoad (
COM Agenda

The Committee on Ministry will meet this Sunday. A copy of the agenda is available here.
Spiritual Life
CUUPS Meeting Coming Soon

The Northwoods Pagan group will be meeting on Saturday, September 26 at 7:30pm to celebrate Mabon, the second harvest, and the beginning of fall. A light potluck of snacks and desserts will be enjoyed. Bring a dish to share if you are able.

Not Your Momma's Cooking Class

The Cakes for the Queen of Heaven curriculum by Shirley Ranck is now available in the Northwoods library. This is not a cooking or cake decorating class! From the website:

"Cakes for the Queen of Heaven" is a woman honoring adult RE curriculum by Rev. Shirley Ranck. It examines pre-Judeo Christian cultures that may have worshiped the female as divine. The concepts of equality and reverence for the female in a religious setting are eye-opening to many participants.

More than Goddess 101, this workshop series examines important elements of today's women's lives; personal, interpersonal and societal. It examines how our culture has been influenced by Judeo Christian values. The primary question raised is: How would your life have been different if, when growing up, the divine had been imaged as female? Participants are encouraged to share their own experiences and beliefs, creating trust and strong bonds of friendship.

Anyone  interested in creating a class please contact Heather Kaminski at 832-458-8669.

For more information on the program, click here.
Congregational Life
Noodles With the Bunch

Lunch Bunch is going to Hubbell & Hudson Kitchen after the second service this Sunday, September 27 for good American brunch, soup, and salad. Hubbell & Hudson is located at 4526 Research Forest Drive.

Questions? Ask Phil or Beth Marshall

Visit the Lunch Bunch Facebook page for updates and Lunch Bunch news.


New to Northwoods?

Considering membership?  

Want to catch up on your UU history and theology?  


Join us for Pathways to Membership class. The next class will be in October. This class is recommended as a prerequisite for signing our Membership Book. Please register by contacting the church office. Childcare available upon request


Board of Trustees
The Northwoods UU Church Board of Trustees meets at 1 p.m. on the second Sunday of each month.  The Board is responsible for governing policies, finances, human resources, buildings and grounds, and congregational communication.  The Current Members of the Board are:  


Ann McAlpin



Lisa Cronce 



Larry Loomis-Price 

Past President 


Rud Merriam



Bob Long 



Cyndie Mahaney 


John DeCaire

At Large


Kate Rhoad 

At Large 

Committee on Ministry

The Committee on Ministry meets on the fourth Sunday of each month and is responsible for the shared ministry of the congregation in the areas of Spiritual Life, Congregational Life, Religious Education, and Social Justice and Outreach (SEE Justice). Current Members of the Committee on Ministry are:


Linda Nadler 



Mary Chimarusti
Sharon Ossowski

Jeff Graeber
David Shontz 

Beth Marshall 

Congregational Life

Temporary Chair: 
Sharron Ossowski

Membership Coordinator: 
Helen Sherwood
Ministries Meetings and Groups
Leadership Development Committee

Dorothy Kennedy
Carol Hensley
Hal Meyers
Spiritual Life
Asimov Humanists: Meets 2nd Saturday each month, 10am-12 in The Garden Room. Contact Karyl Paige 281-435-2644
Drum Circle:
Contact the church office for more information. 
CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans).
Meets every 2nd Sunday of the month in the Sanctuary at 1 pm. Contact Tess Bennett.  
Northwoods Progressive Christian Fellowship:  Meets several times in the fall, winter, and spring for discussion, study, and fellowship, and sponsors vespers services for Advent and Good Friday. For  more information and dates, contact Bob Long.  
Zen Mind Buddhist:  
A meditation and discussion group that meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 6pm.  For information, contact Carolyn Cash. 
Blue Mountain Meditation: Meets Tuesdays at 5:00 pm at Northwoods.
Contact Hallie Moore .

Folk Choir Rehearsal:
Meets on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Contact Rusty Rhoad at 281-419-1984.  

Congregational Life 

Avant Garden Gallery:
Artists are invited to display their works in the gallery.  For scheduling, click  here. 
Coffee Hour:  
Between church services (10:30-11:30 a.m.) every Sunday.

Courageously Coed Book Group: 
Meets on the second Monday at 7pm in the Garden room.  Click here
for the 2015 book list.  Contact John Hammond
for more information.

Men's Group:  
Meets the first Thursday of the month.  Contact Mark Smith.
Men's Book Club:
Meets the first Saturday of the month at 10:00am in the Garden room.  Click here for the 2014 book list, or  here for the 2015 book list.  Contact Wally Gardner.
Women's Book Club:
Meets the third Saturday of the month at 10:00am in the Garden Room.  For more information contact Shirley Locke.

wUU hUU:   
Contact Darbi Hamilton or Kristin Ongeri for more information about the Young Adult Group.
Northwoods Writers' Group:   
Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays. Bring something you've written to read. For information contact Rusty Rhoad at 281-419-1984.
The Ewe Ewe Knitting Ministry:  
Meets on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Thursday of each month in the room 3. Contact Cyndie Mahaney
Northwoods Playgroup: Meets on alternating Fridays and Thursdays from 10:00am-1:00pm. For more information please contact Amanda Hanson. 
SEE Justice

Monthly meeting the first Sunday of the month 12:30-2 pm in the Garden Room. Contact  Paul Nelson  for more information.
If you would like to nominate an organization to be the recipient of Share the Plate Sunday, click here for more information on how to do so. 
Millbend Coffee House:  Live music every second Saturday at 7:30 pm at the church. This event is sponsored by Northwoods and is open to the community. Contact Teresa Allen at 281-350-3052.
REMinistryReligious Education
Welcome, Jenn Simpson

The Board of Trustees and Human Resources Committee are proud to announce that the position for the part time Coordinator of Lifespan Faith Development has been filled. Jennifer Simpson is our new Coordinator for Lifespan Faith Development starting September 20th.

Jenn's focus will be coordinating the efforts for religious education and exploration for children and teens, and she will work closely with the RE Committee Chair, Brenda Hutchinson to continue to provide quality RE for Northwoods children. Rev Donna Renfro will consult with Sue Powell for Adult RE programs and Small Group Ministry.

Jenn can be reached by email ( or phone (281-298-2780). She is available from 1pm to 3:30pm on Thursdays and Fridays by appointment, and on Sundays.
OWL Training Returns to Northwoods

We are excited to be able to bring OWL back to Northwoods.

OWL (Our Whole Lives Lifespan Sexuality Education) classes will be held for
students in grades K-1st, 4th-6th and 7th-9th. Created by the UUA and the
UCC, this values based educational program provides age appropriate
information in separate classes. OWL provides young people information to
understand the changes they will experience, while fostering the development
of self-worth, sexual health, responsibility, justice and inclusivity.

Classes will be spread out over 2 or 4 days and the students will attend all
sessions listed for their age group.

OWL schedule of classes:
  • Grades K-1st: October 3 and November 7, 2015, 9:00-4:00
  • Grades 4th-6th: January 9 and February 6, 2016, 9:00-4:00
  • Grades 7th-9th: October 3, November 7, 2015, January 9 and February 6, 2016, 9:00-4:00
To register your child please click here. For more information about hte OWL program, visit the UUA information page here. You can also learn more about OWL during the Adult Forum on September 13.

For more information please contact Brenda Hutchinson.

Get Involved in Religious Education this Fall
Help is needed, large and small!

The RE program is in need of volunteers who would like to help out with faith development for children, youth and adults in a variety of ways, especially as we lose our Director of Lifespan Faith Development position this fall:

Adult Education Team: We are in need of folks to help the RE Ministry Team and SEE Justice Ministry Team with next year's Welcoming Congregation classes in a variety of topics, and to help plan for Adult Forum offerings on Sundays. If you would like t o help with Adult RE, please contact Linda Nadler! Planning for Fall will begin soon!

Fall RE Teachers: We are in need of 3-4 additional teachers for our fall RE program for ages 6 and up.

Children's Chapel: Last but far from least, Children's Chapel is one of the most special things we offer the children of Northwoods. To keep Children's Chapel going, we literally can't do it without you.

We hope that you will consider sharing some of your time and passion and creativity, because the most important part of the faith development of our children, youth and adults is the growth and learning that happens as part of being in community together. 


For more information, contact   

Spiral Scouts

If your children are interested in participating in Spiral Scouts, please contact Cyndie Mahaney ( for a meeting schedule.  Spriral Scouts is a co-ed, Pagan based scouting program for all ages.


SEE Justice
Border Issues Learning Circles

The Border Issues Learning Circle will meet in the Garden Room at 10am on Saturday, September 26. Ken Anderson will review migrant issues based on his legal consulting work this summer with asylum-seeking women and children in the "Family Detention Centers" (prisons) in Karnes City and Dilley, Texas. We will also discuss recent legal decisions regarding these issues as well as volunteer opportunities that may be available in our area. Although we have a "Learning Circle" who have been following these issues, anybody with an interest is encouraged to attend.
Share the Plate is Back!

At both services this Sunday, all of the undirected cash donations in the collection plate and all checks marked "Share the Plate" in the memo field will go to a charity chosen from member recommendations. 

Our charity for this month is The Gathering Place of Conroe, a memory care program that reaches out to those living with memory loss and their families who love and care for them at home.  Underlying challenges to memory loss may include early to moderate stages of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, stroke or other.  Twice a month, they come together at First United Methodist Church of Conroe for an uplifting and festive event, hosted by a care team of volunteers.

Attendance averages 50 to 60, and caregivers may opt to enjoy personal time away or choose to participate along with their loved one.  This year "The Gathering Place" of Conroe at FUMC celebrates 16 years of community outreach and support, serving more than 300 in partnership with Interfaith CarePartners.  For more information about this program, contact Bob Long at 281-914-9837. 
SEE Justice is Looking For...

Do you have a whiteboard that you no longer need?  Millbend Coffeehouse needs one to display the "charity of the evening" choices at our events.

Teresa Allen is looking for two missing items: a DVD of "The New Jim Crow" featuring Michelle Alexander and Robert Putnam's book, Bowling Alone. Please call 281-350-3052 is you see these items.

Deadline for Books Coming Up


The Northwoods SEE Justice Committee is collecting books for the Seed to Read Project through Children's Books on Wheels at Tamina. We will take books for children and young adults as well as books for adults. No magazines or technical manuals please. If you  have any new or gently-used books, bring them to church between now and October 1st and place them in the box in the hall.  Call Teresa at 281-350-3052 with questions or if you have large boxes of books.
Food Collections

The hungry aren't only hungry at Christmas and Thanksgiving.  They are hungry all year long and you can do something to help.  Food donations have been very low lately.  Please bring a non-perishable food item to church on Sunday and drop it in the basket in the hallway next to the office. 
Calendar, Beacon Bits Submission Policy, and Contact Information
Coming Up At Northwoods

Wednesday September 23, 2015
7:00 PM        Worship Arts Team Meeting

Thursday September 24, 2015
6:30 PM        Paul Klein & Klay Vage

Friday September 25, 2015
10:00 AM     Northwoods Play Group

Saturday September 26, 2015
10:00 AM      Ken Anderson's Meeting - Detention Camp Efforts
7:30 PM        CUUPS Meeting

Sunday September 27, 2015
1:00 PM        Committee on Ministry
6:00 PM        Universal Sangha and Meditation - Open to Northwoods Friends

Tuesday September 29, 2015
5:00 PM        Blue Mountain Meditation
7:00 PM        Folk Choir Rehearsal

Thursday October 1, 2015
6:30 PM        Paul Klein & Klay Vage Rehearsal
7:00 PM        Ewe Ewe Knitting Ministry, Northwoods Men's Group

Friday October 2, 2015
10:00 AM      Northwoods Play Group

Saturday October 3, 2015
9:00 AM        OWL Training
10:00 AM      Men's Book Group

Sunday October 4, 2015
12:30 PM      SEE Justice Meeting
1:00 PM        Lay Ministry/Pastoral Care Team Meeting
Submission Policy

Send submissions for the next issue of The Beacon Bits to no later than 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday. Any member of the Northwoods family may submit material to the Beacon Bits.  Ideally, most submissions will come from a contact person or chairperson of a group or ministry team. The Beacon Bits will not publish any advertisement or notices promoting individuals or businesses.
Contact Information
Interim Minister: Reverend Donna Renfro
Phone 281-298-2780
Office Hours:

Monday: Sabbath and day of rest. Emergency calls only, please.

Tuesday: Thursday 10am to 3pm

Friday: Sermon Writing Day, 10am to 3pm, by appointment only

Saturday: by appointment only

Sunday: Worship

Congregational Administrator: Jamie Thompson
Phone 281-298-2780   
Church Office Hours:  Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 am- 3pm 
Coordinator of Lifespan Faith Development: Jennifer Simpson
Phone 281-298-2780

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