


A weekly publication of Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church

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November 27, 2013 




We hope that you can join us this Sunday morning, December 1, 2013 for  


Let There Be Order.  (And She said, it was good.)

by the Reverend Ellen Cooper   


with music by 


Northwoods Ensemble 

Hearing assistance equipment available at the Membership table  
 Child Care and Family Room Provided

Sunday Service Times: 9:30 and 11:30am


 Religious Education Programming


This Sunday's Religious Education classes are as follows:


First service:

Children in kindergarten through sixth grade will meet upstairs in Room 10
choir practice and rehearsal for the Dec. 15 Holiday Pageant,
A Charlie Brown Christmas.
Childcare will be provided in the nursery for younger children,
and youth are invited to remain in the service.

Between services:

Children with speaking parts in the holiday pageant will rehearse in Room 10.  

Adult Forum: A Progressive Christian View of the Nativity Scene, Part I,"

led by Karyl Paige, in The Garden Room  


Second service:

Children in kindergarten through sixth grade will meet upstairs in Room 10
choir practice and rehearsal for the Dec. 15 Holiday Pageant,
A Charlie Brown Christmas.

Childcare will be provided in the nursery for younger children
Junior High: Coming of Age class in the Garden Room

High School: YRUU in the Teen Room



Childcare is available for younger children during and between services.


Top Story
Being Who We Say We Are: Heat The Hearth!

Love is the spirit of this church. A family we know and love at this church needs our help. Service is its gift. Already, members of this community have rallied to help, providing professional contacts, space heaters and even firewood to help stave off the cold.

This is our great covenant: these are the promises we make to one another week after week.

To dwell together in peace (and among us is a family not at peace because their heater is broken and their little ones are cold at night); to seek the truth in love (and what greater truth have we discovered together than the reality that Love of One's Neighbor is the very embodiment of interdependence?);

And to help one another.

This family teaches our children, serves our church, gives regularly from a modest salary and carefully watched budget. They serve this church, and indeed, our wider community with great heart, abundance, joy and warmth.

Now it's our turn. They are creating a community fundraising effort (this is for anyone, not just their Northwoods community) to help bridge the gap between what they've been able to scrape together, what the Minister's Discretionary fund can do, and what's left in order to replace a broken and unsafe heating system.  Please share this link with other abundant and generous souls. Let's light a darkened hearth, and warm a family that brings so much warmth to us. Any questions, just get in touch with Rev. Ellen.


Minister's Message
From Rev. Ellen


Dear ones,

It is right that at least once a year, we slow down and remember to simply be grateful. This year, among many other things, I have a heart full of thanks for you.

Thank you, for being a place that welcomes all who come seeking something.

Thank you, for taking risks, being bold, facing change, growing deep roots.

Thank you, for the delight, wonder, beauty, creativity, questions, service, and time you give so freely to one another and to me.

Thank you, for being living proof to me that this faith does matter in lives and communities, and that it does have something to offer this world for which people are deeply hungry.

Thank you, for each one of you, young and old, new and experienced, skeptic and believer, member and friend and visitor. Week after week, it is your shining souls, trusting faces and your willingness to continue to allow me to serve you in whatever ways I am able, for which I am most grateful.

Happy Thanksgiving. Each one of you is appreciated for all the ways in which you contribute to this community.

With Love,


Foundations: Church Governance
COM Meeting Minutes

The Committee on Ministry met on November 24.  The minutes are available for review here.
Dailygood by Goodsearch:  Wallet-free Fundraising

Mira Dessy has set up an account with, a web search service that gives the church one cent for every search. Use Dailygood for everyday activities like searching the web, playing online games, shopping, dining out and more.  We have received rebates from Goodsearch and encourage you to use their site so we can continue to participate in this easy and convenient wallet-free fundraising.

Rummage Sale

Our next rummage sale is scheduled for April 5th , 2014. Donations for the event can be delivered on April 4th at Northwoods or can be stored in Rob Wiley's garage as of now. Remember - we want only good stuff and no clothes! Please save the date and plan to attend the sale or to help on the 4th and/or the 5th. 
We Need Your Eyes

The Building & Grounds Committee tries to stay on top of maintenance issues at Northwoods, but we don't always know when there's a problem. Please help us out and let us know if you see something that needs to be done inside or outside of the building. The B&G Committee consists of Ralph Stephenson, Sean Kenneth, Sue Ridgway, Susan Hammond, Doni Langolis and Kate Rhoad. Let any of us know and we will get the matter taken care of.  
Spiritual Life
 2014 Gorilla Sunday

The next Gorilla Sunday will be February 9, 2014. The theme will be leadership. The Men's Gorilla Chorus will sing at both services. After the second service, there will be a potluck. In December, the committee will take orders for T-shirts. The Chorus will practice in January. More information from Jerry Hensel at

Congregational Life



Connie Newkirk and Gaylynn Peirce were married in Vermont after 20 years of partnership.  Congratulations! 


Northwoods Winter Boutique

Visit Northwoods own Winter Boutique on Sunday, December 15 between services in the Garden Room.  Fair trade coffee and chocolates, books, hand-knitted items and more for sale.  Get your holiday gifts here!  Northwoods members or friends are welcome to sell their (small) items.  Contact Vicki, Winter Boutique Coordinator at

Deck the Northwoods Halls
Hanging of the Greens
This Sunday, after the second service

Please plan to come help decorate our sanctuary with greens and lights, an ancient tradition with meaning in many faith and spiritual practices. Bring the kids because there's a job for everyone!

There will be pizza and salad, and you can expect a few sweet treats and some holiday music to kick off the festive season.  In just a couple of hours, Northwoods will deck the halls and light "the dark mid-winter," something sparkling for the holiday seasons.
Join Us - Annual Northwoods Thanksgiving Feast
What: Potluck Thanksgiving Feast
Who: Everyone and their families
When: Thursday, November 28nd - 2:30pm 
Where: Northwoods Sanctuary
Why: Celebrate and give thanks for our community
Bring: A poltuck dish, beverages of choice, table settings, games, and a relaxed attitude
Join your Northwoods family for a Thanksgiving meal, then hang around for games and kibbutzing!  Family in town?  No problem - bring them with you (yep - even the weird ones!)  Need to leave early or come late?  No problem.  We have a really cool tradition - bring your own dishes, glasses and cloth napkins, plus tupperwares to take leftovers home so that we can reduce the toll that the holidays take on our environment. We'll have water, iced tea, and coffee - bring your adult and otherwise beverages. Please RSVP and let us know what you're bringing.  If you're bringing a number of people, please consider bringing a few dishes.  We also need help to set up the sanctuary on Wednesday and help to get all the food set out on Thursday. Questions, RSVPs, etc. - please contact Tess Bennett at or 936-442-1190.   

Quick Links

New to Northwoods?

Considering membership?  

Want to catch up on your UU history and theology?  


Join us for Pathways to Membership class. The next class will be in October. This class is recommended as a prerequisite for signing our Membership Book. Please register by contacting the church office. Childcare available upon request


Board of Trustees
The Northwoods UU Church Board of Trustees meets at 1 p.m. on the second Sunday of each month.  The Board is responsible for governing policies, finances, human resources, buildings and grounds, and congregational communication.  The Current Members of the Board are:  


Stephanie Coleman President


Larry Loomis Price President-Elect


Shari Wood 

Past President 


Darbi Hamilton 



Keith Armstrong  



Bob Long 


Dorothy Kennedy  and   

Michele Buselli  


Committee on Ministry

The Committee on Ministry meets on the fourth Sunday of each month and is responsible for the shared ministry of the congregation in the areas of Spiritual Life, Congregational Life, Religious Education, and Social Justice and Outreach (SEE Justice). Current Members of the Committee on Ministry are:


Mary Branson



John Hammond


 Mary Chimarusti

Susan Blackmore
Olivia Carrender

 David Shontz

Congregational Life

Chair:  Kate Rhoad
Ministries Meetings and Groups

Spiritual Life

Drum Circle:

Contact Peggy Walton

at 936-718-7777  for more information.


CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans).

Meets every 2nd Sunday of the month in the Sanctuary at 1 pm. Contact Tess Bennett.  


Northwoods Progressive Christian Fellowship:

Meets the third Friday of each month for fellowship. The group  sponsors Vespers Services four times during the year. For information contact 

 Susan Hammond

at 281-465-4683.   


Zen Mind Buddhist:  

A meditation and discussion group that meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays.  For information, contact Carolyn Cash. 


Blue Mountain Meditation: Meets Tuesdays at 5:00 pm at Northwoods.

Contact Hallie Moore .

Folk Choir Rehearsal:

Meets on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Contact Rusty Rhoad at 281-419-1984.  

Dharma Group:

Meets the second and fourth Friday at 7:00pm in the Garden Room. Contact Dave Smith at 281-686-7315.


Congregational Life 

Coffee Hour:  

Between church services (10:30-11:30 a.m.) every Sunday.

Courageously Coed Book Group: 

Meets on the second Monday at 7pm in the Garden room.  Click here
for the 2013 book list.  Contact John Hammond
for more information.

Men's Group:  

Meets the first Thursday of the month.  Contact Mark Smith.


Men's Book Club:
Meets the first Saturday of the month at 10:00am in the Garden room. Click here for the book list.  Contact Wally Gardner.


Women's Book Club:

Meets the first Saturday of the month at 10:00am.  For more information contact Shirley Locke.
*The December meeting will take place on December 14 at an off site location.

wUU hUU:   

Contact Darbi Hamilton or Kristin Ongeri for more information about the Young Adult Group.


Northwoods Writers' Group:   

Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays. Bring something you've written to read. For information contact Rusty Rhoad at 281-419-1984.


The Ewe Ewe Knitting Ministry:  

Meets on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Thursday of each month in the room 3. Contact Cyndie Mahaney


Circle of Friends:  

A women's group that meets the 1st and 3rd Fridays at 10:00am.

Contact Mary Temmen.


Northwoods Playgroup: Meets on alternating Fridays and Thursdays from 10:00am-1:00pm. For more information please contact Amanda Hanson. 

SEE Justice:

SEE Justice:

Monthly meeting the first Sunday of the month 12:30-2 pm in the Garden Room. Contact  Sarah Mattner for more information.


Millbend Coffee House:  Live music every second Saturday at 7:30 pm at the church. This event is sponsored by Northwoods and is open to the community. Contact Teresa Allen at 281-350-3052.


Northwoods Needs Your Historical Thoughts

Terry Leyenberger is looking for volunteers to update the Church history.  If there is something that happened over the last five years that you were intimately involved in please consider writing a short narrative describing the event or activity.  Please contact Terry at for ideas and information.  Terry has copies of all the Beacon Bits for the last five years, and Vicky Bradley has copies of the order of service for your review.  Deadline for submission is December, which is approaching quickly.

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch goes American at Hubbell and Hudson Kitchen! Join us for a scrumptious brunch at H&H Kitchen, 4526 Research Forest Drive. Our meeting time remains Sunday at 1:00 pm. Get away from leftovers and join us!
If you have Lunch-Bunched with us, and want to express your opinion, please complete this survey.  For more information, see Beth and Phil Marshall

Religious Education
It's Pageant Time!

Break out the heartwarming nostalgia and Christmas carols and join your Northwoods community for our annual Holiday Children's Pageant!

We are excited to announce that this year's performance will be "Charlie Brown's Christmas." It will be held December 15 during both services.

Speaking parts have been cast, but ALL children are invited to sing in the Children's Choir for this service. Lyric packs will be available so you can practice the music at home. Email Sarah at if you have any questions.

Rehearsal Dates:
Nov. 24: Rehearsal between services for all cast members
Dec. 1- Rehearsal: Choir practice during the religious eduction time in both services, speaking parts rehearse between services
Dec. 8- Rehearsal: Choir practice during the religious eduction time in both services, speaking parts rehearse between services
Dec. 14: Dress rehearsal: 9-12 Saturday morning, speaking and nonspeaking parts. All children must be able to attend this rehearsal in order to perform the next day. (Choir needs to be there for 10:30-12:00 ONLY.)

Dec. 15: Pageant is performed during both services.


Stay Informed via Text


To find out how to get text reminders and information about RE classes, including Adult Forum, click here.



Adult Faith Development Semester Theme: Allegiances


For Adult Faith Development programming this fall, we'll be exploring the idea of "Allegiances": To what do we pledge allegiance? What does it mean to hold allegiance with Unitarian Universalism? Our nation? Our planet? Our families? Our own identities?


Pick up an AFD brochure in the foyer outlining the many opportunities to engage this theme, from classes to guest speakers to discussion groups and more!  


Stay tuned for more on Spring's AFD theme: Spiritual Practices! 


Save the Date: OWL training comes to Northwoods!

January 24-26, 2014

Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a revolutionary, comprehensive sexuality education program for all ages, kindergarten to adults, developed by the UUA and United Church of Christ and taught in our congregations around the country. We have taught OWL for many different ages here at Northwoods (most recently for adults) and are proud to continue that tradition this spring by once again offering OWL, this time joining forces with Plymouth UCC to offer this experience to our community.

But wait, there's more...

The RE Committee and I are excited to announce that we will be hosting an OWL training here at Northwoods Jan. 24-26 for those interested in teaching junior and senior high OWL. This is a training that will attract religious educators, teachers and advisers from all over the region to Northwoods to work with certified OWL trainers over a full weekend of learning. It's a wonderful opportunity to offer training to as many at Northwoods and in the Houston area as possible, and for Northwoods to welcome other UUs to our home.

If you are interested in helping make this program successful, would like to attend the training, or want more information about Our Whole Lives, contact Sarah at To read more about the OWL curriculum, you can also visit the UUA website:



One Church, One Book


This fall, we invite the members of Northwoods to read Unwind, by Neal Shusterman. We will be scheduling discussion groups to explore this book as a community in January.

Unwind is a 2007 science fiction novel by young adult literature author Neal Shusterman. It takes place in the United States, somewhere in the near future. After a civil war-known as the Second Civil War or the Heartland War-is fought over abortion, a compromise was reached, allowing parents to sign an order for their children between the ages of 13 and 18 years old to be unwound-taken to "harvest camps" and having their body parts harvested for later use. The reasoning was that, since 100% (actually 99.44% taking into account the appendix and "useless" organs) was required to be used, unwinds did not technically "die", because their individual body parts lived on. In addition to unwinding, parents who are unable to raise their children to age thirteen for retroactive abortion have the option to "stork" their child by leaving it on another family's porch. If they don't get caught, the "storked" baby then becomes the other family's responsibility. Click here to purchase a copy of the book through Amazon.  


SEE Justice
Plymouth UCC Commemorates World AIDS Day With a Service of Remembrance

Northwoods has been invited to commemorate World AIDS Day on Sunday, December 1, with Plymouth United Church, UCC, at 5927 Louetta Road, Spring, TX 77379. Light refreshments will be served during the reception, which begins at 6:30 PM. Participants will have an opportunity to assist in the creation of a memorial HIV/AIDS quilt panel for display at Plymouth. The reception will also feature guest speakers from Northwoods. 

During the service, which begins at 7:30, participants will be invited to speak the names and display pictures of loved ones who have died as a result of HIV/AIDS. 

Plymouth United Church hosts a worship service each year on World AIDS Day, as a light of hope for those who live with HIV and AIDS. All are welcome to take part in the commemoration.

For more information, please review the World Aids Day flyer.

Millbend Coffeehouse Thanks YOU!

It's been busy-- but I should never be so busy that I can't take time to thank others who have made wonderful things happen!

On Sunday, Oct. 6th, Millbend hosted a special engagement with David Massengill.  Many thanks to Daphne Mair-Miley and Susan Blackmore, Merry Foxworth, Bob Long and Ann-Marie Kennedy.  David charmed us and we raised $242 for the Pacifica Radio Archives.

Over 60 people attended the David Berkeley concert on Oct. 12th.  Rusty Rhoad and a whole slew of talented musicians opened.  I was in Phoenix, AZ with Barbara Madera--- but Dawn Newcomer, Tomi Phillips and Sean Dougherty graciously helped Pat Hanna out front.  Daphne Mair-Miley, Susan Blackmore and Merry Foxworth ran the kitchen.  We raised $360.91 for the Bayou Land Conservancy.

I slipped in just as the Nov. 9th coffeehouse with Carolyn Aiken (and friend, Wayne Wilkernson) was ending.   Bud Bierhaus and his daughter opened and seemed very pleased to have been introduced to our venue.  Dawn Newcomer, Toby Picker, Erika Calderon and Sean Dougherty worked out front; Dana Horton and crew(Tana, Lucie, Ann-Marie, Jacob, and Merry) with Mont. County Peace & Justice Network Fill the Gap all contributed in some way to the kitchen.  Charity of the Evening was Friends of the M.C. Animal Shelter ($171.25) and Fill the Gap raised $148.00.

Sound technicians have included Paul Klein, Sue Ridgeway, Jim Gibson and Shanna Jorgensen.

We hope that you plan to attend Millbend Coffeehouse on Dec. 14th when our friends at Thoreau Woods UU Church will be visiting and Matt Harlan will perform.  Remember-- spending time with a friend at Millbend makes a great holiday gift. 
Millbend Coffeehouse
Matt Harlan
December 14, 7:30pm

Matt is a super talented singer-songwriter from Boerne, Texas. His songs are full of imagery, and he paints his canvas with a masterful use of words and music.

For more information, or to purchase tickets, visit the Millbend website.   

Calendar, Beacon Bits Submission Policy, and Contact Information

 This Week At Northwoods

Sunday,  December 1

All Morning   Garden Room Winter Boutique

12:30pm         SEE Justice Meeting

12:45pm         Hanging of the Greens

1:00pm           Lay Ministry/Pastoral Care Meeting

6:00pm           Zen Mind Buddhists

Monday, December 2

7:00pm           Traditional Choir Rehearsal

7:00pm           Northwoods Writers' Group

Tuesday, December 3

5:00pm           Blue Mountain Meditation

7:00pm           Folk Choir Rehearsal

Wednesday, December 4

7:00pm           Northwoods Ensemble Rehearsal

Thursday, December 5

6:30pm           Paul Klein & Klay Vage Rehearsal

7:00pm           Ewe Ewe Knitting Ministry

7:00pm           Northwoods Men's Group

Friday, December 6

10:00am        Circle of Friends

10:00am        Northwoods Play Group (off site)

6:00pm          Parent's Night Out

Saturday, December 7

10:00am       Men's Book Group

1:00pm         Stewardship Meeting

Sunday, December 8

11:30am        CUUPS

1:00pm          Board of Trustees

1:00pm          Cookiepalooza



Submission Policy

Send submissions for the next issue of The Beacon Bits to no later than 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday. Any member of the Northwoods family may submit material to the Beacons.  Ideally, most submissions will come from a contact person or chairperson of a group or ministry team. The Beacon Bits will not publish any advertisement or notices promoting individuals or buisnesses.

Contact Information



Phone 281-298-2780  Fax: 281-419-189  

Church Office Hours: Tues. - Fri. 10 am- 3pm 

Congregational Administrator: Jamie Thompson,


Minister: Reverend Ellen Cooper-Davis,   

Office Hours:  Tues, Thurs, Friday 10am-3pm and by appointment

Minister's Blog at   


Sarah Prickett:
Director of Lifespan Faith Development, 
Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 12-4pm


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