APRIL/MAY 2014 Newsletter 

In This Issue
Call for Artists
New Sponsors!
GAS and Las Vegas!

Letter from the President
Dear Fellow Glassies

     This newsletter is a bit late : ( ...but has some great opportunities for you! The education committee has been working away to get some great events put together for this year!

The Front Porch Gallery in Carlsbad has offered to host another AGASC show! This is open to all and juried by the Gallery. It is a very nice location right on the main street and allows members to show their work in another venue!

SAVE THE DATE! May 30th The AGASC is pleased to arrange a demonstration with the De La Torre Brothers!
We will send you an email with the final details soon!

We are rescheduling the SWAP MEET due to conflicts on many of our members schedules. The new date is Sunday May 18th at beautiful Lake MiraMar, just off the 15 freeway. Bring your goodies and we will provide drinks and some light snacks. 3:00 to 5:00 See article below for details and directions.

Cheers, my friends!!!

Susan Hirsch 
President, AGASC 

                                          hmmm, was that redundant?   

MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES announcement of your Classes and other openings or shows you may be in. 
(You do need to email us details on those!)  
Listing of your website on our members page 
Opportunity to participate in our members show and additional shows that are exclusive to the AGASC

DON'T MISS OUT.... We have some amazing opportunities planned for the group this year but if you have not renewed your membership (always due at first of the year) you may miss out!

DON'T GET DROPPED...  from the newsletter and email list. We will be updating or deleting members on the website page also so please pay your dues now to stay in the loop!

Here is a quick link to make it EASY TO PAY!!!  
                                 Membership payment page

Call for Artists:
A Private Glass Show for
AGASC Members at the
 Front Porch Gallery in Carlsbad.

Dates of the exhibit - July 20-September 6
Submission of Images needed for postcard
by end of May - all are encouraged to submit!
All submissions by June 21
Acceptance notifications by June 28 (via email)
Delivery of artwork -
July 9-11 (noon-6), and July 12-13 (11-5)
Pickup of unsold artwork - Sept 7  (11-5), Sept 10-12 (12-6) and September 13 (11-5)

Application will be available soon with a reminder email.

JURORS Steven Nossan Gallery Director and Julie Weaverling, Associate Gallery Director. 

We are very excited to announce two
new Sponsor members!

If you are not familiar with all of the products
and services they offer just click on the links!

Call for Artists  
17th annual Galaxy of Glass 
Presented in The Janice Griffiths Gallery

Deadline for Submissions: July 11, 2014

Opening Reception: Sept 6, 2014 5-7pm
Show Opens: Sept 7, 2014
Show Closes: Oct 19, 2014 




 Art Glass, Supplies

and Classes 


125 West 157th Street
Gardena, CA 90248

phone (800) 354-5277

or (310) 516-7828  






 3610 SE 21st Ave

Portland OR 97202

(503) 232-8887



805 Early Street, Bldg E

Santa Fe, NM 87505

(505) 467-8951



4514 Hollis Street
Emeryville CA 94608
(510) 595-1318



2139 N. Kerby Ave.

Portland, OR 97227 USA

Phone 503-284-4900

FAX 503-284-7584




toyo logo  


 A new generation of self-oiling professional glass cutters  




Pat's 1502


Stain Glass & Repair  



2176 Chatsworth Blvd

San Diego, Ca 92107

619-223-1895 or 619-224-4622  




 4225 Thurmon Tanner Parkway, Flowery Branch, GA 30542






Division of Clay Art Center, Inc.

2636 Pioneer Way East

Tacoma, WA 98404 United States

800-952-8030 or 253-922-5342 

Fax 253 922-5349 




The finest hardware for the hanging and displaying of
glass art available!  
Phone: 650-353-4642

955 Park Center Drive 
Vista, Ca 92081  
Monday-Friday, 7:30 - 4:30 p.m.  
Phone: 800-729-9478  
Fax: 760-727-2986


856 N. Commerce Street  
Orange, CA  92867  USA 
PHONE: 714-538-0888 
Mon. - Fri. 8am TO 5pm PST 

2000 Riverside Drive, Suite 19 
Asheville, NC 28804 USA 
Monday through Friday,
8:00am to 4:00pm EST. 
Phone: 8828-254-2559 or 800-914-746328-254-2559 or 800-914-7463


6441 S.E. Johnson Creek Blvd.
Portland, OR 97206
United States
Office: (503) 774-6000
Fax: (503) 774-7833


A Sanborn Corporation
15019 Madeira Way #86747
Madeira Beach, FL 33738
Phone: (727)- 397-3073


The Field Trip to The Palm Springs Art Museum 
was quite a success with a nice turnout. 

    It was a beautiful day and a pretty drive to Palm Springs. Everyone was there on time so we got right to the private tour.   One of our members, Patrick Blythe is a docent there and generously donated his time and gave us a wonderful informative tour. The museum is only able to exhibit 20% of their collection at one time so revisiting was a completely fresh experience. I expected to see many things I saw two years before so I was very surprised to see so many fabulous new glass pieces.
     If you have not been there you will be amazed at the extent of the museums permanent glass collection which is world class. The second floor houses a fabulous contemporary art collection of sculpture and paintings. After seeing what a treasure this museum is, you will appreciate that it is close enough to revisit easily. Our thanks to Patrick Blythe for the opportunity to return.



Glass Art Society 2014 Conference in Chicago
by Kathleen Mitchell 

The 2014 G.A.S. conference in Chicago was well worth battling the cold weather.  It is always a delight to reconnect with old friends, see great demos, attend stimulating lectures, and engage in lively panel discussions.

The highlights for me this year were threefold:

The lecture on the 3-D modeling process applied to cast glass was intriguing. The tech-boom has finally caught glass in it's grip and I see so much potential here!

The panel discussions led by Tim Tate, William Warmus, and Patrick Blythe regarding "Glass Secessionism" were lively and occasionally contentious, two things I value in discussing art.

And lastly, one of the demo venues...West Supply, was one of the most fantastic creative spaces I have ever had the pleasure of visiting.  Having a hot shop in the same building as a foundry is a dream come true!  

That being said, I always LOVE the technical displays.  I buy way too much color, find a new tool I simply HAVE to have, and enjoy a good chat with all the amazing people that make the things we need to do our work.

And, yes folks, it is TRUE!  Next year the G.A.S. conference will be in San Jose!!!!  I strongly suggest you all become members before then.  This is an international event you will want to be a part of.  Trust me. 


Glass Craft & Bead Expo - Las Vegas

by Jon Simpson


Having never been to the Glass Craft & Bead Expo, Jack Wade and I did not know what to expect. First let me say, even though it is in Las Vegas, you should try to get a good night of rest. You will need it, if you're going to last all day long for two and a half days the convention is open. We went for only the first day of the convention and by 3:00pm we were ready to go back to our room and crash. And unfortunately, we didn't attend any of the over 200 classes that started Wednesday and go until Sunday.


All the major glass and supply vendors were there. Among the glass companies present were: Uroboros Glass, Spectrum Glass, Bullseye Glass, Coatings by Sandberg and Austin Thin Films. Some of the kilns and equipment companies were: Rayzist Photomask, Skutt Kilns, Jen Ken Kilns, Paragon Industries (kilns), Covington Engineering and Inland Crafts. Among glass tool suppliers were: Glass Accessories Int'l/Toyo, Pacific Art Glass, Glassline, His Glassworks and Hang Your Glass. AGASC members Susan Hirsch and Chris Stell had booths selling their glass and class time. There were numerous other booths selling glass, molds, glass supplies and of course beads, beads supplies, torches and more beads.


When we first got to the South Point Casino Friday morning at 8:30am we were sure that we had plenty of time, since the convention didn't open until 9:00am. We got on the escalators to take us to the convention floor. We got off and there was a line stretching for fifty yards down this long hall and had turned the corner to come back towards the escalators. Everyone had bags and many were pulling small cases behind them - to hold their purchases. I thought immediately it was a scene from a Black Friday sale and we were going to be caught in the middle. The doors opened and the line started moving. Once inside we made a mad dash to a vendor's booth that was already mobbed with people. We got to the merchandise and it was in disarray in less than 5 minutes. We searched through the glass samples, got prices, which were cheaper than wholesale and stood in line to make our purchase. This same procedure played out at several more vendors.


We walked from booth to booth talking to the reps and meeting people. That is what I enjoyed about the convention. We were able to speak with reps from different companies, who are there to answer our questions. We got into a great discussion with a Spectrum Glass rep about kiln casting and their line of casting billets and plates. We also talked about the differences in their clear, crystal clear and icicle clear glasses.



We ran into fellow AGASC member Connie Govier, who was about to go watch a demonstration at the convention stage. They have six or seven 45 minute live demonstrations on stage daily on current techniques used in glass. We went with Connie to watch David Alcala use frit to paint between two layers of clear glass similar to sand painting. Using enamels he achieves a three-dimensional effect. When the painting is complete, it is put in a kiln for firing. It was very interesting.


After the demo it was on to see the Gallery of Excellence part of the convention, an art competition comprised of professional and amateurs in all mediums of art glass. We walked through the rows of art trying to decide which our favorites were. Then, it was on to the last of the booths we had not yet seen. Along the way we ran into other AGASC members who were at the convention: Marcy and Bob Stinton, JoAnn Pastori, Carol Hibshman, Susan Hirsch, as well as, most all of our patron members. It was great to see them all !


We left the convention with our arms full of purchases. If you have not been, you've got to go at least once. But, take my advice; get a good night of rest.


More information is https://www.glasscraftexpo.com/ 





A Workshop in Emeryville with Narcissus 

by Marti Blair    


In February I found myself fortunate to be included in a 3 and a half day workshop with Master Glass Artist Narcissus Quagliata and Ted Sawyer (Director of Research and Development at Bullseye Glass Co) at the Bullseye Resource Center in Emeryville, CA. There is a word in the Buddhist philosophy that means: "going alone to meet the master". Last year my workshop journey began at "The Familiar" held at a Buddhist retreat center in Batavia, NY with Catharine Newell, Karl Harron, Amanda and Lance Tayler of OATKA Glass. This word was introduced to me there. This workshop epitomized that experience for me. Narcissus once ran a meditation center in San Francisco under a Buddhist master and continues to meditate to this day.

The course was titled New Frontiers in Fluidity. In the beginning he said "We have so little time together..." and then he began to teach. He shared images of work he calls Mediterranean Treasures, currently portraits representing Greek bronzes from a Roman shipwreck that were buried at sea for centuries. He saw the bronzes in 1981 in Florence and they had a tremendous impact on him. Some of the works from this series were done a process he called "sliders". This technique is done by stacking layers of transparent colors on a tilted plane and firing to full fuse. The glass will melt and slide down. He has made dozens of these in his studio and works on pieces for several weeks painting images with black enamels and refiring on top of the slider glass which is then full fused again to level it. Since this was only one process of several taught during the course, we certainly did have very little time together to grasp the uses for an approach to making art with glass.

Another technique he shared was about using the enamel to lay down a design on the glass and then applying various frits to the piece before firing. The image shows up through the frit colors and creates a lot of depth. Final firings at tack fuse using more frit allowed for further development of the piece. So you have fluidity in design by painting with enamel and can develop a non-linear pattern in color with glass frit.

From the beginning of his work with glass, coming to glass in the early 1970's as a fine art painter (his teacher was Richard Diebenkorn) he was always trying to break free of any limitations the glass had required of the craftsman in expressing his ideas. Early on he used strange cuts in lead lines to defy the boundaries it had presented and to create a new line or shape to fit the image. Once he began to work with fusing, he went beyond what others had done to incorporate it into his work. Recently while working on the largest stained/fused/painted/blown glass ceiling ever built in Kaohsiung, Taiwan he became aware of the fact that even if he works with some of the best glassblowers in the world (Derix in Germany) to create his own glass it would always be round. Thus, the slider experimentation began.

All of his glassworks have come from drawings, sketches and watercolors he made leading into a project: whether it be a residential or commercial commission, an artwork, or putting to paper an idea that may eventually become a finished artwork. He carries with him always a sketchbook so he can record ideas that may come to him anywhere. His mastery of watercolor is fantastic. He gave a wonderful demo one morning of working with watercolor. He spoke about the brushes, the paper, the line quality, and the effects of varying amounts of water in the work. He spoke about the brushes saying that you want to become familiar with each brush and what it can do. Every brush has its own character, its own spirit. And "Don't get hung up on having to have just the right brush".... The fluidity of watercolor and glass share some wonderful qualities.

He said he wanted to share as much of what he knows as is humanly possible. What he is sharing are techniques he has been exploring for himself. Finding your art is about finding yourself. He told us you have to think about what you are doing. He spends half his time thinking and half making. He spent time with each person's work giving generous, patient, and pointed comments and critiques aimed at helping the artist become a better artist. He held one-on-one meetings with each student and asked us ahead of time to think of a question or two we might have for him. He counseled us to ENJOY our work.

I met Narcissus in 1980 during a workshop with Dan Fenton. Dan took our class to Narcissus' studio where he was teaching at the San Francisco Art Institute. I met him again briefly in Portland, OR last year at BeCon where he was a presenter. But now I have met him, and he is warm, generous, patient and doing amazing work. Now 72, he has entered the age of wisdom and he is happy to share it where he can. Born in Italy, he lived in the Bay Area for 30 some years and now lives on a mountaintop outside of Mexico City where he can see the "center of the universe" from his studio.

I had read the recent book that he has published Narcissus Quagliata: Archetypes and Visions in Light and Glass about his work from the early days to the recent masterworks he has completed and drawings of the new project he would like to complete: a cosmological space unit of sorts that projects light prism images within a sphere.... But after taking the class and feeling very inspired, I came home and gathered materials for a project that I started right away. Then one evening I settled down to look over his book again. I was totally blown away once more with the depth and scale of what he has accomplished as an artist working in glass. Please visit his website for more information and to see the amazing skylight he built in a major underground subway in Kaohsiung, Taiwan; the dome he built for a basilica in Rome that Michelangelo built, and to see the Cosmological project he has designed. www.narcissusquagliata.com In addition, you may want to read William Warmus' article in Glass Magazine from the December 2013 issue "Flourishing on the Edge". Enjoy!  

 AGASC Annual Members Show

at Studio 21 in Balboa Park 

by Gayle Tunney Richardson  


Hello Members, We are off to a great start with 2014 and I'm looking forward to a wonderful Annual Show at Gallery 21 at Spanish Village. I am happy to be the Show Chair again and looking forward to see what every one has to enter this year for the October show. I'm excited to say last year ten pieces sold for a total of $2,190!
Congratulations to those who sold pieces and won ribbons. I want to make sure this year is as exciting and profitable to all of us.  
If you are a new member you may not know that all entries are welcome!
(It is a judged show, not Juried) and we have a novice category for those who have not shown professionally and worked in glass for less than 2 years.   

Our sponsor Members, CBS Coatings by Sandburg and Uroboros each have a category with prizes. Glassline is sponsoring a first and second place award for work using an obvious amount of glassline inks or chalk... details to come in the application! 

Other categories include: Novice, Vessels, Sculpture, Wearable Art and Wall Art 
Your work does not have to be complete to send in this application.
We do need the title of the piece, dimensions, category, and the price. You must deliver the work on the afternoon of October 1st.  Art work must be delivered display ready - no assembly required! 
Important dates:


Entry deadline- Sept. 15th 

Show Dates- October 1st -13th

Art Intake October 1st 3-7pm 

Painting and gallery prep October 1st 11-3

Hanging the Show: Thursday, October 2nd 11- 5 

Judging: Friday, October 3rd,  

Gallery will open after the judges are finished (usually 12 noon) 

Artists Reception: Sunday, October 5th, 4-8pm

Pick up and clean up is October 13th 4-6pm 


Show Requirements  

-You must be a current member

-Pay fees at application deadline  

(The application and easy payment will be posted ton the agasc show page  


35.00 for the first entry and 10.00 for each additional entry)

-You must be available to sit one day of the show or arrange a sitter 
(If you are from out of town you may request to work on the Intake day, pick up or reception day)

-You must volunteer for one tasks listed below

( It takes a village to put on a show )


Please send me an email if you see a position you'd like to help with, [email protected] 


We need help to fill all the TBD (To Be Determined) spots  

1) Show Chair Coordinator: Gayle Tunney 760-445-672 Co-Chair: TBD

2) Graphic Artist (Posters, postcards, email blast) TBD

3) P.R. Machine: a)Press Releases: Gayle Tunney and TBD

b) Postcard Mailing: Art Glass Guild and all Members

4) Applications: Connie Govier and One other very important position:

TBD -this person will also need to do Take in and pick up

will need to do the Spread sheet for checking in and releasing all are piece

Name Tags for Exhibiting Artists

5) Judges Coordinator: Gayle Tunney

6) Permits/Insurance for Raffle/Reception: Jon Simpson

7) Artist Reception/Hor D'eouvres/Tray Pass Wine:

* Coordinator: Devora Safran 2) TBD 3) TBD 4) TBD 5) TBD

8) Reception Raffle Coordinator: TBD 2) TBD 3) TBD 4) TBD

9) Artist Reception Entertainment Coordinator: Gayle Tunney___________

10) Fee Collection: Connie Govier

11) Pre-show Studio touch up Wednesday, October 24th, 10:00am:

Coordinator: TBD 2) TBD 3) TBD 4) TBD 5) TBD

12) Art Intake Wednesday, October 24th, 4pm-6pm: 1) : TBD 2) TBD 3) TBD 4) TBD

13)Show Set Up Thursday, (This category is full.)

14) Show Representatives Schedule Coordinator: TBD (setting up sitting schedule)

15) Spread Sheet/Labels for Art Intake: TBD

17) Ribbon Coordinator: Leslie Perlis

18) Judges: 1) TBD 2) TBD 3) TBD - Gayle will send out letters

19) Show Photographer: TBD

20) Sales Processing on Opening Night: Square via Susan Hirsch/ Connie Govier

21) Show Booklets, Artist Bio's: 1) Gayle Tunney

Program/Price List: will be the Take in Spreadsheet person - TBD

22) Name Tags for Exhibiting Artists: will be the Take in Spreadsheet person TBD

23) Art Pick Up Monday, Nov 5th, 3pm-5pm: 1) Gayle Tunney

1) : TBD 2) TBD 3) TBD 4) TBD


Welcome New Members!    

Elizabeth Aten
Jennifer Casamassima
Michael and June Dudas
Bruce Harris
Joan Irving 
Robert Nabours
Robert Newman
Michelle Richmond





APRIL  25              Front Porch Mixed Media Show Submission Deadline

MAY 10-11            
Art Glass Guild Show & Patio Sale

MAY 25
                  Front Porch Mixed Media Show Opens

MAY 30                  De La Torre Brothers Live DemonstrationTBA 
JUNE 21                Deadline for AGASC Front Porch Show 

JULY 20-SEPT 6   AGASC Front Porch Show 
                Galaxy of Glass Submission Deadline 

SEPT  7                Galaxy of Glass Show Opens

SEPT 15               AGASC Annual Studio 21 Show Deadline   
OCT 1-13              AGASC Annual Studio 21 Show 

OCT 5                   AGASC Annual Studio 21 Show Artist Reception 
To submit events that may be of interest to our members contact 

our AGA Newsletter Editor Joi Lakes   



Share your experiences at a workshop, show or event with all of us at AGASC!

              This is your newsletter...  We would love to hear from you!  


           Deadline for Articles and Events for June/July Issue is May 15!!      


 Joi Lakes Newletter Editor and Susan Hirsch Designer/Layout
Art Glass Association of Southern California