March 30, 2016
2016 VFC Provider Education 

As stated in the 2016 VFC Provider Enrollment Agreement, Maryland VFC Providers are required to receive annual educational training. 
This training will include a discussion of 2017 VFC policy changes. Beginning in 2017, VFC providers must report vaccine administration data and submit inventories/order VFC vaccine through ImmuNet, Maryland's immunization information system.

It is strongly recommended that the Responsible Medical Provider, the VFC Vaccine Supply Contact, and the Back-up VFC Vaccine Supply Contact receive educational training. All clinical staff are encouraged to receive educational training as needed.

The 2016 VFC educational training requirement can be met by completing the two part online training:
View two (2) educational webinars:
1. 2016 VFC Provider Agreement Overview; and
2. 2016 VFC Vaccine Management
Each educational webinar will be shown once a month, from 12:00 noon - 1:30 pm.
Both educational webinars must be viewed to fulfill the 2016 VFC educational training requirement.
Please click on the links below to register for 2016 VFC educational training.

2016 VFC Provider Agreement Overview
2016 VFC Vaccine Management
2016 VFC Provider Agreement Overview
2016 VFC Vaccine Management

All VFC Provider offices must fulfill their VFC educational training requirement by December 31, 2016, in order to be eligible for VFC re-enrollment in 2017.

Please email,, or call the VFC Contact Center if you have any questions.

 (410) 274-6240               (410) 299-5647               (410) 404-4128     Baltimore                                Frederick                         All other counties      Baltimore City                       Montgomery                                                          Harford                                   Prince George's
Maryland VFC Program

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Maryland VFC Program | 201 West Preston Street | Rm 318 | Baltimore | MD | 21201