News from Jude Bijou and Attitude Reconstruction™ More Joy, Love, and Peace in 2014

++++++++++++++++++ Visit the websiteand take the free survey to identify what's standing between you and more joy, love, and peace.
Jude Bijou MA MFT is a respected psychotherapist, professional educator, and workshop leader. Her multi award- winning book is a practical and spiritual handbook to help you create the life you desire.
Attitude Reconstruction
Warm words about the book
I haven't finished Attitude Reconstruction, but that's only because I keep going back and re-reading information I'm trying to learn. Fantastic book. If anyone wants to learn how to improve themselves in all areas of social skills, this is the book. Easy reading, with great examples that anyone can relate to. If you have a heart, mind and a body and want to know yourself better, Attitude Reconstruction is the way.
Check out the NEW content on the Attitude Reconstruction Website
Winter Communication Class
Mark your calendar
March 21, 2015 Saturday
9:30 - 4:30pm
Santa Barbara, CA
Holiday Greetings!
Well we've made it through the year, hopefully not too much the worse for ware, though I know it's been a tough slog for many. On the brighter side, Mother Nature sent us an early gift here in southern California of over two inches of rain. Don't laugh. It's a big deal for us! Hopefully more is on the way.
As you can tell by the above photo, we're all bright and shiny here in Santa Barbara, thanks to the local holiday parade, with Fiesta thrown in for good measure.
I've been doing a slew of radio interviews about ways to have a saner holiday. If you're interested, here's a link to one of the interviews -- with Cathi Curen of Holistic Children Radio. The upshot is to keep your eyes on the true meaning of the holidays -- feeling and creating joy, love, and peace -- and reminding yourself often of that goal.
And, this just in, Elephant Journal picked up my article "4 Ways Listening Improves Teamwork." I encourage you to go check out this informative website and read all about it.
This month I thought I'd address the topic of depression, as it's sort of synonymous with the holidays. It's real. It's nothing to be ashamed of. And there are things you can do to help yourself.

Holiday Gift from Attitude Reconstruction
I'm offering you a free gift to brighten the season -- a free download of my mini book, 33 Bad Attitudes and What To Do With Them. This offer is good until December 31, 2014. This ebook covers practical ways to tackle 11 most common destructive attitudes associated with sadness, anger, and fear -- 33 in total. All you have to do is click on this link, register with Smashwords if you're not already, and plug in code KV75V.
Depression is a popular diagnosis characterized by "a loss of pleasure and interest in life... accompanied by a sense of pressure, hollowness or emptiness, and low self-esteem." ** We all can feel down sometimes. But when it becomes our dominant attitude, it can feel hard to overcome. Currently the way the medical model deals with depression is by trying a wide variety of drugs -- drugs that can be of benefit to relieve some of the symptoms, but not address the underlying imbalances. As I was cruising through my recent newsletters from the Ayurvedic Institute, I came across a fascinating and illuminating article that shed light on how Ayurveda, the science of life, viewed this debilitating attitude. As some of you might know, Attitude Reconstruction is built on the idea that we have 3 pairs of emotions and that these emotions are at the root of everything we think, feel, speak and act. These three pairs of emotions correlate with the Ayurvedic principle that everything is a play of three forces, Kapha (sadness), Pitta (anger), and Vata (fear). So I thought it would be interesting to share with you the three kinds of depression according to Ayurveda, as well as the prescription it offers to free oneself of depression. I hope you find it as insightful as I do. ____ ** The information presented here is found in Volume XXV, Number 4 of Ayurveda Today, published by the Ayurvedic Institute of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and its founder Dr. Vasant Lad. I consider Dr. Lad to be the leading exponent of Ayurvedic Medicine in the western world. This volume includes much more information and recommendations for dealing with depression.
The Three Types of Depression
 Pitta depression is characterized by anger, that is taken out on other people as well as on oneself. If you scored yourself highest on the Attitude Reconstruction survey you might recognize these qualities in yourself when you feel depressed. The third kind of depression, Vata, is characterized by fear, anxiety, and restlessness, and mood swings. If fear is your most dominant emotion, you might be familiar with some of these symptoms. |

Ayurvedic and Attitude Reconstruction Recommendations to Deal with Depression
According to Dr. Lad and an Ayurvedic approach, the prognosis for depression is good. He recommends psychotherapy to help change lifestyle habits and offer support. Dr. Lad offers "7 Practical Steps to Unfold Inner Healing." (The information in parentheses I added.)
1. Get up early and watch the morning sun. (The dominance of pink, orange, and golden colored rays increase feelings of happiness, joy, and creativity.)
2. Cultivate good friendships (and enjoy a social life).
3. Talk about your emotions (with a trusted friend or therapist).*
4. Don't stay alone all the time. (Being alone increases sadness and feelings of loneliness.)
5. Love yourself.**
6. Regular yoga, pranayama (regulated breathing), and meditation.
7. Eat fresh foods and avoid negative behaviors that can promote depression. (This means avoiding smoking, alcohol, drugs, staying up late at night, fasting, and frequent sexual activities.) _____
* In terms of #3, "talk about your emotions," Attitude Reconstruction would advocate expressing your emotions physically and constructively, that is cry, stomp or pound, and shiver, while not indulging negative thoughts about yourself, other people and your situation, and time -- the future, past, and present. You need to revisit the specific events that derailed you, the disappointments, the resentments, the losses, hurts, and violations and express the emotions that you felt at the time but didn't express.
** For #5, "Love yourself," Attitude Reconstruction would suggest you pinpoint your destructive thoughts and find contradictions that are true, such as "I love myself," "I like myself," "I'm doing better than I think I am," "I am alone and I am connected,"Be here now," "We can't know the future," "This feeling will pass," "I can take positive little steps." "I can do it." .... (Choose the ones that resonate and repeat them often.)
Come join me for 5 days of Attitude Reconstruction at the Hollyhock Learning Center in beautiful Cortes Island, British Columbia, August 9 - 14, 2015.
 The setting is pristine, the food divine, the community welcoming, and the vibe relaxing. There's time for kayaking, hiking, massage, hot tubs, conversations, and meditation.
In a non-confrontational setting, address your issues of sadness, anger, and fear and become your best self. Discover and play with how to use your five innate tools--emotions, thoughts, intuition, speech, and action--to replace destructive thinking and behaviors with constructive attitudes that increase joy, love, and peace.
Reasonably priced. Treat yourself to a great summer. 10% off accommodations if you register by December 19, 2014
Hey Jude,
What if I've tried everything but still often feel like life isn't worth living?
If you've genuinely made an effort to try these suggestions and continue to feel stuck, hopeless, and helpless, I recommend you reach out to someone trustworthy and seek professional assistance. It may be that medication is required to jump start you into feeling engaged with life. Be sure to do your research and find a good health-care professional who you can talk honestly with and who understands your particular situation.
If you have any feedback, suggestions, or comments, I'd love to hear. Write me at: jude@AttitudeReconstruction.comI'm wishing you and your loved ones a very happy holiday. Cheers,