FF 2013
Chesterbrook Chinese
Fun Fair

Saturday, March 16th

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Sorry we didn't get the Fun Fair User Guide attached properly earlier -- it's there now, filled with lots of useful tidbits for new
families and "old"! (see below in blue)

The Fun Fair Committee is very excited about next week's Chinese Fun Fair! In order to have a successful event we still need some help from you!


There are nearly 60 volunteer slots still open that need to be filled in order to run our games and moon bounces. If we don't have enough volunteers to run the games we will have to shut some of them down. Pair up with a friend or spouse and take turns to help out. Two hours goes by quickly and it's all for a great cause, your child's school! Click to volunteer now on our Sign Up Genius: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0B45AFAC2EAB9-chinese.


We are also in need of about 50 Student Volunteers for 7th grade and up. The 6th grade slots have been filled. Click here to volunteer for a student shift.

We have extended the deadline to donate to the Class Basket Raffle!
Click here for a list of Basket donations for your grade. Please send in your items or gift cards by Monday, March 11th so the Basket Team can assemble them. Several baskets have only 2-3 items in them! Questions? Contact Robin Birchfield or Theresa Valencic.


Don't forget to bake or buy your yummy treat for our Bake Sale. Please drop it off Friday, March 15th during the hours of 8:15 am - 5 pm in room 119. Click here to see a listing with your grade's suggested donation.  Please package and label them in clear bags. If you prefer not to bake, we are collecting Starbucks and Star Nut gift cards in the PTA box in the office to use to purchase the coffee we sell. Questions contact Alex Irons or Amanda Atkins.

Tickets and Wristbands were sent home in yesterday's Thursday Folders in a letter-sized envelope. Please check to be sure you received your pre-order. If you did not, please contact Ann-Marie Turnage.


New to school or new to the Fun Fair? Click here for a User Guide of all things Fun Fair. We don't expect everyone to participate in every area of this event, but ask for some kind of participation from all Chesterbrook families. Please decide how you will help and how your family will involved.

Best of all come out and support your school at one of our best fundraisers of the year! You need to show up next Saturday to buy a raffle ticket or two at our mystery raffle, so bring the family and have some fun! Thanks for your help and generosity in this wonderful event that benefits our whole school.

Trisha Downey and Kim Johnson

Watch out for more information on Facebook! Facebook (and let us know if you'd like to help develop our Facebook page in the future)