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BOOK FAIR #3  |  OCTOBER 31, 2016

The Excitement Is Mounting!
We know you can't wait to stop by Summit's Lower School Book Fair before or after your Parent/Teacher Conference!

When you do, make sure to check out your teacher's Wish List and browse the selections made by our speech therapists, science teachers, occupational therapists, and reading specialists. Nobody knows a good book like they do -- unless it's our student critics. Scroll down for another batch of great reviews, and we'll see you at the Book Fair!  

Are you ready for the Book Fair: Did you send in your envelopes? Did you complete the forms? Did you support the "One for Books" program?  Did you enter the raffle? If you need an extra copy of any of our Book Fair materials you can download and print out a copy to complete and return using the links below.BF14BOOKREV1
More Book Reviews:   
For Students by Students

Here's our next installment of what our budding literary critics have to say -- you never know when or where you'll find the next good book to read. And when you're done reading our student reviews, scroll down for more information on the Book Fair.


Are you looking for a challenging book to read? Do you usually read books above your age group but you can't find anything new because of all those angsty teen books? Well how about you look back in time for a book, specifically a book from the late 1800s? Bram Stoker's Dracula might be for you! Picking up this classic that is now underappreciated will most likely give you a challenge to read Old English. So maybe keep your phone's dictionary nearby when reading. But don't worry, reading this book really pays off! Your vocabulary will be expanded and you will also get a great taste of history as well. This book contains amazing descriptions of the world you will become immersed in. You will probably want to read it a second time, and the more you reread it, the more information you grasp. Even if you don't like vampire books, you may change your mind after reading this. I certainly did. So why not try a book that's almost 120 years old!



If you love dogs, then this is the book for you. Where the Red Fern Grows, written by Wilson Rawls, involves a boy and his two dogs. I would recommend this book not just to dog lovers but to book readers all around. This book is the saddest book I have ever read, and if you don't cry you will come very close. It really shows the bond between a boy and his dogs. If you like dogs and good books, you will like this one.


I recommend you read Inside Out and Back Again. It's about a Vietnamese girl who moves to the United States of America during the Vietnam War. This book is highly recommended for girls interested in history. I really appreciated the Vietnamese culture after I read the book. It's a great book.

What will you and your child find at the Book Fair?
  • Hosted by Main Street Books, one of NYC's most popular independent school providers
  • A perfect time to do some holiday shopping
  • Wide variety of books and book-related items
  • Personal shoppers (PA volunteers) who will assist our children when classes attend the Book Fair
  • Teachers/specialists wish lists
  • Credit cards, cash, and checks* accepted
  • Support our One for Books appeal -- Buy a Star
  • Buy raffle tickets to win a $150 Barnes & Noble Gift Card 
  • Summit students book reviews featured in eBlastsBF14HOWTO 
#1 | Make Things Easier for Your Child by Setting Up A Student Purchase Account [Return Envelope Provided]
Simply complete the account form for purchases and provide either credit card information, a check, or cash. *Make check payable to: Summit Parents' Association. 
For cash and checks, we recommend including $30 to $50, and for credit cards, just indicate the desired amount and sign the authorization. All Book Fair purchases at the school are subject to normal state and local sales taxes.
Mark your child's name and class on the outside of the envelope and return by Monday, October 31.
Every student will visit the Book Fair when their class is scheduled to attend. Make sure to let your child know how much they have to spend. Volunteers will be on hand to help them choose books and budget their purchases, but you might want to discuss the matter with them before the Book Fair.
#2 | One for Books: Buy A Star [Return Envelope Provided]
Looking for an easy -- and much appreciated -- way to help get books into the hands of our students and stock our classroom libraries? Please donate $1 (or more) to our "One for Books: Buy A Star" program. Just send in your money and signed stars to school with your child by Monday, October 31. The stars will be displayed in our galaxy during the Book Fair, so your child can look for his or hers and feel proud!
#3 | Buy Raffle Tickets to Win a $150 Barnes & Noble Gift Card [Return Envelope Provided] 
You need to be in it to win! Buy one raffle ticket for $3. Buy four raffle tickets for $10. Or, print as many tickets as you want to buy. All proceeds will be used to buy resource books for classroom or specialist room libraries. Cash only.

#4 | We're Calling Them Wish Lists --

But every classroom "needs" great books and games! During the Book Fair, you or your child will have the opportunity to purchase items specifically chosen by their teachers for their classrooms. This is a great opportunity to help expand classroom resources used every day.
#5 | Done Talking With Your Kid's Teachers? Visit the Book Fair After Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Or stop by beforehand to browse and shop. Surprise your child with a book you choose, buy something for yourself, or make sure a teacher's or specialist's Wish List is fulfilled! Book Fair Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 

The Lower School Book Fair is sponsored by The Summit School Parents' Association every year.
Book Fair Coordinators:  
Nicky Ellis,
and Robin Unterberg,
Special thanks to Anne Jennis, reading teacher, for coordinating this year's literary reviews by our students.

Photos: student selfies. 



Summit eBlast is usually published the third Friday of every month during the 2016-17 school year. Special editions will be distributed as needed.

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