First Priority's Tee Time Golf Tournament is quickly approaching; it is now just over a month away. We hope you are making plans to attend. Students need your leadership and support.
The newest studies show that what a student believes at age 13 is what they will die believing unless they have a major life experience. We want to reach these students in the most critical time of their life and we need your help. Please
support First Priority through your sponsorship and participation in our golf tournament.
Come out and join us on Monday, Oct. 26, 2015, and enjoy an afternoon flight complete with lunch, snacks, drinks and dinner. Registration will begin that day at 11 a.m. and tee off will be at noon. Winning teams will receive valuable gift certificates and prizes. You will also have the opportunity to bid on valuable sports memorabilia. There will be plenty of giveaways and door prizes for everyone; no one will leave empty-handed!
You should have received our Tee Time Golf Brochure in the mail. Please tear off the attachment and mail it to us with your team sponsorship information. You can also register online by clicking here. We hope you will reserve your team's spot today and help make a difference in the lives of our students. If you aren't able to participate in this year's golf tournament but would still like to support First Priority, you can do so by clicking here. We truly appreciate your support! We look forward to hearing from you!